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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The Money Zone is where 70% of the volume was traded on a given day. It can use it with das trader. Its in the study config/volume by price/config button and check the show volume area box. to use it go to the previous day and mark the value area high, value area low. you can then use the marked area to judge the type trading day for the upcoming session. in this example NIO is opening above vale and above yesterdays range. this signals bullish strength and should have you looking to take a long position if your bias is confirmed. This can also use this with a longer time frame. when we go back 5 days and see NIO has been consolidating. Mark the Money Zone area for this expanded timeframe and you can see after 3 days NIO dropped below the lower value area and quickly bought back up to the top of the value area. the next day NIO sold off in the morning and was quickly bought back up to close above value . This is signaling a possible rejection of value and a possible move to new value ahead. another confirmation of strength in this move is the pivot point relationship. it is an inside value relationship with a narrow pivot range further confirming the possibility of searching for new value. as we can see it didn't even stop to test the value area high before looking for higher value area.
  2. 1 point
    I like to create custom spoken alerts using Amazon's Polly. (my favorite voice is Emma). My most recent custom alert audio (and new favorite) is attached as an mp3. If you want to add it to your alerts, you will need the WAV file which is located here: DOWNLOAD "STOP TRADING" ALERT WAV Then place the WAV file in your DAS main folder and set up your alert as shown in the attached screenshot. Russell Landwehr Stop Trading alert.mp3
  3. 1 point
    No, I got that information by asking IB Support's chat system.... But because of what you said about CMEG, I reached out to IB a second time to confirm.... And support said the complete opposite this time around IB support is the worst. I'm currently back in chat. I'll let ya know.
  4. 1 point
    Welcome back Brendon! Thanks for sharing your story with us all! You're really dedicated not giving up on day trading after all of these years!
  5. 1 point
    Brendon my man!!Welcome back!!! Love that you are back and taking the tough experiences into lessons learned. They say trading is not for everyone but I believe that RESILIENCES and not giving up goes a long way. I believe there are many traders that quit and never return to trading but if they would have been a be more resilient they could have become great profit traders. Welcome back!
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