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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    2-10-20 AIS 0805, 4 hours, 6/10 PAT: Over-trading, Trade management, Trust my call outs..... ADVM PB#3 on first one and overtrading out of boredom on second, both stopped out..... -2.5R WORK PB#3 .... Did not take proper share size (about half) ..... took partials and adds for a nice trade that could have been managed a bit better..... still have a micro amount left that I will let run for either BE or 28.00 ..... ended up getting stopped at BE .... +3.5R Cons: Overtraded out of boredom..... Trade management could have been better Pros: Happy with first entry on ADVM and WORK PB Trade: WORK Rs: +1R
  2. 1 point
    Started day trading and learned a lot of bad habits counter trending Andrew and all of the other good mods in the room for some reason. Who knows why except in real life I tend to go against the grain so to speak. Anyway, I have spent the last two years undoing them and let me tell you what that is a pain in the butt. Recently Das gave us the replay feature and with journaling/recording trading days I have been able to better identify the good and the bad. Obviously the replay lets us go in and replay the previous day or week but I believe the best part is you can speed it up. For instance, I have been playing the whole previous week of given stocks and I discovered a few things such as time frame entries based on pre-market action, how time and sales slows down and speeds up around breakouts, and lots other things. Most importantly I don't have to spend hours correcting my bad habits because I just speed forward and see how my entries workout. Otherwise back test them quickly and stick them in the journal.
  3. 1 point
    Monday 02/10/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning with AAPL. My watchlist: BHVN, TSLA, LB, HPQ, LLY and AAPL. My watchlist was more based on short share availability than what I liked. By the time of the open I only liked two stocks BHVN and AAPL. Both were forming some PM levels before the open. I actually had BHVN on my main screen at the open since it looked more promising, but AAPL set up first. AAPL dropped at the open below the LOPM and bounced. When the price broke 314.50 ( a PM level) I went long. I was so confident on this one I doubled my share size. My target was 318 with the LOPM as my stop. Due to my high share size my nerves got the better of my and I took way too many partials. The 4th partial was the first one I took under complete intellectual control. So the last 4 partials were fine, but I had a only a few shares left. So maybe taking double shares was not smart. If I took regular size I would have been calmer and taken better partials and would have profited as well if not better. What did I do good today? I planned the trade before the open and executed it. What I am grateful from today? Found a good trade from what I thought looked like a poor watchlist. What I need to improve on? I had the 1.5R partial limit order hot key, but I never thought to use it again. It needs to become a habit again.
  4. 1 point
    Fortunately I don't have much hair on my head but I would have to stop if my beard starts to disappear haha. The biggest mistake I made initially with plant based was watching calorie intake - I continued to use my BMR as base line (1800 calories) and added extra for training days. Slowly I found it harder and harder until a coach I now said I was eating way less than the pro triathletes he trains but I was still training similar hours. So I upped my base line calorie intake to 3000 a day and immediately found improvements. What was most interesting though was I just didn't increase weight at all - my meals are now just much much bigger which is superb Good luck with your trail marathon training - trail running is my favourite Kaine
  5. 1 point
    Check out this video on YouTube: Important Hotkey for Day Traders: EQUALIZED RISK PER TRADE on DAS Trader Pro
  6. 1 point
    Hello Andrew! I'm still on sim, but I've thought about that a lot, my answer might not be as important as other live members opinions, but I'm still willing to give it. I treat sim as close as it's to live as possible, therefore, my daily goal is 200/300$. However, I'm not always sticking to that goal, sometimes it's more than that, like x2 or x3, sometimes it's just half of my daily goal. Let me explain how I treat my daily goal target and what I'm doing after that. First of all, if the day was easy, and I hit my daily goal with a few trades, and I see a lot of opportunities, I won't quit the day, I've a rule I set for myself," If I hit my daily goal, I allow myself for 1 extra trade, if it's a loss, I quit with 260(my max loss per trade is 40$), if I win that extra 1 trade and I see opportunities, I give myself another extra trade, if I get stopped out I quit, if not I continue) and so on. Secondly, if I started red, the market is choppy, and eventually I got out of that red status to green, or close to daily goal, I just quit before hitting my daily goal. I think a lot of people might agree that starting out bad and getting out of a red whole messes up the psycology, and one should be greateful he got out, so just quit the day there. Finally, If the day is choppy, but I'm doing fine, and it's hard to trade, I'd trade until I either hit the goal, or until I start feeling that I'm starting to make stupid trades or broaking the rules and get out with less than the daily goal Hopefully that's helpful! And I'll add more if I remember something!
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