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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    These are interesting, but I wouldn’t consider it science. Maybe it’s because my personal experience with Keto has been completely different. The BBC program: there are soooooo many other variables than the twins diets that would impact their ability to learn in one morning about charts and day trading, that I take absolutely nothing from this little experiment. Tufts study: the problem here is using the “low carb diet” for one week. The study should have actually looked at the people AFTER they were in ketosis for a while, they probably didn’t even get into ketosis in one week. So I agree with the study in part, because while your brain is switching from glucose to ketones, yeah, it’s a bit foggy. But once it switches and your body “heals” your brain starts firing much quicker. My personal experience with the Keto diet has been great. Besides the weight loss, the best way I was able to describe the change in my brain. Before when asked a question, sometimes I would have to “search” my brain for an answer, kind of like, try to think back and link some things together to remember things. In ketosis, the answer is usually there immediately, no searching was required. example: where did I put my coffee, before ketosis: trace my steps back, think of what I did thirty minutes ago, oh yeah I was in the bathroom, then went to my desk and set my cup down in ketosis: onmy desk, I’m not sure if the other mental steps are completely skipped over, or if they are just blasted through at hyper speed. Either way, the result is the same, quicker answers to the question. My concentration was also boosted, ive heard people talk about the effects of aderol on their concentration level, the way they explain it is how I feel when I’m in ketosis. Basically when I’m in ketosis the “brain fog” feels like it’s just lifted away.
  2. 1 point
    Live trading summary for week ending 3/22/19. From a quality standpoint, this week was OK. I did break a veto rule, but it was marginal (>0.5*ATR) and thus learned a lesson to measure not eyeball. And I mixed and matched setup/execution rules once this week. Another lesson learned. I took a setup with one set of rules but I executed with a different setup rules. Didn’t go well. It is unusual that the stock has two different setups simultaneously, but from now on I need to call it and executed as one particular setup. Though no major mistakes were made, my only two really good trades were on the SIM which I did not include in my evaluation. My trade evaluation by week: Need another solid week and can call it a good month. February was only marginally good and first week of March I had some rule breaks, but I have been better since. Some good lessons learned this week and started adding SIM to my live trades. It is too bad that my 5min ORB results are so bad now. But when I take a SIM 5min ORB I usually get a winner. So I need to keep taking these live until I get those fixed. I am reducing my share size on those.
  3. 1 point
    Week 12 Recap Happy with my progress this week. i'm going back to live trading again so i'm excited to start working on becoming profitable in real trading. I've been struggling with getting in to trades too early the last couple weeks but this week i'm really starting to nail the entries. Goals for next week are to not worry about P&L and just take good trades with great entries. · Weekly stats o 2.0 R/R (Goal: above 2.0) [Previous Week: 1.8] o 48/52 92% (Goal: above 80%) [Previous Week: 93%] o $32.16 (Goal: $250) [Previous Week: -$3.50] o 12/13 92% trades with the trend (Goal: 100%) [Previous Week: 71%] o 1/12 8% Early Entries (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 43%] o 1/12 8% Letting Losers Run (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 0%] o 0/12 0% No Setup (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 14%] · Highlights o Green week this week with 4/5 days green. Going to try going back to real trading. o The rule of trying to enter within 15cents of my stop loss has been a big help this week. o I’m going to keep taking quick partials on ORBs, that seems to be working well. · Ongoing things to work on o Selling needs to be better, even though I’ve improved my accuracy, I’m not taking enough out at my profit targets. Increasing selling to 75% at initial target then 12.5% at next level then the rest on a range order to let run. o Still making hotkey errors! o Revenge trades on stop outs first thing in the morning still needs work. o Got Auto stopped out on a trade this week, need to work on never doing that.
  4. 1 point
    Tonight, added some more hotkeys, and put stickers on the buttons. Even though Andrew stresses in his books that traders need to use hotkeys to be successful, I didn't realize how much of a difference it makes until I started using them.....and its only been one day. I'll never go back to point and mouse click.
  5. 1 point
    Friday 3-22 Only made one plan before the open. I did not wait the 3 minutes like my rule states before trading, I traded on the first candle. Trade 1 Shorted, then added to position, took profits on reversal. Trade 2 Long, took profits, then final at break even Trade 3 Short, could have held for more profits, but decent trade. P&L Trades Hand written journal entries
  6. 1 point
    Friday 3/22/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning. My nerves were on the bad side. I took two trades, both on AMD. AMD was setting up for a reverse to VWAP. Actually so was AAPL, but it reversed too quickly, so I switch my attention on AMD. The checklist I used for this is: 1min candle >1%, well beyond Bollinger band (20SMA 4 sigma) and has a strong tech level to reverse on (which it did at 27.25). I took it after it reversed (always some slippage): Just after I took the trade. I really thought there was a good chance to break VWAP so I only took a partial instead of scalping it at VWAP. It reversed and I exited when it broke the 27.42 tech level (a premarket level and the 200SMA from the 5min chart). AMD then beecame immediately bearish. I was hesitant to flip postions, because I never know if it is correct due to emotions. But then I thought that I just had a winning trade, so I can’t be feeling revenge trading. Then I went short, which ended up simultaneous with Andrew. The moment I took the trade: My checklist: There was a strong first tech level to take a partial on, though my target was the tech level at 26.9. I took a few partials and my final exited more on nerves than anything else. What I did good today: Traded well on a Friday!! Which is usually my worse day of the week. How did I challenge myself today? Took a reverse to VWAP trade. It’s been awhile since I have done that. Did my first “flip” trade since I have been live. What I did bad today: Exited a trade due to nerves. Share sizes were a little light. What can I do better tomorrow/next week: Keep a better eye on SPY. Somedays I am on it, others I am not. Today I was poor at it even though it told a lot today. I have a whole screen dedicated to SPY. I need to always look at it.
  7. 1 point
    Friday March 22nd, 2019 Sleep: 8 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. Only took one trade today, a double bottom in AMD. i missed the downtrend in AMD and MU and i was looking for a reversal around 10 o'clock. i liked AMD because it looked like it might pop on that PPDH level. i waited for a new 5min high and got in a little early and i went full size. it came down to my $10 stop but i gave it a little more room because that's a normal pullback and not a new low. It ended up hitting my target and i sold half then half again when it struggled to make a new 5min high. got out all at my b/e. i think i have enough trades now to see if i should be getting all out on my final partials at new 5min lows. i'm going to look over the trades over the weekend. GOOD: waited for a new 5min high to enter the trade. sold at planned price RFI: need to sell more at my target. 75% at target then 12.5% at the next level then hold the rest. MOOD: good, should have got all out when it stalled over the VWAP. CONSISTENT: yes, i followed my plan. What i did good today: took one good trade. What i did bad today: I could have bailed on my final partial and then reversed the trade to the downside. What can i do better tomorrow: sell more at profit targets, hold lessto b/e.
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