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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Matt, welcome to BBT! I certainly hope you find value here. When in the chatroom and the forums, don't ever hesitate to ask questions and get support. Everyone is great about helping out. We've all started with no knowledge and want to give back to help other. See you in the chatroom.
  2. 1 point
    @JasonH I think you're missing the fact that when you buy 100 shares you wont get it all in one lump. You will get 40 in one transaction, 50 in another, and the final 10 in a third. You will pay $1 on each of those transactions... Here is a small trade I took on TWTR last week in tiered. And what the actual pricing would be in fixed. As you can see Tiered is $5.06 and Fixed is $8.14.
  3. 1 point
    Hi! Im opening my first trading account in CMEG. When I told them about the BBT promocode they mention something about the routing and I would need some help to understand it; "The commission structure would be $3.95 per ticket for trades of less than 1000 shares ; $0.007 per share for trades more than 1000 shares and when using the LAMPOST route it is $0.004 per share (minimum $0.50) and the ECN fee is $0.0025 per share. Please note that for BearBull Traders clients to take advantage of this offering they would need to apply their group promo code, as well as use the SMART/LAMPOST route. This offer is not available without the use of the group promo code and it is only available for the SMART/LAMPOST route." They also mention a minimum of 1000 shares per trade to apply the discount, is it OK? As a new trader I am not planning to trade as many shares per trade. Many thanks for your help. Regards
  4. 1 point
    This is what is offered to BBT according to this post. If they are changing any of this please let us know.
  5. 1 point
    Pablo, I am using CMEG with the BBT discount and here is an example of less than 1000 shares that I traded last Thursday on EBAY. If you look at the bottom trade that's where I shorted EBAY with 50 shares.
  6. 1 point
    1) Would really like Brian for a Swing trading webinar/workshop, on how he selects his swing trading watchlist, what criteria he bases his watchlist on. Every time he shares a weekly recap, he does mention stocks he is keeping as watch on. Would be really helpful if such a webinar can be arranged. 2) Day Trading Options by Nas, the first part was a really good into, Another follow up with strategies and specifically which cheap OTM options to trade would be really good too
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