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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    My attempt at humour fell miserably flat. That said, a three hour road trip with Andrew or one of the mods, just talking trading, would be a great experience.
  2. 1 point
    Hello Everyone, This is Guru! I was introduced to the trading world, all thanks to COVID-19. My company decided that every employee take a week off for furlough, and I utilized that time studying about the stock market. One book led to another, and I stumbled upon "How to Day Trade for a Living". This book gave me an opportunity to explore the idea of ditching the 9-to-5 and having the freedom to work from any part of the world. I'm planning to spend 2 days a week during the Open Hours on simulation, while spending the other days after work on Replay Sim and education materials. I would love to spend all 5 days trading, but due to Eastern Time zone and a full time job, it will be hard to pull it off. Carlos & Norm's premarket sessions have been terrific. I've already started using their watchlist and apply some strategies on the DASTrader Demo. My end goal is to trade options, but I think it is important to understand stock trades before getting into options. I'm excited and looking forward in learning more from this community!
  3. 1 point
    TL;DR: Here are some sheets with concise information about strategies members of BBT use. Shoutout to the mods and contributors for the information for these strategies. After watching Peter's amazing presentation about his 'Mountain Pass' strategy a couple nights ago, I put together an information sheet with the setup details similar to ones I had already created for a few other strategies. After putting together the Mountain Pass sheet, I decided it, among the others could be useful for my fellow BBT community members for any of the following reasons: You could use them for your playbook. If you like the layout, you could use them as a template to make your own information sheets/playbook. They could serve as a tangible, concise, introductory resource for beginner traders, who are new to these strategies. The strategy information has all been taken from the education center, success webinars and Andrew's books. I take no credit for any of the theory behind the strategies or any of the images. All credit goes to Andrew, Carlos, Peter and Hiltzy for laying out the strategies so well. I plan on doing more of these as I expand my playbook to include strategies such as Rising Devil, Fallen Angel, 1-Minute ORB, etc. So I will share those in this thread as they are made. If you have any comments, criticisms, or if I have information wrong about any of the strategies, let me know and I can make some adjustments to the sheets. Also, if you have your own playbooks / strategy resources you'd like to share, you can do so in this thread, I'd love to see what you've done. Note: Some of the information, particularly the rules such as "Place stop losses at technical levels." are notes I've made to myself based on results I have found. Some of these may not apply to you individually. Here is what they look like: The files for each strategy will be posted below.
  4. 1 point
    Have you ever exited a trade too early because you didn't see a price level just beyond the horizon? Do you find yourself zooming out constantly, or switching to hourly/daily charts to identify upcoming price levels? Well, you can increase the Y-axis margins to allow for a larger vertical range to fit on the chart. Here's an example. The default margin setting in DAS is 10%. This gives a pretty good scale in most cases. Here the price of GCAP is hitting 8.94, with the bottom margin at 8.85. This is the same chart with the margin set to 40%. Another price level down at 8.65 becomes visible! Also note that you can now see VWAP at the top, which was out of view in the above chart. To adjust the margin: Right click the chart area Click Configure In the Margins settings on the right hand side, change the value for Price axis top bottom margin Please note that your candlesticks will become slightly shorter to fit the new y-axis scaling. I've tested different values and found 30% to be a good setting for me. Play around and see what works best in your DAS layout.
  5. 1 point
    I'm making this post here for the benefit of new people to the community, and so that they better understand the difference between "Books" when it comes to U.S. Equities... https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ecn.asp An ECN is a place where buyers/sellers meet - the orders you see in the ECN are the "book". Thing is, for U.S. equities, there are multiples different ECN, and hence multiple books. If you ever hear about algo's doing arbitrage, they are exploiting price differences between different ECNs. Examples of ECN's include ARCA, BATS, IEX, etc. You'll notice in DAS when you are sending orders, you can send orders directly to an ECN since DAS is lets you do direct access routing - that is direct access directly to an ECN you specify. Or, if you're with IB and you use SMRT routing, that's IB's smart routing algo, which automatically determines what ECN to send your order to. When your order is sent to an ECN, then ECN first tries to execute your order within that ECN - if you're buying shares, it tries to match you with a seller on that ECN or if you're selling shares it tries to match you with a buyer on that ECN. If it can't do that, then the ECN may route your order to a market maker, which takes additional execution time. See https://speedtrader.com/order-routing-and-how-it-affects-your-trading/ for more info. Now that you understand what books are you can understand what you see on your DAS L2 montage. The DAS Elite package includes: Elite (Includes access to iPhone/Android Interfaces): Totalview, Options Level 2, OTC Markets Level 2, ARCA Book, IEX Deep, Imbalance, Forex, and e-Mini Level 1 Or, decoded for U.S. Equities, that is NASDAQ Totalview, NYSE/ARCA, and IEX Deep books. But keep in mind that these are not ALL the books on which U.S. equities are traded! If you're familiar with Bookmap, which I highly recommend and is a L2 visualization/histogram software, Bookmap has a different data provider for U.S. Equities than DAS. Bookmap uses Dxfeed, which includes NASDAQ Totalview and the EDGX/BATS Books. As a result, if you're using DAS and Bookmap side by side looking at a ticker, sometimes you'll see liquidity in DAS that you don't see in Bookmap, and other times you'll see liquidity in Bookmap that you don't see in DAS - and that's because due to data provider differences you're looking at different, but totally valid, books! Both books are correct. It would be nice to have ALL the books for U.S. equities in one program, but sadly that's just not the case.
  6. 1 point
    I am from Toronto also., anyone else from toronto
  7. 1 point
    Welcome @GURU! Sounds like you have a well laid out path! Don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have!
  8. 1 point
    @Matthew This is awesome man! i was actually going to ask if some had anything like this to use the photos and such to add into the playbook that i was making for myself! You answered it and did it without even know! Thanks man
  9. 1 point
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