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mhileman last won the day on December 30 2020

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  1. In case anyone hasn't fixed it yet DAS has hotkeys setup from default for the arrow keys. Up, Down, Left, and Right. You have to go to Setup/HotKey and look in the KEY column and find them individually and highlight them and hit Delete Item at the bottom.
  2. Check out the below link: https://bearbulltraders.com/course/strategy/ Go down to the below section: ABCD's and ORB's
  3. ORB strategy is IMO, one of the harder strategies for a new trader to learn mainly due to the amount of volume and price that a stock can move in a fast amount of time. It takes more time to learn what to do for this strategy since you are pretty much playing the open and don't know the direction of the stock. There is a ORB video or 2 in the Education Center that you can watch to try to understand it as well as Andrew has put a couple of recap videos on Youtube. I've noticed that if you wait until after the first couple of minutes you will have a better understanding of where the stock might go but again it could be a false breakout but you need to keep an eye on the volume as that is the tell all of what is happening.
  4. I as well have a full time day job that starts at 7am-4pm but I am able to work from home which allows me to be able to watch the market all day long as well as be in the chat with the entire BBT team. However, being able to watch it and pay enough attention to what is going on is a different thing. I usually take about an hour away from doing my day job to be able to at least try to make a decent trade from 9:30-10:30am. One day I'm hoping to be in a position to where I can trade like most of the moderators and be able to go out and enjoy life with the family more often.
  5. Thanks for the post. I've downloaded the top chart as it may help me see the patterns a bit better when I trade.
  6. Sorry the one I sent you is for a short sell. The one below is for a long position to sell 25% and to put a stop at B/E. CXL ALLSYMB; ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Bid-0.02;Share=Pos*.25;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET StopPrice:AvgCost ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ Now you have the one for a short sell cover 25% if you plan to do any Shorting.
  7. When you hit the button to take your partial you can add this to the end of it to set a stop at break even. This is a 25% partial with stop at break even: CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Ask+0.02;Share=Pos*.25;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET StopPrice:AvgCost ACT:BUY QTY:POS TIF:DAY+
  8. Looks like they used OneNote to take a screenshot of the trade they made and they added a textbox so that they could fill in all the information on the left.
  9. He has the second post on the main thread page updated with all of the printouts which was updated on July 13.
  10. When I built my house I planned for the future by installing a 10Gb network switch which is coupled by easily replaceable Cat6 cable that runs to my office area as well as everywhere else in the house I planned on having a data point. When I built my pc I added a 1Gb Network card. I was just stating that if he was going to waste the money with a wireless network card he could just get a better overkill network card for the same price that wouldn't have latency issues. When I built my house I planned for the future by installing a 10Gb network switch which is coupled by easily replaceable Cat6 cable that runs to my office area as well as everywhere else in the house I planned on having a data point. When I built my pc I added a 1Gb Network card. I was just stating that if he was going to waste the money with a wireless network card he could just get a better overkill network card for the same price that wouldn't have latency issues.
  11. I'd put the money in a 10 Gb network adapter instead of a wireless adapter. I had one of the wireless adapters and the connection was usually horrible. I would put money in the GTX graphics card as the newer RTXs are about the same price as what you are looking for. As far as the parts go I'd check www.newegg.com out. I buy almost all of my parts to build pc's there since they are really good with pricing. If you find it cheaper somewhere else they price match as long as it is a reputable competitor. Link for good graphics cards based on what you had up above: https://www.newegg.com/p/pl?N=100007709 601321572 4019 50001312 50001314 50001402 Link for 10Gb Network Cards: https://www.newegg.com/p/pl?d=Gb+network+adapter&N=100158104 600013864&isdeptsrh=1
  12. Nice description on what everyone is trying to figure out how Aiman hits those Parabolic Reversals so easily.
  13. Thanks for the printouts as I've downloaded a few of the ones I wanted to try first and so far I think I've been able to understand them and use them to trade better since I've been able to take better entries and exit at the proper time.
  14. Yeah I have my script to set a b/e +.10 so that I know it will stop me out with at least some profit after I take at least a 25% profit. That number can be removed or changed to whatever the user wants but I should have stated that when I put the first post.
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