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  1. So I seem to have two account numbers Both are similar with only 1 number differing the fist number after the U. I am trying to connect DAS to IBRK and am not sure which to use. I opened a margin account but dont seem to have any margin ie. my cash value is the same as my buying power. can anyone explain this to me? Also has is it just me or is IBKR customer service not great? I was flirting with a couple of other brokers and they called me a few times to see if I needed any help setting up my account. Ive sent messages to IBRK and got no response and also rang them and was on hold for 30 min so I just gave up.
  2. Thanks Peter. Im off to try and find who to send it to in IBRK so!
  3. Hi peter thanks for the reply. The rider agreement is a PDF https://reports.dastrader.net/IBCO.pdf This is the message that precedes clicking the link "You MUST also complete the Rider Agreement available here: Agreement and submit with a photo/scan copy of your government-issued Photo ID. Rider signature field must be hand-signed, not print-typed. The Vendor on Page 1 is DAS Trader and the Account is your U account number. Both Rider and ID must be submitted simultaneously when you complete Step 2. Use Ctrl+click to select both files in the same Browse window."
  4. Hi I am trying to connect DAS trader pro to Interactive brokers. I am confused about the rider agreement. its seems to need to be signed by me and Interactive brokers, do I need to print it off sign it and then send it do IBRK to be signed? Dose any on know what to do here? Thanks
  5. Sorry to revive an old thread but did DAS ever implement a the tool that was looked for here?
  6. Hi guys, I was wondering why Interactive brkers wants to know how many dependents I have and how this would effect an account? Thanks
  7. Hi guys I am in Ireland and spread betting is tax free here so I was wondering if it is possible to do this through DAS trader with a any of the brokers that use it? If not can anyone recommend a good broker with a good trading platform? Thanks
  8. Hi, I have been using the hotkey "hotkey to send an automatic stop loss with 50$ risk per trade" as described by AIman in most frequently used hotkeys thread. I had been working more or less perfectly but now it has stoped putting in the stop loss ever thing else is working fine ie. position size is calculated correctly just no SL placement. I have tried changing the style in the montage but this did not work. Any help welcome. Thanks
  9. Hi guys, I have a few questions about platforms and brokers. So I would like to be able to trade the UK/European and US markets. I purchased the DAS simulator and would like to know can I purchase market data for uk/euro markets while Im am training as this data dose not seem to be available in DAS sim? Do I need to sign up with a broker in Europe to get date (lvl 1/2) to trade in the DAS sim? Is this even possible?
  10. I am defo not looking to put 25k in an account yet. I thought that 25k minimum was for US only. Dose that mean I wont be able to use DAS unless I deposit 25K with a broker?
  11. Hi guys. So I am coming from the crypto world where margin maintenance is very low 100:1 with initial maintenance of 1% From what I understand of day trading position size will be repetitively large so I am looking for a broker with low margin maintenance requirements and low deposit requirements Mainly because I would rather my cash to be working for me rather that sitting there maintaining margin. If any on has a link to a broker like this and is also compatible with DAS that would be great. I do plan on studying here first and doing 3 months or whats need in a simulator before going live. Thanks
  12. Hi, I'm Ciaran. I'm from Ireland, been trading crypto for a few years with limited success. I think day trading might be a better fit for my personality so thats what has me here.
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