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About eckerth

  • Birthday February 21
  • Location Benahavís, Spain

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  1. HI I pay 20EUR a month, but as I trade enough they wave the fees... For each trade 1 get a bonus of 1 EUR.. if I have more then 20 trades = 20 Eur then they account is free,.. trades are forex, stocks, futures etc... other than fees I never paid anything to Pro Realtime brgds Thomas
  2. HI am Thomas, German, living in Germany but by the end of there year moving to Spain. Trading options with IB since years and now adding Day trading with DAS and the help of BBT to it. brgds Thomas
  3. HI , yes that is implemented. . But then the buttons are linked to few instruments.. the other mode looks like this here you choose the instrument on the left (here 5 are programmed) and the buttons then work for that instrument. But more options you don't have.. so 32 buttons, that's it.. don't like it.. brgds Thomas
  4. HI , am using PRT too. but on the mac since the new ARM Processor its 20% slower than normal. Charting is nice and tool itself is ok. But for daytrading Stocks it is not my favorite. The test I do with DAS are much more promising as DAS for me seems to be faster. For the Streamdeck, (on mac - maybe windows is different) I can use it only for PRT or with the dedicated Stream Deck software. If the SD software is running then PRT won't let me use the SD configurations. Also you can only trade one instrument or you need to program many instruments and activate them with a button. But you cannot trade on the current active chart like in DAS where you double click and then trade. I can imagine if you trade fixed instruments, lie EUR/USD, SPY etc then its ok, but with an every day changing list of Stocks in Play the SD is not feasible with PRT for me. cheers Thomas
  5. Hi , i want to do the same. Have ProRealtime running with my IB Account. As the IB account was opened by ProRealtime i asked them and they advised this is not an issue. Seems that you can connect any platform that can itself connect to IB. But am in Demo Phase at present, once i am convinced (very soon) then I will connect DAS to my existing Account and will report. Only think I read somewhere is that a Position that you trade in IB directly will show in DAS only the next day and not asap. But as I am not doing anything in IB directly this will not be an issue for me. brgds thomas
  6. Hi Drapoli, am living in germany and moving to spain. Taxes are approx 23% there. i am trading with IB here. At present the account is in Ireland. As i trade only in us market i have the same fees as in us. German or european markets are not so volatile for daytrading and options hence i dont trade there.. saves the hugh fees too 🙂 brgds tom
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