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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi Everyone! I am an Optometrist in Canada but I've always had a secret interest in trading I just didn't know how to start. My husband actually bought the book off of amazon a few weeks ago for himself but once I got my hands on it I couldn't put it down. I joined BBT a few weeks ago and have been watching the classes and morning chatroom. What a great community. I just started in the DAS simulator -- Right now I'm working on customizing hotkeys and layout and focusing on 1 strategy at a time. If there are any other new traders practicing in the simulator that want to connect, I would love to get a small group together to throw around ideas/tips. Please reach out to me! Look forward to getting to know a lot of you here. Lauren
  2. 1 point
    THANK YOU , I think you right , that is my conclusion to
  3. 1 point
    You know I love you Brendon... But I couldn't disagree more in respect to Bootcamp and it's stability. There is zero difference between running Windows on your mac laptop and running it on a Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc.. Macs have the same components that any "Windows" PC has. Intel chip, Nvidia/AMD graphics, some other brand's ram, Samsung's SSD. Apple provides the drivers for these components to interface with the Windows OS, the exact same way as Dell or any other company do. You simply need the Windows Support Software (the drivers) on a USB key (link). Once Bootcamp is installed insert the USB key, install the drivers and everything will start working properly. Wifi, trackpad, bluetooth, sound, etc.
  4. 1 point
    Good points Brendon. I was debating getting a new setup already so maybe that will be the best option.
  5. 1 point
    Welcome Clayton, glad to meet you, this reminds of of the time Hurricane Sandy took our my old Nissan Z and an insurance adjuster had to value her! Glad you became a LifeTime!
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    You charts are readable, I can click on them and they get bigger
  8. 1 point
    Aloha everyone! I'm Wayne, a new equities trader. I found BBT from YouTube and after some digging decided to take the plunge. My goal is to become a Consistently Profitable Trader and join the ranks of the elite performing traders. Happy to be here!
  9. 1 point
    Hi all, I am Retnuh (Stephen Hunter = retnuH), A few years ago I wanted to trade stocks so I found someone selling training online and after spending one day reviewing some stuff, I could see it was complete trash and I was LOST. I gave up on the dream to trade stocks. Fast forward now and I see everything crashing in the stock market and I think once again I need to try learning about it. I go back to that one online course and again it is 100% TRASH. I searched on Amazon and came across Andrew's two books. I purchased two of them and the moment the "How To Day Trade For A Living" came in, I haven't stopped to put it down. I am almost done with it and WOW.... This was EVERYTHING I was looking for. All my questions were being answered. Just based off how much I have learned and am not confused any more, I picked up the Lifetime Membership as well as 3 months of the DAS Simulator. I plan on finishing this book in the next two days and then going through all the Learning Classes in the Members Area. This was a HUGE commitment to purchase the Lifetime Membership, but I am commited and will not fail at this. I want to be able to enjoy this for a living and make it a business. I have faced a mountain like this once before when I took on learning how to be a software developer without formal education. I was able to scale that mountain and now work for a Software Company and have a few Mobile Apps out on the App Store. I can honestly see myself 3 years from now (I'm 46) being a full time day trader as a business and then I pick up contract work as a software developer. That is my new dream...
  10. 1 point
    Hi everyone, great to be here. I'm new to trading like many of you, and just started investing (far too late in life) early February just before everything tanked and lost almost half of everything overnight, lol. I pretty much laughed it off because I joined the motley fool around the same time and was planning for long term investing anyway. Not to mention, I didn't have much to lose anyway. Just a couple of thousand that I had planned to add 1,000 to each month. Reading their forums I came across someone who said all he was trying to do was increase his account by 1.3% a day, compounding it over time. That comment and YouTube video recommendation led me to another guy who focused on buying stocks for their dividends and some swing trading as a way to build wealth, but it requires you to keep buying stocks. Unfortunately, with everything being shut down now, my income (I drive tow truck), like many others, has tanked to about 50% of what it was, so no new stock purchases for the foreseeable future. So I did some more searching about swing trading and ran across Andrew's day trading book, which I'm finishing up currently. My account on robinhood is now in the positive, thanks to picking some stocks recommended at the MF, and I have actually sold most of it off Thursday and Friday so I can put it aside for day trading. My plan is to learn on the simulator and eventually move that money to a live account. I figured that I really have no idea how long my income will be cut so I may as well spend my time and that small chunk of money trying to grow it as best I can in the mornings before work. With any luck I can go full time in a year or so. Anyway, great to be here and I hope that some day I'll be able to contribute competently to repay what I'm learning now. Edit: sorry for the book, didn't realize I wrote so much.
  11. 0 points
    Hi everyone, I am new member here and I would really appreciate your help please!Probably something simple but very complicated when you don*t know it. I*m in trying to move these three columns from below the Time to Market and seems impossible.I can extend them bigger,smaller but cannot move them.I have watched the on boarding videos but still ... This is how it looks now... Thank you very much for your help. Val
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