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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Friday 11/22/2019 I had a well-being score of 6/10 this morning. Due to breaking a trading rule yesterday, I am back on SIM. I took 1 SIM trade this morning with BABA. My watchlist: TSLA, BABA, ROKU, JWN, PSTG and FL. BABA had an uneventful PM, but had enough volume (>100k) to be on my main screen at the open. I had no directional bias. I followed my usual procedure. I waited after the opening bell to see how large would be the big print on BABA. I had to be patient this morning. Then 41 seconds after the open a 183k print hit, which is just large enough that it is probably likely BABA will move at the open. The next print arrived 2 seconds later, a 4k buy at the ask but only 3 cents above the big print, so it doesn’t really give much info. So I was going to go with candles and try a 1min ORB if it breaks the 185.78 daily level. It did and I shorted. Since I was going off of only 2 signals (I usually like a minimum of 3) I took a reasonably wide stop to $186, a level which was respected in the PM and my target at PDC. As usual I got the expected bad fill. I didn’t trust myself partialing so I placed a limit order at 1R. It did fill and then the stock went sideways for 2min and the I saw a 7k ask so I sold some more to reduce the risk. I made a hot key mistake and shorted more and quickly covered for a loss. The price dropped a little more and I covered some then the price shot up fast. I don’t trust a stop order at B/E for BABA, the price tends to fly through and you lose all your winnings. There seemed to be a level around 185.55 so I exited when it broke that price. Of course it reversed to the penny of my exit and dropped all the way to my target and beyond. What did I do good today? Waited patiently for the big print on BABA. Didn’t break any rules. What I am grateful from today? I am grateful for a good watchlist today. Usually I can’t find enough stocks that I can short to fill my display. What do I need to improve on: Rule breaking and watch your exit with BABA.
  2. 1 point
    22. Nov.19 Blackday. BE. I was out till afternoon today, came back and took 2 trades. Watchlist: $CGC, $M, $TGT, $T (all continuation plays) $CGC: Took short below the daily level on the bounce. Got out of half position to reduce risk (as I wasn't planning to trade today). But when I got my 2r move, din't take it. $M: Took a 2r trade on $M to HOD based on the L2 Ask. I place my profit target in front of big ask and get out AON. Overall light volume day, nothing much to write about.
  3. 1 point
    21.Nov.19 Green day. +5r. Watchlist: $CGC, $TGT, $M $UBER. $CGC. Gapped up. took couple of trades and closed well. I reduced my risk by closing some positions, when the move didn't happen immediately. $UBER: 3Bar play on the 15min, move didn't last very much (and to an extend I expected, which was 50MA on daily). Still good move. $AMD: Doji on the daily yesterday, and it had gapped down today. Took it short at LOD, on a wedge/bearflag. Good move. Good: Caught the right opportunities and made good trades out of it. Improvement: $CGC open was not clean. Could have played it better, by waiting for confirmation (like engulfing candle) . Overall happy with my trading today.
  4. 1 point
    20.Nov.19 -1r. Today was the day with so much of opportunities, still I din't make use of it. Watchlist: $TGT, $LOW, $KSS, $PDD. $CGC. I liked my watchlist today. Trade1: $TGT. Strong earnings, increased sales in digital channels, gapped up. All reason to be biased for long, I was looking for Fallen angel setup. Got one too, but my kid bothered me so much about something that I had to get out of position. Can't avoid it. Got back in again, after bounce of HOD for TT. Trade2: $LOW. Long after bounce off premarket high, added (not a good add) and got stopped out. Trade 3: $PDD. Sold off 25% at the open, due to bad earnings, China trade news and HK news. Triple catalyst, I was so biased to take short. All I managed was BE trade. It sold off so much that the pullback (profit taking) was 4$ to $35, when it started reversing again. Good: Good premarket plan and mostly good execution. Improvement: should have played $PDD better, could have been my 1 and done day. Overall disappointing day.
  5. 1 point
    19.Nov.19 +1r. Watchlist: $HD, $KHC, $KSS, $MDCO. $HD had mixed earnings, $KSS had poor earnings (was short biased) Trade1: $KSS. 3 trades on KSS today. 2 winners and 2 losers. Trade 2: $MDCO gapped up on rumor acquisition. was looking for rising devil, got stopped out (would have been nice 3bar setup on the downside, although i din't like the lower wick). Next took short at VWAP pullback got out at 50MA on 5min. Good: Didn't overtrade. Got out cutting my losses short. Improvement: Take a backseat, when the price action is choppy. Overall mixed day. Good thing I endedup slight green.
  6. 1 point
    I noticed that some of the fast stocks will blast past my stop orders on my Kyles Keys but my BE key is a market order and seems to work every time..... If you want the code here it is.... CXL ALLSYMB;Route=Stop;Price=AvgCost;StopType=MARKET;STOPPRICE=AvgCost;StopPrice=Round2;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY;Send=Reverse; Not sure what broker your with but with CMEG I had to take the + out of DAY (it used to be DAY+)
  7. 1 point
    18.Nov.19 +9r. Traded $AMRN and $YNDX and hit them both. Watchlist: $AMRN, $YNDX, $KHC, $CGC Trade1: $YNDX. Gapped up. 3Bar play on 5min on a Harmonious chart. Took twice the risk as the setup is A+. 25% off first partial, 50% off on 2nd (just above big ask at $40), 15% on 3rd and 10% on Final (on a 30min low). Trade 2: $YNDX. Took long mid day, on the bounce from HOD. 6r profit target, got stopped out below 50MA. $YNDX was not trading clean after this. Trade3: $AMRN. 30min ORBD on $AMRN. price couldn't break thru PCL. Held longer than usual. Took another entry for 2:1 AON on the pullback. Good: Clean trading today. Held for longer moves and no overtrading. Increased risk on A+ setup. One of my best trading days, as my trading was clean and got 9r. Improvement: Think about adjusting sharesize for 1st partial. Currently it ranges between 25% to 50% for 2r move. Overall, very happy with my trading today. Hoping to have more such days.
  8. 1 point
    November 5, 2019 Today was my 1 year anniversary of trading live and I ended up trading the same stock today that I did a year ago. I had $AMRN and $AMD on my watchlist for the open. $AMRN sold off to quickly and never pulled back towards VWAP. I was really hoping it would as it looked very weak during the first 5 minutes. Instead I ended up trading $AMD on a 15 min ORBO. I got in about two minutes before Andrew and was very happy with the entry. I took a partial too early (about .04 early) at the high of day, as Andrew was partially around that area and just felt like if he is doing it, you need to. Well, that ended up with getting stopped out at break even and of course the stock moved back up to my initial partial area, 2R, and finally to my 3R level. All I could do was laugh at myself, and remind myself you know better, stick to your plan. This weekend I plan on doing a recap for my 1 year of trading and posting it here and in the members forum. Sample Set Results, S P G E E P P P P G G P P P G P 17 18 19 20
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