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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I've seen most people calculating shares to trade as a quick estimate. I like to trade a fix risk percentage for risk management and my brain unfortunately struggles to do the calculation in one second! Below is script for buy and sell that you can configure a hot key with to automate the calculations for you. What is important is that you enable 'Double click to trade' in your chart settings (Configure). Double clicking on any area in the chart will save the Price, which is your stop loss price. The script will then calculate the amount of shares required, and open the trade for you in one go. The 125 value in the script is the $ amount you want to risk. Change this as your account grows. Hope it helps, and let me know if there is a bug in the scripts. Buy Price=Ask-Price + 0.01;Share=125 / Price;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Ask+0.10;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send Sell Price=Price-Bid + 0.01;Share=125 / Price;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Bid-0.10;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send
  2. 1 point
    This is a very common question, so here is a breakdown of the Account Report in DAS. To access the report, navigate to menu Tools > Account Report. Please note that the commissions assume SureTrader's rate structure, and may not necessarily match your broker's fees. If you plan on using Interactive Brokers, a good estimate of commissions is to multiply number of shares traded (B below) x $0.005. ====================[TOP]==================== [A] Tickets - A Ticket represents any and all executions that result from one order being entered. Regardless of how many partial executions result from one order being sent, only one ticket is generated. One Ticket = one commission. [b Shares - Number of shares bought/sold and shorted/covered [C] SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission fee calculated as a percentage of the dollar value of the trade. Read more on Investopedia. [D] FINRA - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Trading Activity Fee. Read more. [E] Trade P&L - Gross profit/loss before any commissions or fees. E = L+C+D+G [F] Commission - Based on SureTrader's commissions structure. Unsure of exact calculation used; could be $4.95 per round-trip trade (?) Other users who are with IB say it could be using tiered commission rates, or $1/ticket. [G] ECN - Fee or credit for removing or adding liquidity to the market, respectively. Read more. [H] Net P&L - Net profit/loss after all commissions and fees. H = E-F-C-D-G, or H = L-F ====================[TOTALS]==================== Total Trades - Total tickets, equal to A above [J] Bought Shares - Total shares bought/covered [K] Sold Shares - Total shares sold/shorted [L] Day-trade P&L - Profit/Loss before commissions, but including ECN, SEC, FINRA. L = E-C-D-G [M] Total ECN - Equal to G above [N] Total SEC - Equal to C above [O] Total FINRA - Equal to D above In Summary, the value in H is your take home pay/loss at the end of each trading day.
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