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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi guys, we are looking for ideas for Success Webinars, what would be great content/topics you wish to see in upcoming Success Webinars? Below is a list of topics that we are already working on, share your ideas! Come Into My Trading Room Series (Mods go over their trading setup in detail) Day Trading Options Extreme Reversals Strategy How to use Stop Losses Intro to Futures Trading Journaling (Psychology & Trades) Money Management Risk Management and Risk to Reward Analysis Strategy Backtesting Trade Managment (Stoploss, Profit, Adding, Target) Trading Leveraged ETFs: TVIX, NUGT DUST etc
  2. 1 point
    March 27 - Took a trade on $MU, jumped in a little early. I should have waited for the break of the pre-market high. I didn't and got stopped out. I also should have also been looking for a long of the pre-market high once it bounced. Oh well. So next week I think I am going to reset my sample set as I am making some adjustments to my trade plan this weekend and want to start with a fresh slate to record the results.
  3. 1 point
    March 26, $CAKE Took a trade on $CAKE in the afternoon. Got a good entry off the HOD and was looking to get back to VWAP. Everything was looking good and then some strange price action came in and stopped me out at break even. The wick candle you see happened in about 1 second. Quick pop filled me .20 cents above my break even and dropped right back down. Ended the day green so I won't too much but that did not make me happy.
  4. 1 point
    Great topic, one of my big interests. If you don't have energy for long runs it is probably either that you are not keto adapted, or that you don't eat enough protein. If you are keto adapted and eat enough protein your muscle glycogen will be similar and the respiratory quotient (how much fat vs carbs you are burning) will be improved. This should lead to enhanced endurance. See e.g. the faster study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0026049515003340 Anything other than the american standard diet is an improvement. The body cannot handle large amounts of carbs and fat at the same time. You can either select a high carb diet (mostly plant based) or a low carb diet (usually more animal based). People have found success with both approaches. Personally I find it very difficult to get all micro nutrient on a plant based diet and my stomach cannot really handle too much plants. I also like the animal foods more so my approach is low carb with 95% animal products (carnivorish). I don't think it is a good idea with strict keto because you don't get enough protein to handle hard physical activities. When you eat low carb with high protein you will go in and out of ketosis, which is enough to get the benefits from ketones.
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