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Posts posted by hailchaser2

  1. One more day of the Challenge. Today I traded poorly just like yesterday. Fees and Commissions pile up when you are firing away trying to make up for your last bad decision. My FB trades got way out of hand. Later in the day I did make a couple of normal trades. Hopefully next week I will fall back into my normal trading habits.



    Pre Market Plans



    2 Days in a row with a Christmas tree chart in my recap.....Not Good!







    Im going for a home run tomorrow in the open, I think that's my only chance to win now. 


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  2. Yes I’ve heard of that many times......but I’ve never heard of stories of Trader’s that trade poorly in sims, then trade well with their live accounts. 


    IMO if you can’t control your emotions to be profitable with a sim account, it’s just going to be worse in a live account.

    If you don’t have the self control to trade your sim the exact same way you plan on trading your live account, more self control practice might be needed.

    Again I’m new, maybe a more experienced trader would like to shed some insight.


    Thanks for posting this journal thread though, this should be interesting either way.


    Best Wishes

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  3. Day one trading in Dallas did not go as planned.

    When I saw this morning that I was not in the top ten in the challenge I told myself I needed a big day to make up for my "Truck Stop Trading" yesterday. Well I didn't just have a big day I had a HUGE day..........A HUGE DAY OF FEES AND COMMISSIONS.

    It all started fine



    I was a bit upset that I didn't let some of that trade ride lower, so I should have cleared my head of those thoughts, but I didn't. Then all H#LL broke loose. I started trading other stocks, started believing CRON had to reverse back to VWAP, and even started trading the dangerous RBZ late in the day.


    I think this challenge is making me trade worse, I will be relieved when this week is over and I won't be competing against anyone....only my own demons, which I believe I can control under regular trading circumstances.






    Here was my original plan




    So my account took a big hit today



    I found out later, I didn't even need to make ground up, I was actually still in 12th place before today, hopefully today didn't ruin my chances.








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  4. Tuesday, day 2 BBT challenge.

    Well, I was still driving to Dallas this morning, so I pulled over at a truck stop to trade the open.




    I don't suggest jumping in at 9:31 in your Jeep without listening to the pre show, without any type of trading plan, and start trading. I took a stab at a long first, but got out when it started looking bad.  Then I had a very premature entry on AMD, but it ended up working out.





    I should have waited for the re-test of VWAP to fail.....but I was impatient, needing to get back on the road.....AMD actually fell the rest of the day.....if it weren't for work, I could have rode it all the way down.

    So it wasn't a complete disaster, still a little green.



    And I found some sweet gas station sun glasses for $19.99




    I finally made it to my new location and set up my new trading station for tomorrow morning.


    Look out challenge peeps, I won't be at a truck stop tomorrow



  5. Monday, first day of the BBT challenge!!!!!!

    I broke two of my rules at the open, Don't trade stocks under $10 and Don't trade the first 5 minutes. Hey, I'm trying to win, and I didn't think $100-$200 a day was going to do it. So I had to be aggressive. Got lucky and it worked out on CRIS, 25% BP short!!!!



    After that giant win I went to AMD



    Got Lucky on AMD too, the 844 Short was actually a mistake, my stop loss at break even had the earlier share size, I had taken partials and didn't resend the stop.


    Lady Luck was on my side for Day 1 of the challenge......But after trading I found out I needed to pack up my tools and hotel room and leave Colorado and head to Dallas.

    So it was time to say goodbye to my old trading station.







    • Like 1

  6. These are interesting, but I wouldn’t consider it science. 

    Maybe it’s because my personal experience with Keto has been completely different.

    The BBC program: there are soooooo many other variables than the twins diets that would impact their ability to learn in one morning about charts and day trading, that I take absolutely nothing from this little experiment.

    Tufts study: the problem here is using the “low carb diet” for one week. The study should have actually looked at the people AFTER they were in ketosis for a while, they probably didn’t even get into ketosis in one week.  So I agree with the study in part, because while your brain is switching from glucose to ketones, yeah, it’s a bit foggy. But once it switches and your body “heals” your brain starts firing much quicker.


    My personal experience with the Keto diet has been great. Besides the weight loss, the best way I was able to describe the change in my brain. Before when asked a question, sometimes I would have to “search” my brain for an answer, kind of like, try to think back and link some things together to remember things. In ketosis, the answer is usually there immediately, no searching was required.


    example: where did I put my coffee, before ketosis: trace my steps back, think of what I did thirty minutes ago, oh yeah I was in the bathroom, then went to my desk and set my cup down

    in ketosis: onmy desk, I’m not sure if the other mental steps are completely skipped over, or if they are just blasted through at hyper speed. Either way, the result is the same, quicker answers to the question.


    My concentration was also boosted, ive heard people talk about the effects of aderol on their concentration level, the way they explain it is how I feel when I’m in ketosis.

    Basically when I’m in ketosis the “brain fog” feels like it’s just lifted away.

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  7. Tonight, added some more hotkeys, and put stickers on the buttons. Even though Andrew stresses in his books that traders need to use hotkeys to be successful, I didn't realize how much of a difference it makes until I started using them.....and its only been one day. I'll never go back to point and mouse click.HotKeys.thumb.jpg.f70b1857b0eaca5ec452ae075e397dae.jpg

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  8. Friday 3-22

    Only made one plan before the open.



    I did not wait the 3 minutes like my rule states before trading, I traded on the first candle.

    Trade 1 Shorted, then added to position, took profits on reversal.

    Trade 2 Long, took profits, then final at break even

    Trade 3 Short, could have held for more profits, but decent trade.








    Hand written journal entries





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  9. Thursday 3-21. Horrible day. Kept trying to long a falling stock. Each time doubled my entry share size to try and make up for the prior loss(es). Ended up -$5,555.....Once my losses hit $1,000, I lose it. This has now happened twice since I started trading. Glad these have just been sim accounts.

    • Like 1

  10. I have not found what Andrew or any other BBT trader suggests to newbies for taking profit partials.

    I usually plan partials based on support/resistance levels I have planned out, or dollar/.50 area. 

    What I am wondering about is what size do most of you take on your partials?

    When watching recaps, it appears trader’s take several partials.

    Do you do share size? % of position? Half? Third?

    I have just been taking what I feel like based on price action, but as I am building my HotKeys I was wondering if I should make a partial Hotkey. It seems like it would be helpful.

    I was going to make a Hotkey for 1/3. Then just keep taking 1/3 of whatever position I have left until I see it’s time to take everything out.

    Thanks for any replies. I’m a newbie


    I did try to use the search forum option but didn’t find a thread talking about the strategies being used for profit partials.




  11. I've been trading in a different simulator since Jan 29th 2019. I started using DAS this week as part of the BBT challenge. Im not very good at editing my screen shots, but hopefully I get better as I do these journal entries.


    Made a mistake putting order in first thing.


    Trade one: My plan was to go short when it broke below 17.00 with target of 16.00 and stop of 17.25 or go long when it broke above 17.81 with target of 18.60 and stop of 17.60.

     I got in and added to my position as the price rose (this whole time Andrew was also shorting the stock) I watched the price spike twice to my stop, a stayed in because it would immediately fall back down. Then I covered at 17.35. I SHOULD HAVE STUCK TO MY ORIGINAL STOP.

    Trade two: I got back in short (should have waited longer, did this as a revenge trade), added to position when it spiked and failed. Took profits several minutes later, I was practicing putting orders in as I did this.

    Trade three: When I saw it fail to move above the 200 average on the 1 minute, I went short again, the first partial on this trade was a mistake, messing with orders again. The stock slowly fell throughout the rest of the day.




    Thanks for taking the time to look, any feedback is welcomed.


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