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Hi Everyone, 

My name is Hung-Wei, and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a developmental biologist and have been doing research for 20 years. I started trading seriously in 2021 during the pandemic and faced the uncertainty of my academic career. I did experience the rise of the bull market in 2021 and suffered the down of 2022. But as said, " it is the best time to learn more about the market." I am looking forward to knowing more about this trade. 



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Hello Everyone,

My name is PJ and I'm from New York, USA (lower NY area) and I've decided to jump on board once again with Bear Bull Traders. I was a member briefly in the summer time and I have learned a whole lot about trading then. The information is extremely valuable. I decided to come back after realizing all the new content BBT continues to add. I didn't want to miss out on it. I'm still a novice and a fairly new trader (began live trading in April '22). I'm very happy with the success I've had so far. I see the extreme value in being a member in a community such as BBT as well. 

I have fallen in love with the process of trading and that's how I base success in this craft. The money comes with the levels of achievements. I have come to accept this is a craft that is highly psychological and based on probabilities. I have so far constructed my trade book and I continue to do sample sets and back testing different strategies. I'm big on the simulator. I spend way more time in the simulator than trading real money. 

I'm looking to connect with responsible and disciplined day traders. If you're looking to expand your network of traders, don't hesitate to add me to the list. 


PJ Garcia

Edited by PJ Garcia

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Hello Everyone,

my name is Yuriy, I am from Kyiv, Ukraine but now I am living in Barcelona, Spain  with my family. Last 15 year I was doing business related to agro sector but now I am studying absolutely new but very interesting for me direction - stock trading. Reading books and watching videos helps me to understand the basics but I am here to go deep into day trading.

I hope to find here advices and support that will help me to grow and let me be helpful for someone else in the future.


Best regards,


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Hi all,

I have been a Controls and Automation engineer for two decades, but looking towards new career horizons. I'm new to this type of investing/trading but I was always interested in this field - so here I am to learn and do it.  Hope to connect and learn from you all!


Rhode Island

Edited by candradei

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Hi All,

My name is Rob Christie, I'm 47 years old and from Montgomery County, MD. I've been investing since I was 20, swing trading for the last 5 years, and day trading for 1 year. I read a few of Andrew's books about day trading, which led me to watch Carlos and Norm's show on YouTube, which led me to purchase an Elite membership (best deal). I work in Finance, I can't really say much more about that publicly (offline is fine, nothing interesting). I've been at this job for 15 years and time is short. We were purchased by a Hedge Fund that is looking to flip us in 5 years. Being in Finance, I know that my division will be sold or shuttered between 12.31.2023 through 1-31-2024, I've always loved the Stock Market, and I love the stories that are told within the candles, individually and in groups.  For once in my life, I am going to try and do what I love, for a living. Trade for a living, it's very scary and exciting, I'm going to put in the money and the work to be one of the very few people that succeed. Andrew in his book says something like "do not day trade alone" and basically that "trading is now a team sport''. I love that and look forward to working with you all. I've got a long way to go with limited time. I really hope I can be a productive team member of and for this community. 




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Hi everyone,

My name is Mohand Hassan I am 20 years old living in Collegestation TX, currently studying at Texas A&M University. I have been trading options for 3 years and I am exited to be a part of the BBT family.

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I am Filip from Belgium. I am trading stocks for about a year now. I am exited to be part of the community and look forward working with all of you. 
For any Belgium traders out there, feel free to leave a message, it would be great to get in touch.

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Good Day BBT Community,

I'm Craig, I'm from Wales, UK but I am now living in Perth, Western Australia. I have always been fascinated by day trading. I am brand new to this industry so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Currently reading Andrew's 'How to Day Trade for a Living' and loving the way he covers all the basics/essentials. 

If there are any Aussies in the group, feel free to reach out. But that also goes for other traders.

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7 hours ago, PCraigW said:

Good Day BBT Community,

I'm Craig, I'm from Wales, UK but I am now living in Perth, Western Australia. I have always been fascinated by day trading. I am brand new to this industry so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Currently reading Andrew's 'How to Day Trade for a Living' and loving the way he covers all the basics/essentials. 

If there are any Aussies in the group, feel free to reach out. But that also goes for other traders.

Hey, I'm also from the UK (Scotland) and living in Australia (Melbourne).

In terms of advice at that stage it's already covered in a lot of material such as Andrew's book, stay in SIM, test out different strategies, risk management etc I think a lot of the other stuff comes when you get through that initial few months of just learning the beginner stuff and you begin to develop questions of what you're getting right/wrong and things to pay attention to, until you've taken that initial step it would just be information overload and you have nothing really to relate it to. One other book I'd recommend for your early days is Anna Coulling "A complete guide to Volume Price Analysis"

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Ricardo and I'm from Portugal.

I have already read two of the Andrew's books "How to day trade for a living (2020)" and "Mastering Trading Psicology".

I fell in love with trading because of the pandemic and then I discovered the "HTDTFAL" book while shoping on the subject.

I am aimming to join this community since then and finally achieve that goal.


I hope to find here the answers to slowly leave my 9 to 6 job and start my new carreer full time.

I think that will thank anyone that could guide through some precious information about European people that was in the same situation that I am in.


Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Ricardo Neves.

Edited by BigTrader

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On 2/28/2021 at 10:08 PM, gjeret said:


I am Gjeret, from just outside of Milwaukee. Mid 40’s, wife, kids., business owner.

I have been running an IT services Firm since 2007, have a few employees and have been profitable every year (even if it was just profitable)  and....

I am tired of it.  Not the tech, but the clients and the emergency calls at 2am, the Amazon affect decimating any hardware profits, and small business owners taking the advice of they Kid at Best Buy or the neighbors 13yo over the advice of an expert. The HR aspects of the business, the “work when you want” unless a client has an emergency or schedules a move.  So...


One of my very very very successful friends owns a software firm, as we were getting drunk at a food crawl, he confided in  me that his money wasn’t from the tech, that just funded him, his money was from the stock market   That has always been in the back of my mind

GME got me interested enough to open a Robinhood account, then a Webull and fidelity account.  Learned the hard way not to chase a meme stock, and found a saying on Reddit...

Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered.

I got slaughtered 

but, got back up, picked up a book off Amazon (day trading for a living), 

reading that trading was work, but there was a trainable process and was often boring ...  I need some boring!  That sounds wonderful!

that book led me to this website, so I signed up..




Hi @gjeret, logging in after a long while to notice there are other members from the Milwaukee area. Curious how things are going for you and if you are still in the Trading realm.


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Hey everyone!  Excited to have found the BBT community.  I'm 44 and recently moved to the Cincinnati area.  I have driven past a billboard about learning day trading for over a year now, and for some reason it resonated with me this week.  Mainly I think what prompted this was listing to Tom Bilyeu taking about breaking the time for money equation.  I've had in interest in stocks and stock investing for a long time now, but I've always hesitated about day trading for all of the negative stigma around it.

But as I started to look into this one company's training program, I started looking around the marketplace and Reddit and have come to believe the overwhelming feedback out there that you don't necessarily need to pay for expensive trainings and individualized coaching, but you DO need an appetite and willingness to learn and the support of a strong community.  Enter BBT.  I found Andrew's book and the BBT podcast and am grateful for both!  I'm not all the way through the book yet, but I'm excited to crush it pretty quickly, join the next onboarding training, then getting after it!

I'm really looking forward to getting to meet everyone, learning the trade smartly, then graduating to real investments in the near future.  Cheers! 😃

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Hi everyone!

My name is Daniel, and I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area. I currently work at a computational biology startup, but I've been interested in trading for awhile now. I finally mustered up the willpower to learn more about it, and I recently finished Andrew's How to Day Trade for a Living book.

I'll be honest, I didn't have a set goal in mind when I started this journey, but I've been hooked ever since I started reading the book. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed doing something so much, and I want to learn as much as I can as quickly as possible.

I've been attending the morning pre-market and trading sessions, but I'm very much a novice, and I'm still figuring out how to set everything up. If anyone is also new and wants a buddy to learn and trade with, feel free to message me and we can connect!

Looking forward to meeting other traders, and I hope I'll meet you all soon 🙂



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Hey all,

My name is Cindy.  I'm a single mom in tech of an 8 year old girl living in the South Bay Area, CA.  I'm a UX Program Manager by trade for over 19 years, and started trading options and stocks during the pandemic.  After I got hit by layoffs in Dec, I found myself with a lot of time to enjoy life, travel and rediscover my passions.  In a Tony Robbins workshop, I came across Teri Ijeoma who was able to quit her job and travel the world from day trading, which really inspired me to explore how to day trade for a living, read Andrew's book and watch his YT videos.  I'm almost done with his book, and started joining the pre-market prep. 

After chatting more with Mike, I decided to become a member and join this amazing community of traders.  I'm super excited to learn the ropes with yall.  If anyone would like to connect virtually or in person if you're near the South Bay Area, feel free to reach out.  It would be great to find other like minded folks to share and learn from one another.



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Im in Vancouver (Burnaby to be precise). New to the community. I would love to meet people around. 



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