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  I want to switch over to using 1% of my account instead of using fixed risk.  I was going thru the “bbt.dastraderpro_hotkey_config-V2”  and I tried them but I’m confused how it suppose to work b/c, I don’t know if my account is margin x4, if so how do I calculate 1% of my balance.  So when I took a trade in sim, I still couldn’t figure out if I just used 1% of my account.  Also I didn’t get the auto SL/TP flags.  I thought maybe someone has been in the same situation and switch from fixed risk to % risk.  Any help is appreciated!

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to use dynamic risk instead of static risk we can use calculations by reading the Account Object

for example:


then use the $myIE variable instead of the static risk. I will cover it in the next article I am preparing regarding the reading of object properties.

Or as I mentioned in the other posts, do it by changing weekly the static risk

Edited by peterB
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On 4/28/2024 at 3:14 AM, peterB said:


to use dynamic risk instead of static risk we can use calculations by reading the Account Object

for example:


then use the $myIE variable instead of the static risk. I will cover it in the next article I am preparing regarding the reading of object properties.

Or as I mentioned in the other posts, do it by changing weekly the static risk

Peter is there any way you can help me. My Long position hotkey works fine but the short position hotkey does not work. Where I double click on the chart it thinks that is where my order should be placed. So when I press the hot key to submit the short order nothing happens. Also I cannot seem to get any other hot key working. I have your youtube videos and viewed your substack.

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@peterB, thx for all your help, i have another question to see if you can help me with.  right now i use a script of 1 to 3 reward, double click for SL and 3R profit target as a market order.  I want to change to double click and mark my entry once price gets there, then set a 1R SL and 3R profit target.  I think this is possible with a limit order but not sure.  Can you help me, if it is possible.  i included my script.  

CXL ALLSYMB;StopPrice=Price;DefShare=BP*0.975;Price=Price-Bid+0.00;SShare=139/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=Bid-0.1;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=200;Price=StopPrice-Bid*2.5;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGEMKT LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS TIF:DAY+

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it is in the 2nd article https://traderpeter.substack.com/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part Future/stop order entries with static risk of $20 and attached range (OCO) orders of 3R target

also please understand that i moved forward and will not be providing any help in my articles with the old syntax hotkeys as it makes no sense to use it anymore

Edited by peterB

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On 5/3/2024 at 8:33 PM, JW_LXXVIII said:

Peter is there any way you can help me. My Long position hotkey works fine but the short position hotkey does not work. Where I double click on the chart it thinks that is where my order should be placed. So when I press the hot key to submit the short order nothing happens. Also I cannot seem to get any other hot key working. I have your youtube videos and viewed your substack.

can't help you if you do not ask properly. i do not do any youtube videos so you might have watched someone else's vids.

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i'm trying to setup the hotkeys and i turned on the advance hotkey button in configurations.  when i double click i don't get flags to come up as if it's working?  

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1 hour ago, meatskin2000 said:

sorry i'm not up to date on hotkeys, what do you mean by old syntax hotkeys?

it is explained here https://traderpeter.substack.com/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part?r=1wujo4

15 minutes ago, meatskin2000 said:


i'm trying to setup the hotkeys and i turned on the advance hotkey button in configurations.  when i double click i don't get flags to come up as if it's working?  

this hot button is correct. I have no idea what you want to do next with it though.

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i'm trying to do what you did in video, set my price for a limit entry.  you said it was 2 hotkeys, so i thought i set my stop, then sl and target?

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that's what i'm asking you if i missed something b/c i did what you wrote up, that's the reason for the screenshot.  i see you may be getting frustrated, but i really appreciate your help and i will gift you some money for your help.  

so do both of the scripts go together in one hotkey?

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