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Bear Bull Traders

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Everything posted by Bear Bull Traders

  1. Awesome guys. Is there a place anyone can recommend? Lets book something next to the water for 25 people.
  2. Sale Condition The Sale Condition is used to indicate the type of trade transaction. SPACE Regular Sale @ Regular Sale A Acquisition B Bunched Trade C Cash Sale D Distribution E Placeholder Future Use F Intermarket Sweep G Bunched Sold Trade H Price Variation Trade I Odd Lot Trade K Rule 155 Trade L Sold Last M Market Center Official Close N Next Day O Opening Prints P Prior Reference Price Q Market Center Official Open R Seller S Split Trade T Form T U Extended trading hours (Sold Out of Sequence) V Contingent Trade W Average Price Trade X Cross Trade Y Yellow Flag Regular Trade Z Sold (out of Sequence) 1 Stopped Stock (Regular Trade) 2 3 4 Derivatively priced 5 Re-Opening 6 Closing Prints 7 Contingent Trade ("QCT") 8 Placeholder For 611 Exempt 9 Corrected Consolidated Close @ Regular Trade A transaction in which the delivery of securities and payment must occur on the third business day following the trade execution date. C Cash A transaction in which the delivery of securities and payment must occur on the same day that the trade was executed. N Next Day A transaction in which the delivery of securities and payment must occur on the next business day following the trade execution date. R Sellers Option A transaction in which the seller has the right to deliver the security at any time within a specific period. T After Hours Trade Indicates the trade was reported after the last sales were calculated. W Weighted Average Price Trade A transaction where the price is determined by a weighted average of the prices of prior related transactions. Note that a trade identified with a weighted average price sale condition will not be incorporated in the calculation of the day¡¯s high, low and last price for the security. Z Sold Late (Out of Sequence) A sale condition to indicate that the trade was reported during current business hours but outside of the mandatory reporting interval outlined. H Price Variation Trade The Price Variation Trade sale condition code is used to denote a regular market session trade transaction that carries a price that is significantly away from the prevailing consolidated or primary market value at the time of the transaction. Price Variation Trade transactions will be included in daily volume statistics but will not be eligible for inclusion in the high price, low price or last sale price statistics at either the consolidated or market center level. Trades with the following Sale Condition do not qualify for the last price: C Cash G Bunched Sold Trade H Price Variation Trade I Odd Lot Trade M Market Center Official Close N Next Day R Seller P Prior Reference Price Q Market Center Official Open U Extended trading hours (Sold Out of Sequence) W Average Price Trade Z Sold (out of Sequence) V Contingent Trade 3 Stopped Stock - Sold (Out of Sequence), no longer use 4 Derivatively priced 7 Qualified Contingent Trade References [1] The UTP Plan Trade Data Feed (UTDF) Specification http://www.utpplan.com/DOC/ utdfspecification.pdf [2] Consolidated Tape System (CTS) Specification https://www.nyse.com/ publicdocs/ctaplan/ notifications/trader-update/ cts_output_spec.pdf
  3. So you cancelled it because of me? I am so sorry. Why not do it this Friday?
  4. Dima, please keep it on this week as you planned. Do not quit! I am sorry!
  5. OK guys, I am really sorry to mess up your plan. Let's do it this week as planned without me. I will try to come down for both LA and SF later in summer. I am sorry for messing up everything. Just this Friday and next Friday I have so commitment that I can only fly in the late afternoon.
  6. Guys, can you make it on Saturday? Or later in the evening? I can land 9:10 pm on SFO on June 1st, but not earlier.
  7. Hey guys, I really like to come, but I can not fly out on Friday to be in SF at 6 pm. I have to be somewhere until 1 pm in Vancouver. If you do another one, I will 100% join, sorry I know you already moved it once so please go ahead. Next week weekend is good for me, and I promise to fly down.
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