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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    3-18-20 AIS 1325, 6 hours, 7/10 Notes: Last night was the last night for Tabby and Is work until COVID-19 is no longer a national threat. We are lucky enough that we are both management and will continue to get paid a good portion of our wages (never the less this will be a big hit for us). Tabby being the GM for her company has had to call many people to let them know they were all being laid off with a two week severance. So to say the least we are pretty much exhausted as this is not an easy thing to do. PAT: Over-trading. PB#3 Live only. CCL PB#3 PB#7 This setup presented itself as soon as I got on and therefor I was unable to give it the attention before I took the trade so I went in with 1/2 position. Took profit at 1R and 3R then added the unrealized profit for a BE stop. +1.4R SDS PB#3 My way of shorting the SPY. Took it at the 9ema on the 2min and with confirmation I added on. Took 50% off and tried to add on againg but it took me out at BE. +0.6R Cons: Jumped the gun on the first trade as I did not have enough info, but I did take a very small size Pros: took the trades when they presented themselves Rs: +1.8R
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    With a market halt possible at the open this AM, I decided to go back down to $10 risk instead of $20. Today was a bit of a grind compared to the past couple days. I was still able to get to +4.6R. So I am on a green streak of 4 days, and target of 3R for 3 days. Last night I also signed up for Chartlog trial, I was already using the free service. Once I put in strategies, and started labeling all of my past trades. It became very clear that "No Strategy" has been my biggest problem so far. I was constantly entering chop looking for breakdown/ups or reversals back up to vwap. I really think I'm going to buy the year service, it makes reviewing strategies so simple, it should be a great tool moving forward. 3 Stabs at AAPL today, 1MInOrb, then ABCD, then ABCD 5min. all three tries one partial and stopped out at BE. JD ran up and was extended from VWAP and MAs on 5 min. I started looking for a pullback. It formed a 1 min doji just above PMH and whole number. when it broke the doji bottom and whole number I shorted to ride the pullback. I thought about flipping position once it started making the ABCD at VWAP, but figured I would just stay in the trade and let the last little bit ride it out to BE. The ABCD did end up following through, but I'm ok missing out on it. CCL, thought we were getting reverse back to VWAP. Second try I caught one partial ROKU, I entered this move too soon, sometimes I am afraid I'm going to miss the move, this was one of those times that my FOMO was stronger than my patience. Fortunately, it never broke back above VWAP, I even added when it started moving up. This ended up being a classic Peter Lighning Bolt Down. BA1 thought we were getting a VWAP bounce, went long when it cleared the MAs on one minute. It failed. Later went back to BA, I watched it closely for a good time before entering. L2 convinced me this thing had a good chance to run down. Best R trade of the day for me. It was nice to know I can have a BE open, then find profitable trades after to get to my goal. Before I would be hopping in and out of trades without analyzing them enough. I really owe Aiman. Norm, Peter, Mike B and Thor a big thanks for always being happy to answer questions when it's their mic time in chat. Their knowledge has really helped me get past my early struggles. I know the struggles aren't anywhere near over, but I feel like I'm headed in the right direction now.
  4. 2 points
    Wednesday 03/18/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade with AMD. My watchlist: AMD, BA, TSLA, AAPL, CCL, and ROKU. I like AMD in the PM again. The price was really respecting the 39.90 level. The price dropped and bounced off the 20MA-1min. There was a sizeable ask on L2 at the 39.90 level so I went long with the same target as yesterday (41.09) with a stop using the 50MA-1min. A little scary heading into the open and I was almost stopped out. I took a partial at the 39.90 level and then the price dropped and touched my stop at B/E. ONLY VERY recently I have been lucky enough not to be stopped out at this point and wasn’t today either. I remember writing in my journal over and over, every week, the big run of the week I would take a partial and the price would drop back down just enough to stop me out at B/E and then go for a 10R run or something. Lately it hasn’t happen as much and sometimes I am along for the run. The price almost reached my target, then exited when the price made two new lows and lost the 9MA. What did I do good today? I had to keep a sharp eye on the bid to make sure I got a good fill. What I am grateful from today? Not getting stopped out at B/E.
  5. 2 points
    Day 48 - Mar 16, 2020 6 Tickets 2 Symbols Green Day Watchlist: NCLH - Long - 1min - VWAP Bounce and Reject (Sector Strength) Initially had short bias looking for a double top, however sector caught some strength and potential bounce as SPY was pushing up. NCLH rejected off pre market high then came back into VWAP - rook ir long as a VWAP trend trade as soon as I saw RCL and CCL pop - expecting it to follow. Tight stop with target up at pre market highs levels. Went in my favor right away and took partial off on spike up (too early) and another partial into previous day close - planned, leaving 1/3 on for 11.55 previous support . Looked like it rejected off that previous day high and made a lower high - panic sold - no reason. Good: Took what the market gave me, didn’t keep my bias. Improvement: Need to let my winners ride, this is one of my main problems. Take my partial at 1 - 1.5R , take partial at T1 and then let the rest ride until reason to exit. BA - Short - 1min - VWAP Break and Go Continuation of bad news for BA, short biased waiting for a potential entry with SPY sell off as confirmation. Broke down off the open, came up and couldn’t hold VWAP. Missed the entry and noticed it on the 3rd time it touched 137.5 - potential descending triangle. Looking for short but didn’t like SPY strength. Broke through and then came back down to VWAP, bounced over, then broke and held under - took a short as it confirmed breakdown of VWAP and broke down (poor execution - didn’t fight for price). From there was just chopping up and down - didn’t like it so covered for breakeven. Good: Didn’t like action so just took it off Improvement: Was choppy, 5 min wicks could have been a sign to stay out. Todays Review Once again cutting my winners short, panicked and sold my final partial as it started to come back to my entry point - should have held. NO REASON TO EXIT = DO NOT EXIT. This is one of the main parts of my trading that is holding back my P/L curve. What I did well: Followed game plan. Good entries, with confirmation What I did poorly: Trade management and exit strategy. Need to do: Game plan - exit strategies. Mic for recording live video/audio - better review.
  6. 1 point
    Tuesday 03/17/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades with AMD and NCLH. My watchlist: AMD, NCLH, TSLA, MRNA, CCL, and AAL. I like AMD in the PM. The price was really respecting the 200MA-1min and the 50MA-5min. If it broke this level, after the open, with volume I would go long. AMD quickly made a hammer at the open with OK volume (not large volume). Though the volume wasn’t great, I liked the hammer and SPY was on the rise, so I went long when the price broke the levels I spoke of. The target was the 41.09 daily level, with a reasonably large stop at $40. The price immediately popped and I took a partial. Then it hovered for awhile and I took another partial, since I was losing faith. Then the price hovered even longer and I took another partial, since I was really losing faith. Then the price dropped and my auto B/E stop kicked in and sold my remaning shares. I liked the 2min ORB setup on NCLH. First it was creating a mini ABCD with the last PM candle and was creating a small wedge. I didn’t wait for the break of the wedge, because I felt confident with its weakness. My target was PDC, but definitely would partial at the LOPM (11.09). My stop was tight at the high of the previous candle. As soon as I took the trade SPY went bullish and took NCLH with it and I was quickly stopped out. I was watching for about 30 seconds to see if it would setup again, but then my swing trades needed managing so I missed the run down. But that is OK, it is good to know I planned a working trade. What did I do good today? I like both my trades and thought they were executed OK. What I am grateful from today? Flat for the day for day-trading, but did really well on the swing trades that I went long before the close yesterday.
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