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Brian Pez

Welcome to the Swing Trading Forum

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Hi everyone and welcome to our new forum on swing trading.

As you likely know, swing trading involves taking positions in a stock or other security and holding that position for as short as overnight to days or weeks or even longer.  If you are new to swing trading and want to learn more, reading Brian Pezim's book "How to Swing Trade" would be a good starting point.  It is available on Amazon.

We expect this forum will be used by our members to present and openly discuss swing trading opportunities.  The one advantage of swing trading is that the trader has the opportunity to slow the decision process and plan their trades without having to make a quick decision on whether to enter a trade.

Thanks in advance for being part of this forum and we hope this forum can offer up some profitable opportunities for our members.

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Great work Brian,

I am looking forward to reading your book.  Do you also trade ETFs?  I thought I saw you in TNA.  Also looking forward to this discussion.


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Yes I do trade ETF's.  If you get in early on a trend with a commodity for example, you can really ride that trend.  Take a look at UNG or UGAZ which are nat gas etfs.  They have been rocketing higher.  On the bear side, oil has really been breaking down through October and gave a nice trade on DWT which is an inverse etf for crude oil price.  Nat gas is too late for a trade, but I think oil has more to drop - especially if $60 on crude fails to hold support.

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Yes margin does work on ETF's but the various brokers have different rules for the different ETF.s  For example a short ETF will likely have a different margin rate compared to a long ETF.  ie TNA versus TZA.  Check with your broker on their rules.

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@Brian Pez Just starting to swing trade in sim and was hoping to be part of this forum but looks like it isn't very active. Is there a forum I'm not seeing where current conversations regarding swings trades are happening?

Edited by krankyon
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