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  1. 1 point
    Quick Update: CMEG, after an agonizing customer service experience, eventually compensated the loss I sustained due to their TIF bug. I won't go into too much detail because it required me to involve DAS leadership (via LinkedIn). That said, the TIF is still broken. Yesterday I was unable to close two long positions after hours using the DAY+ TIF (rendering my hotkeys useless). Only after switching to DAY was I able to close the positions (despite it being AH). Most frightening: NOT EVEN "PANIC" WORKED! CMEG claims "[the bug] is currently being looked into and an update will be provided as soon as one becomes available." Otherwise: - I've asked CMEG to INFORM ALL THEIR CLIENTS of the TIF bug (but that doesn't seem a likely possibility). - While CMEG doesn't seem to view this bug as a serious issue, it very much is in the context of DAS as a paid platform. Hotkeys/order scripting are what make it so powerful for active traders (especially scalpers). But because TIF is a component of any ticket-generating script, when it doesn't work, neither does the script (hotkey). So what am I and others paying for? That's it for now...believe it or not, this post is only a (very, very) abridged account of my recent experiences with CMEG. My hope is that anyone who in the future considers trading with CMEG as their broker be aware of these limitations. Because they can't be found in any documentation. But they're here now.
  2. 1 point
    Hi there Hope your swing trading is working for you. Some food for thought: To a large extent the principles of day trading, swing trading and investment trading are the same, ie identification of trend, trend strength, momentum, cycle. time frame - fractals; correlation of market, sector and industry activity with the trading vehicle (stocks, ETFs, indices, forex), etc. End of the day you must have a swing trading plan which will identify your objective, trading vehicles based on fundamental and or technical analysis, strategy, entry and exits, risk management, etc. Getting handle on specifics takes time and is best done under a mentor. You might want to check this webcasts by TD Ameritrade to head in a good direction: TD Ameritrade Webcasts (thinkorswim.com The webcasts helped me a lot when I started out few years ago.
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