Skip this post if you don't have a StreamDeck and / or aren't comfortable doing custom macros in your SD config.
Advanced Uses:
If you're adventurous and own a StreamDeck, you can do the swap automatically (so place once and then return to your default). In this example, I have the following DAS Config:
Default Line: ALT+D (this is: HorizontalLine, DotLine, Black, 1px)
Green Line: ALT+G (this is: HorizontalLine, DotLine, Green, 2px)
Horizontal Line Tool: CTRL+ALT+L
Using a StreamDeck extension "SuperMacro" (by BarRaider), I setup a "Super Macro" (type) hotkey in Stream Deck with this script in the Short-Press Macro box:
Now, when I'm on the chart, I hover my mouse pointer over where I want to place a special line (like Moving Averages on the Daily Chart), I can simply hit my GREEN-LINE Button and it'll:
Trigger the Line Tool --> { {CTRL}}{ALT}{L} }
Set Line Config to Green --> { {ALT}{G} }
Send the Left Mouse Button --> { {LBUTTON} }
Set Line Config back to my Default Line { {ALT}{D} }
Thus, it's a one key operation to place the special color line.