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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Good morning All Traded 2 stocks today: UAL, CCL UAL 5 min ORB. Used the previous candle close for stop loss. Once I made profit, I moved my hard stop and was eventually stopped. Not the greatest trade I think, but I am practicing my stop loss. CCL First I took the 5 min ORB. Didn't have time to put hard stop as it went up right away. Took profits and once 9 MA went above entry, I put my stop loss there. I then thought it was going to make an ABCD pattern but it didn't and I was stopped out below the 9 MA. I then noticed lower lows, lower highs. I also noticed the 9 & 20 MA were about to cross on the downside. Figure I'd take it short to the VWAP. Went past the VWAP and rode it all the way down. (I was getting confused on putting in a hard stop when going short so I was fiddling with that, as I wanted to get into UBER). However, I had a mental stop loss every time it went below a resistance level. Eventually figured it out and put hard stop above the 9 MA. Made my target and that's that. Thanks all and have a wonderful Monday!
  2. 1 point
    Hello, My name is Luis. A friend of my brothers is pretty successful at stock and retail. My brother gets advice from him and so I got my feet wet with stocks knowing nothing. Got three books from amazon about 1 month ago. One book is "how to day trade for a living" which is by Andrew Aziz and then that lead me to BearBullTraders. Looking to learn, simulate, interact and see where this takes me; ideally a life style change from the typical 9-5 pm. Cheers from Miami, Florida USA fellows!
  3. 1 point
    Hi everyone! I'm Jeff, and I live in DeWitt, Michigan. Long story short, I'm going through some significant changes in my life. I'm turning 40 next month and I got married for the 1st time last year, our 1st child was born this past June, and I am in the middle of a career change. I've been playing around with Stocks via Robinhood since last Fall, so I don't have much experience. The first time I heard of Day Trading was from a book I read this past Spring. I then read Andrew's book and found it very inspiring. I found the discussions on lifestyle inspiring, and I appreciated the seriousness of his approach to Day Trading. I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme. I am looking to build a new set of skills and to begin a new career. After reading Andrew's 2nd book and exploring other communities, I decided that BBT was the best fit for me and so far I have not been disappointed. I participated in the Onboarding class last night and have watched all of the Foundation videos. The presenters have been amazing and I am finding the Education Center to be incredibly valuable. I am itching to get a taste of live trading, but I know I have a ton of work to do before I even start SIM in DAS. I've been playing around a little bit with paper trading in TradingView to practice reading charts, but my primary focus has been on education. I'm hoping to start serious SIM trading soon, but not until after I've completed most training videos and have my tools and journaling in place. I'm happy to be a part of the BBT community and look forward to learning, growing and trading with you all! Jeff
  4. 1 point
    Hi there I am based in Somerset in the UK, with hopefully not too bad a lag time to the NY markets. After 21 years in international banking, and a few more as a consultant, fate has dealt its hand and 'day trading' has been the result. Lots of books, dozens of software packages, a lot of time and plenty of simulated losses - and I am starting to feel confident - dangerous, huh?! Having read Andrew's books, and really liked them, I have been using his techniques and strategies. This is getting easier! I am now shifting into real-time simulated trades, and plan to do that for the next 3 months. 2021 will hopefully be a very happy new year, with live trading planned to start if the progress continues. Looking forward to chatting with you all into the future. Hamish
  5. 1 point
    Hello, I'm Milo I just moved to NYC from Los Angeles CA, I'm originally from Finland though. I'm in my late 30s and I work part time in customer service, I have also worked in a few small budget movie productions as an assistant. I read the two books of day trading by Andrew, and it made me think that I should at least try it and see if I'm good at it. I'm completely new to day trading, I have never traded before except few times with those free trading simulator websites (if you count that as trading). I just opened the DAS simulator account and going to do paper trading for 3-6 months. Hopefully after that I can do live trades.
  6. 1 point
    They’ve got it right, but I’ll add a little to it as I was speaking with DAS today about this. If you change the global order configuration (setup menu, order template), you have to make sure to check the “use global” box when you right click the montage and go to order template. Either way you do it, if you have an account chosen in the order template, it will always default to that account when you click a symbol, assuming you have the account set for the exchange on which that symbol is traded. So if you set the default as your U account from IB, then you change it in the montage to trade your demo account, it will switch back to the U account (the default) when you click another symbol. To avoid this, don’t choose an account in the template. Leave it blank. When you choose it in the montage, it will stay that way until you change it again in the montage.
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