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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    This is good analysis but I am only trading small amount of shares so I cannot comment. have you watched Andrews commission video from a few months ago? It seems that he is paying about $0.0055/share for what he trades. The calculation starts at around 23 minutes in the video.
  2. 1 point
    Hello BBT family! I am Kostas, from Greece and I live in Glasgow, Scotland. I am civil engineer working 9-5 every weekday and few months ago I started dreaming about a second salary so I came across with Andrew's day trading book and I absolutely loved it! Now I am dreaming for becoming a consistently profitable day trader! I subscribed because I felt that it will totally worth it! So much info to learn from, it's just awesome! Thanks and all the best to everyone! Cheers Kostas
  3. 1 point
    Hi Everyone, My name is Mitch. Husband, father, circus alum, rigger, adventurer and world traveler. The duck reference has to do with the equanimity mindset that was talked about in a recent webinar Currently I live in las Vegas. Anyone else? Very happy to be here. Been trading on my own and learning slowly for about 5 years now. Very interested in options and finding out what type of day trader I am. Looking for a trading buddy to bounce ideas off of, review things, and KEEP EACH OTHER HONEST! Feel free to get in touch with me and say hi in the chats or forums! Cheers, MiTCh
  4. 1 point
    Hey everyone, my name is Andrej. I live in Vancouver; Canada (originally from Slovakia) and I am truly excited to join this community. This past summer, I decided on a career change from being a high school teacher to become a day trader (I gave myself 3 years for transition). I started by reading Andrew’s and other books, watching BBT videos on YouTube and getting experience by using Das Pro simulator. Now, that I “officially” joined the BBT community as a member, I immersed myself even more into becoming a day trader. I really appreciate how much quality information/education and amount of genuine help from the members there is in this community. I’m looking forwards to learn from and with you! Cheers, Andrej
  5. 1 point
    I'm Stephen Sepaugh. I live in Corpus Christi , TX. I Have swing traded on and off for 20 years and have read ALOT of books on investing. I have a B.S. in Chemistry. I share my life with two wonderful people, my lovely wife and 12-year-old daughter. When COVID-19 broke out in March I started making a lot less money at work. Decided to start swing trading seriously during work when I had time. Turned 7500.00 into 46000.00 by August and thought I was a genius. I proceeded to lose 10,000 over the next month and new I needed help but wouldn't admit it. My wife looked up day trading and found Andrew. I told her that day trading was dangerous and that I didn't need any help and could handle it on my own. I opened an IB account and withdrew my money from my full-service brokerage firm and started dabbling in day trading. Killed it!!! Or so I thought. Made 6000.00 my first day out and proceeded to lose all of that gain the following week. That was towards the end of October. Crawled back and cut the loss to 3000.00 then lost that trading NIO the first week of November. I was under enormous pressure having just told my employer that I quit. I humbly asked my wife who that day trader was that she had looked up on the internet. "Andrew something," she responded. I googled "Andrew trading." Saw BBT but didn't pay attention. Just wanted the book. I ordered it and skimmed through technical chapters, i.e. the parts that I thought I needed. I then proceeded to buy all the equipment. I believed I was ready to go. Visons of boats and exotic trips filled my thoughts. I programmed my hot keys on my keyboard. Thinking this was not fast enough, I ordered the Elgato stream deck, and installed it. Now I was ready !!! Well, you know what is coming next. The next morning, I started trading PYPL and XPEV simultaneously. Why not, I’m a pro right? Well, Mr. Pro wasn't aware that that he had clicked the PYPL screen thinking he was going to short XPEV on the breakdown. I held the button down too long and ended up shorting PYPL for 800 shares while it was going up fast at 9:35 am. By the time I could get the window closed that was warning me that I had just exceeded my margin and close the position, I was up 1700.00 dollars. This is a very important part of the story. Whether I would have lost or won, would not have changed my mind about being a pro that had figured out the market or rationalizing that it was the button's fault. Luckily, and I mean this seriously, I lost the 1700.00, then 3000 dollars more over the next two days. Had I not lost, no telling how much I would have lost in the future. I was completely against stop losses, or anything else that is required to manage risk or day trade properly. I'm lucky I still have most of my money. I have decided to study and go through every bit of information available through BBT. I will be trading on a simulator for a least couple of weeks , until I get a solid understanding of each strategy and can maintain my psychological composure. I wish I had listened to my wife when she first mentioned Andrew. I have gone through Mike B's course already. Thank you, Mike, for your dedication, amazing insights, and your service. I have had that life changing event. Thank you, Andrew, from the bottom of my heart. Your caring and instruction are priceless. Also, a thanks to all the contributors, instructors and members of BBT. YOU HAVE ALL CHANGED MY LIFE!! Sincerely, Stephen Sepaugh
  6. 1 point
    Hi! I'm Miguel, a dad, developing trader, lawyer, and writer from Miami. After reading Andrew's first two books I started in sim in June and am starting to become consistently profitable there. I'm excited to keep learning and improving as I move towards live trading. I'm really happy to be here and to meet y'all! Cheers, Miguel
  7. 1 point
    Hi Everyone, I'm Raghav (31) from Detroit. If you made money during the Bitcoin boom in 2017, I probably helped fund you by getting in at the very end the night before the crash. I've since learned not to get into trades without doing my homework (I paid $7.5K for that lesson) and read Andrew's book after taking a course on day trading on Udemy. I've been trading on ToS for about a month on SIM. I switched to live with a 25.3K account and giving myself a strict $300 budget to trade because I felt that would be a better experience than paying for a SIM. After working with TOS for a while, I decided that wasn't the right platform and decided to switch to DAS after re-reading Andrew's book. I joined this community after being kicked from a FB community for asking if anyone there had read Andrew's book, and decided to check this one out. After trying it out for a week, I've decided this is a good community to trade, especially because almost everyone on here knows what strategies I'm trading and can advise me from that perspective. My goal is to eventually be able to grow my portfolio by 1% avg per day with a 1000 share position. I'm hoping to get there by the end of next year in SIM and/or live, though that timeline is quite flexible.
  8. 1 point
    Hi, I'm Ciaran. I'm from Ireland, been trading crypto for a few years with limited success. I think day trading might be a better fit for my personality so thats what has me here.
  9. 1 point
    Nice to 'meet' you Paul! Let me know if you're ever around VN. I was in Singapore for a conference a few years back. Wonderful place, on my list of potential future destinations to move to, once we're in a post-pandemic world...!
  10. 1 point
    I use Andrew's settings without the red, just a pure grey scale. It's one less colour for my brain to process. Please see below for the RGB values. Andrew's Tier Colours: Group 0: 255,255,255 Group 1: 247,239,239 Group 2: 222,222,222 Group 3: 240,198,198 Group 4: 206,206,206 Group 5: 231,173,173 Group 6: 181,181,181 Group 7: 231,148,148 My Tier Colours: Group 0: 255,255,255 Group 1: 230,230,230 Group 2: 205,205,205 Group 3: 180,180,180 Group 4: 155,155,155 Group 5: 130,130,130 Group 6: 105,105,105 Group 7: 80,80,80 For reference, here is how to change the L2 Tier Color in DAS: Right-click Montage > Level 2 Config Click the Color Group X > Define Custom Colors Enter RGB values in green boxes below:
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