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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Week 17 Recap Another red week but at least this week I didn’t let any losers run. I’m glad that I had the control not to let my bad trades get away from me. Also, this week I’ve been upping my position size to 100 shares so that I don’t have to get a huge move to get to 2R but with that I have to be really patient and get really good entries, something I look forward to practicing next week. · Weekly stats o 2.5 R/R (Goal: above 2.0) [Previous Week: 2.5] o 30/56 54% (Goal: above 80%) [Previous Week: 67%] o -$46.59 (Goal: $250) [Previous Week: -$89.76] o 8/14 57% trades with the trend (Goal: 100%) [Previous Week: 70%] o 5/14 36% Non-optimal Entries (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 50%] o 0/14 0% Letting Losers Run (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 25%] o 3/14 17% No Setup (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 17%] · Highlights o Great trade in MU on Thursday. o Good job not letting any trades run past monetary stop. o Good job working on taking full position size. · Ongoing things to work on o I need to marry my full position size with getting a good entry at proven resistance levels so I’m getting full position but not getting chopped up in regular movements. o Patience, patience, patience on my entries. o Only take trades with recognizable setups. Be picky! o It is crucial not to sell my winners until they are at least 2R. this alone would be a huge help to my trading.
  2. 1 point
    Live trading summary for week ending 4/26/19. A really sloppy week of trading. The one good thing is both my health and my nerves are still improving. Stuck to my new 2 trades/day max. Stopped myself from revenge trading. And actually all my trades, this week had a good setup and a good plan. I did have a couple good trades, but all I really remember is the two trades I exited a penny or two too early missing a big run. Or the trade I jumped the gun by a couple of pennies and caused an unnecessary S/O. And I even broke a veto rule this week, not noticing the Boulinger-bands. I also had chart configuration issues (still do) that I need to figure out and fix. Tiny nuisances are making huge differences now. Twice this week I went wayward 3 cents from the planned S/O and instead of two big trades I got S/O twice. Those 3 cents made the difference from this week becoming my most profitable week trading to my worse in 2 months. Weekly results: A lot to do this weekend. I will be switching to score card my trades next week so I need to finalize the method. I need to fix my configuration issues. I need to create a plan to help prevent my carelessness. As usual I try resolve issues with a two prong approach, internally and externally. Internally I need to determine why my psyche is making me prone to be sloppy and how I can improve it. Also, externally what can I change (say to my platform) to help prevent my sloppiness. First, I will start to draw a horizontal levels on all the dollar and half dollar levels to help me hold to my S/O and entries. Second, I need to be waking up even earlier (4:45am Yikes!) to give myself more time to run my checklist carefully and may promote more care on my trades. I notice the days I finish my prep just before the open I tend to be more careless. I also need to finish all the prep work over the weekend. I usually finish what I can and I go into Monday filling unprepared. Have a good weekend.
  3. 1 point
    April 25, 2019 - $CMCSA (Stopped - kinda of) I stopped out today on $CMCSA, but it was not because of a technical level; rather, it was because of mechanical issues with my internet connection. I entered the trade a little early as it turns out, I thought it was going to take off quicker, instead it consolidated. During the consolidation, my ping speed start fluctuating from 200 - 800ms causing my DAS to have lag with the price action. My clock was skipping 3 secs at a time. This is the negative of having to trade off of a WIFI hotspot. This is the first time it has happened while I been in the middle of a trade. I tried to hold through it, but as it got more and more eradicate, I decided to cut my losses before it got to out of hand and closed my position. When I did my journal, all I could say is I should have held on for another two minutes. Not a good thing as it just made me more frustrated, so I had to remind myself it could have very easily gone against me and I would not have been able to get out. Sample Set Results P G S P E S P P P S G 12 13 14 S P S 18 19 20
  4. 1 point
    Brandon, thank you so so much for checking up on me. I want to let you know that I still am trading, I am just not posting my trades on a daily basis anymore. I should have made a post about it, but I wanted to remove as many of the pressures of trading as possible and publicly posting my trades was one of them. I made some significant changes to my psychology and trading mindset. I am not where I want to be yet as a trader, but I am making significant progress. I have cut down on a good chunk of my problems including overtrading, FOMO, and my patience issues. I've started to really focus on trading well instead of thinking in dollars for each trade. I'm slowly becoming the trader that I want to be. My confidence has gone up and my trust in my trading plan and myself is at an all time high. I am taking actual setups in my trades and I am having green days. I'm feeling good about trading and my good habits that I am creating are getting stronger each day. As you can see in the calendar below, I am having more green days than red days. The biggest issue for me right now is accepting a losing day. My daily goal is $80-$100 with a max loss of $60, and as you can see I don't stop at $60. I have das risk control set to stop me out fully at $150 including commissions and I have been trading up until that point when I am losing. I set the $150 amount because it is way past my max loss and its there to stop me out when I couldn't stop myself out. That has been 4 out my 5 losing days this month. Like most of my other bad habits including doubling down and overtrading, I have had to use Das risk controls to help me beat the problem. I have just recently lowered my max loss on das to $85. On my losing days I knew that I should have quit at $50-$60 but I have ignored the feeling inside of me that knew it was time to quit. Everyone of my $150 loss days, I knew I should have quit at $60, and I just didn't. I for whatever reason don't want to end red and I needed to get my money back ASAP. From Robert's Rants, he talks about the money being gone, and there is no rush getting it back, I am trying to adopt that mindset. I checked some of my old trading days and my last 20 days where I hit -$60 or more and continued trading, I ended up green on only 3 of them, and over the 20 days my losses for trades after hitting negative $60 were over $700. My average win % on those days was probably around 25%. With the auto stop out at $85, I will eventually learn to stop out when I know I'm not in sync with the market or I will have to always use DAS to stop me out as long as a trade. Brandon, if you still have the feelings of trading in the first 5 minutes, you could always email das and tell them to lock your account until 9:35. When you know you can't trade at that time, you will lose the urge to trade at that time. It has worked for me! Das Risk controls has fixed my overtrading, my doubling down, and my breaking stop loss habits.
  5. 1 point
    Hi, check out this podcast on trading a small account. There might be some good tips that you can take away from it that might help. https://bearbulltraders.com/lessons/small-account-and-cmeg/ Thanks. Carlos
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