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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    12-26-19 AIS 0810, 7 hours, 6/10 PAT: Setup Quality..... Spread Notes: Work on Trade Management..... Have a Reason2Sell ..... RAD PB#1.1 to PB#3 took a small size took first entry a bit extended but T&S was supper strong and L2 had nice ASKs..... took partials almost up to 18.00 as I figured this would be a mental level (18.10 ended up being a level) then added in for a trend with a 10min ORB with a 1min ABCD confirmation and bouncing off the 9ema... took partials at the 18.00, 18.10 levels and at new HOD..... still have very little left and as of now.... +2.5R DUST Took two scalps on DUST, both were bad entries.... one winner and one looser 0.0R Cons: Was a little late on DUST and took it on FOMO.... Should have taken RAD at full share size as I was confident in the setup Pros: Took RAD when I wanted it and added into it with lots of confirmation Playbook Trade: RAD Notes: Be careful of FOMO, I am lucky to get out of Dust at 0.0R...... Take full size when I am confident.... Rs: +2.5
  2. 1 point
    12-27-19 AIS 0815, 7 hours, 6/10 PAT: FOMO... Spread... Notes: take full size on A+ trades.... remember to stick with my main stocks.... RAD Reason2Trade ..... on Gap scanners ..... at time of trade RVOL was at 1.5 already.... had a plan in place.... PB#2... in the PM I had support levels at 21.35 and 21.85 as a pivot which turned into my support right before the open... it bounced off .85 when I went long for full size.... I took partials at my key levels based on Rs and all out at BE... I think I should have taken another partial at 0935 at around 23.50 as price action was changing but I was being greedy and hoping for another run on the day.... +3.5R Cons: None today Pros: Had a PM Plan and stuck with it.... Playbook Trade: RAD Notes: happy with the trade but need to learn not to be greedy.... Rs: +3.5
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Thursday 12/26/2019 I had a well-being score of 4.5/10 this morning. A splitting headache. No I don’t drink so it’s not the aftermath of all the Christmas cheer. Still recovering from the flu, but mentally OK. I took 2 live trades this morning with RAD. My watchlist: RAD. With my headache I thought either trade SIM or trade live but only look at one stock. RAD is what I liked the most, though I do not have shares for short. My platform worked fine today, my chat did not. Though it is nice hearing Carlos positive energy in the morning, Brian’s calming voice and Norm’s humor and market updates, scilence was golden this morning. Th sound of my typing even hurt my head. I think my 5th refresh finally got the chat to work after I was done trading for the day. RAD still on a tear. I had a couple of levels to work with this morning. The plan was to go long if the price broke 16.94 with another signal (prefferably volume). I watched my recording and I did enter the trade right at the break of 16.94 but got a horrible fill and I am not happy I took the trade without confirmation. The price popped and I took a partial and got stopped out at at B/E with another bad fill. Not happy with my first trade. My second trade was better. I took an 1min ORB on the break of the 17.16 daily level with a moderate L2 signal. My target was $18 with a stop of the 16.94 PM level. Stock didn’t move much until a huge >300K print hit the ask at 9:32. This print was not on L2 so it was one of those hidden prints that may be from an old transaction. But I was curious if it would move like I see with BABA after the huge print. It did. I took partials at 1min highs. Then all out on a bearish L2 signal. What did I do good today? Traded the same stock twice. If the first time doesn’t succeed I usually don’t try again. What I am grateful from today? Traded something besides BABA. What I should improve on: Need to wait for a second signal for confirmation.
  5. 1 point
    Current setup is a 40" 4k screen w/ 1920x1200 24" side monitor. Hockey pucks for stands (I have so many, I use them for everything). It's my engineering setup turned daytrader setup. Also, a picture of desk cat.
  6. 0 points
    Kyle - I have a question regarding this hotkey. I have been using the script for a few months now and it works perfect. The concern I have is when I let the stock go to my stop loss (risk) $20, this is the exact amount I lose. The question is when I get my 2-1, I don't get a true $20 or even $40 reward. Why is this? I have let the stock run sometimes upwards of .40 cents where my risk is say only .12. I still don't get my actual risk to reward.
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