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daniel lindegren

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About daniel lindegren

  • Birthday 05/11/1985

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  1. My style of trading doesn't use hard stops. If hard stops is your style, you can build them into your own hotkey scripts 🙂
  2. Update: I did end up switching to VMware Fusion. It has better performance and better support for multiple monitors.
  3. Ogon, take a look at my method as well:
  4. I'll be there. Culinary Dropout sounds good to me.
  5. No one has mentioned VirtualBox. When I'm mobile and trading on my MacBook Pro, VirtualBox and Windows 7 work flawlessly.
  6. That's a lot of information to enter before each trade.
  7. In your circumstance, the only thing to do would be to lower your position size.
  8. Start at the beginning of this thread, and read all of the replies. It will answer your last two questions.
  9. I use it every day - I couldn't imagine trading without it. You hear people say "it's hard to manage your risk with the more expensive stocks". With this method, it's not hard at all, since it's all already planned out for you on the keyboard. Only thing I've changed is, on A+ setups I'll take a bigger size. So if my stop loss is .30 away, I'll hit the .15 key, doubling my normal position. Let me know if you have any other questions/concerns.
  10. 5x 27" 2560x1440 I have 6, and did the 3 on top of 3, but I didn't like how much I had to move my head to look at all of my charts. I also didn't like the way my charts fit with landscape monitors. The 5x in portrait ended up being perfect. ASUS PB278Q 27" WQHD 2560x1440 IPS DisplayPort HDMI DVI Eye Care Monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009C3M7H0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_uaq0Cb6W8R9ST
  11. Here is the AI file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Kfqo_c-syuwD62qCIW2FhTtifTFJELp Order #: 1261842
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