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Chris Blechschmidt

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  1. Do we change the "100" values to whatever dollar amount we are risking on the trade? I typically risk $150/trade so do I change all the 100s to 150s?
  2. I have had this problem as well. I realized that it was only happening when I was clicking in the margin space to the right of my candlesticks but to the left of the Y axis. Try only clicking in the candlebar area of your chart and see if that fixes it. (Annoying bug though, would like DAS to fix that)
  3. EXCITING! Can't wait to see what you come up with Kyle! Bonus points if in addition to all that, I can have 2 laddered take-profit orders (i.e. 75% @ 2R, 25% @ 3R) and the stop gets updated after the 1st one gets hit! 😉
  4. +1 I am looking for this as well. I have a frequent problem when I use the 2 separate hotkeys outlined above - if I am in a long position and the stock is not shortable, the bracket order errors out because there is already a sell order placed (the stop loss).
  5. Thanks! Definitely lots of great techniques there but not much on the basics that Robert H outlined above. Please lmk if you have other ideas or something outside the Education Center on BBT that I’m missing!
  6. Sorry to revive such an old thread.. but the above post by Robert H was so good and the links no longer work. 😭 Can anyone suggest a good course (on BBT or anywhere else) that goes over all of the concepts that Robert outlined above?
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