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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Wednesday June 12th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. i missed the ORBs because there were a lot of people around the office this morning. i really liked MU as a 2MIN ORB getting in on the pullback so i was watching it move up to VWAP to get in on the short side. once it couldn't make a new 5min high with the 2min indecision doji, i got in short at the break of the 2min low. i should have waited for the pullback for a proper double top but i set my stop loss high enough that i didn't get booted from the trade on the pullback. i had to leave my computer so i put in my range order for 3R and when i got back i was happy to find i got filled. GOOD: R/R and position size. RFI: could have waited for the proper double top to get in MOOD: happy, surprised it hit my target. I was convinced it was too far away. CONSISTENT: yep, followed my plan. What i did good today: set my profit target and didn't over manage my trade What i did bad today: didn't wait for a better opportunity to get in to the trade. could have got more out of the trade. What can i do better tomorrow: try to take two good trades in a day.
  2. 2 points
    I've posted my setup before but I wanted to tidy my desk and invite a few friends this time.
  3. 2 points
    Wednesday 6/12/2019 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. My nerves were actually OK due to some new rules I implemented. Sorry another wordy journal entry. I took three (yes three) live trades with FB and MU. I did some soul searching yesterday and realized I need to adjust my rules a bit. I have been seeing three issues since I started with the daily max trade rules. 1) Trade not going well, I should get out. But I only have two trades allowed so I am going to hold it until my planned stop. This has been killing my win$/Loss$ ratio. Before my max daily trade rule I was pretty good at getting out of losing trades early. Everyone says to get out of a trade that doesn’t feel right you can always get back in. But I can’t due to my max daily trade rule. 2) I get a bad fill, I know the fill just destroyed my R/R but I still stay in the trade because I hate losing a chance to trade. 3) I correctly took small shares due to the trades particular risk. Then the trade goes in my favor and I try to squeeze out more than I should from the trade because I just used up an allowable trade. This happen yesterday. So new rule. I can increase my max daily trades by one if I exit a trade early due to concerns that it is no longer a good trade. I have some specific parameters, that I won’t bore you with, that takes the gray area away. My first trade was with FB. This was a strange one. I was watching it in premarket and I was so long bias. So I decided if it goes red to green I will go long. It did but I went light on the shares. There was a daily level just above it, but I thought if it pops above it there is no levels until $179.65. It was a bit exciting waiting for the one minute for the market to open but nerves OK, because from staring at FB charts for the last month this was a good R/R. It popped at open as I hoped and I got 3 partials in before it reversed. From experience with FB this drop was not going to stop and I exited well above B/E. I was thinking about flipping, but I felt like what Andrew says, I already made my money with FB and I moved on. When looking for other trades I liked MU, but I missed the entry. I like the 1min ORB when it bounces off the VWAP, but I was still in the FB trade at the time. Then it made a shooting star (reverse hammer) and R/R was good. But honestly my back test data says this has <50% of working on MU. So not sure if it was FOMO, but I took the trade anyway. Of course it instantly reversed on me. My S/O was VWAP, but since I have the new rule I got out when it broke the daily level at 33.86 and made a 1min hammer. Of course holding to my original S/O would have worked better. But this is a new rule. There will be some push and pull for a couple weeks before it works well. I am totally out of practice on early S/Os. Then MU bounced off of VWAP again and started forming a 3min ORB setup. According to back test data on MU this is has a nice edge to it. I shorted at the body break of the first two 1min candles. Price actually reached my first partial but I got a bad fill. Then I exited at B/E. My score card for today: What I did good today: Used my knowledge of how FB could open and took advantage of it by taking a position in the premarket. How did I challenge myself today? Opened a position in the premarket. Took three trades. Trading something else besides FB/AMD. What I did bad today: Ignored my back test data on MU. I should have known that was a low probability setup. Didn’t use my new 3 trade rule very well today. What can I do better tomorrow: Be more careful on the early S/Os, there is a learning curve I need to go through again. Follow your back test data!!
  4. 2 points
    June 11, 2019 - $MU (Partial x 2, Stopped) At the open $AMD sold off quickly at the pre-market and continued to sell off at the open. I had a little FOMO but just relaxed and choose to just watch for my indicators and look for a good opportunity to enter. I added $MU on my watchlist because it hit the gappers with volume. $MU and I do not get along so I was a little hesitate to added it as I usually get burned when I do. Today, it gave a couple good opportunities and I traded it well. I was able to execute my trade plan three times today. I took a 5 ORBD and a 15 ORBD x 2. I should have stayed in the second trade but got out quick. I re-entered at a lower price after I realized what I did. Sample Set Results, P P P S P 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  5. 2 points
    11.Jun.19 - DASTrader - Best Trader Yesterday, I was pretty exhausted after Over trading and Journaling for 3 hours because of that. One of the reasons I didn't overtrade today, kept it very simple. Luckily caught the setup too. Green day. I had $CRON, $AMD, $INTC on watchlist along with $PRVB, $CBAY and added $ZYNE later (from Andrew's watchlist). I ended up trading $ZYNE. Trade 1: At the open the usual suspects were very choppy, didn't offer any setup for 20 mins. I took $ZYNE finally which offered Fallen angel setup. It was Lowfloat, price went down at the open and slowly came back to VWAP around 9.50AM. Price bounced off VWAP and all the MAs. I took Long once the candle opened above the support. Bad spread and slippage. Nevertheless, exited the trade at 2:1 RR. It was harmonious setup too, so held 10% of position to go higher. Price struggled to go up and I exited. Trade 2: Noticed the price pulling back up to support again $ZYNE. It hit the HOD multiple times creaeting flattop for few mins, MAs are still trending up. I waited for the HOD break and went long. Now that I see it, this is also the Ascending Triangle that RobertH talks about in his video. Once again All or Nothing (AON) Exit. Stock was too strong and went 20c above my Exit. Big share size so exited a bit early, I need to get my DAS hotkey for 2:1 setup. Trade 3&4 : After 2nd trade i had reached my daily target. My rule is once my daily target is done, I will trade at 10% share size and will do only if good setup exists. Since $ZYNE was still strong, I took another 2 trades for the Target of $14 (even$ - B setup) from $13.85, it didn't work out. and I stopped out. Trade 5: $MSFT. I took a reversal on $MSFT after noticing double bottom on 2min. The price was not able to push down and struggled for 30mins. I went long after the indecision doji on 5min. Price moved 1R and I didn't take partial, got stopped out. $MSFT when in play is too strong on Long and Short. I have traded Hanging man on $MSFT before and it failed me few times too. Good: I didn't overtrade only 5 trades after yesterday's lesson. Met my daily goal. Although I had 3 losers I gave only 10% of my profit back. Stick to my Rules. $BYND was in action today, I didn't trade it after yesterday. Improvement: I keep burning my fingers on $MSFT and reversals. They are just not working out.
  6. 2 points
    I have been industrial controls and automation consultant for the last fourteen years. When I was researching into the prospects of being a professional trader, I first came across Andrew's book "ADVANCE TECHNIQUES IN DAY TRADING" which quickly became my guiding star. I then read Andrew's first book "HOW TO DAY TRADE FOR LIVING" and soon after that became BBT lifetime member. I strongly believe Andrew books and BBT community combination is the best in the industry for day trading. Thank you Andrew and BBT Community! Nadeem
  7. 1 point
    12.Jun.19 - DASTrader - BT Today I was totally tired due to lack of sleep in the last couple of days. But I decided to do the Premarket work and see how it goes. I actually ended up trading quite a bit. I had $MU (Harmonious - Opened below 9MA daily) $AMD. I also had Lowfloat/Lowprice stocks like $BYND, $CBAY (for Fallen angel setup) Trade 1: I made my biggest mistake on the first Trade in $MU. I Went short after I noticed the 3C setup on 1min. The price went against me I took one partial and stopped out. I took large size, but I saw my P&L accidentally and panicked. I should have realised the price wasn't even close to my STOP. Entry - $33.8, Stop - 15c, price moved only 12c against me and I stopped out. $MU was really bearish and moved a whole $ before afternoon. It was not about money, but the fact that I had my setup and I screwed it up. But it happens. Another day. May be my lack of sleep played a role here. Entry - $33.88, Stop - 15c. MFE price - $32.73 (7RR) Trade 2,3&4: $BYND. Trade 2 - I moved on from $MU and watched $BYND. I noticed 3C setup on $BYND. It was also a bullflag and Flattop breakout. Took it Long and after a doji appeard on 2min, I exited All. It was All-or-Nothing (AON) trade. Trade 3 - Slippage and Spread is really bad on these LF stocks, so I had to keep that in check. I also took another long to HOD and exited AON for small profit. Trade 4- Took another long close to VWAP and got stopped out - bad trade. Trade 5: $ZYNE, This was trading well yesterday, today was a followup day. I noticed the Fallen Angel setup. My Entry was late, I chased it a bit, and the price droped and stopped me out. Already the spread and slippage is bad, the volume is bad, there are resistence above, i shouldn't have taken this trade. Good: on Trades 4 & 5, I gave 75% of my profit back. I switched off my machine and went out. i decided not to trade today. Not even to watch stocks or be part of the Chatroom.. Watching stocks will make one to trade more and lose more. Atleast a small green at the end of the day. Improvement: I achieved my goal after my Trade 2. I should have stopped here, I traded 3 more times and got burnt. As my share sizes were small on losing trades, I didn't stop at my Stoploss, expecting the price to come backup. This is new bad habit. I MUST respect my stoploss in all cases. When I am really tired, trade very small size or skip the day totally.
  8. 1 point
    Hello I have been part of the group for about 6 months. Live trading on and off for about 3 months now. Just moved my set up to a standing set up. Just a laptop with a TV and a few monitors and a tablet for the chat room.
  9. 1 point
    I have been in one other community and I can say that while I left because their trading style did not align with how I wanted to develop as a trader, it was a relief to leave an environment that was very degrading to females. The BBT community is the gold standard for respect of members and focus on learning to trade in a sustainable way. I am so happy to be here. My one wish is a structured way to identify another trader who would like to be my "buddy". I noticed on the forum that a couple of small groups formed so I think there may be others who would like something similar. Some kind of filtering system to identify things like: time zone, trading experience, trading style, preferred frequency and method of communication, areas of trading that one would like support with, etc. That way instead of just posting a "want ad" in the forum, it would be possible to actually connect with someone of like style and experience who has similar expectations.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Tuesday 6/11/2019 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. My nerves again were not good, probably still recovering from a busy weekend. Very disappointed with my trading today. I apologize in advance for my wordy journal entry. I took two live trades with FB. My first trade was very poor trade management. I acted like I didn’t know how to trade FB. FB open strong and was always above the VWAP. It gave a slight pull back at $179 but it was always above the Boulinger band so I didn’t want to enter the trade. I finally went long as a standard 1min ORB at the break of the first candle. The R/R was not good using VWAP as my S/O since there was a daily level not far above it. I was considering the $180 level as the target which did have a R/R~2. But since that daily level was concerning I went half shares. The price reached my first partial level. Now everything up to this point is still OK. This is an OK trade, not great but I am fine with it. But this is when things went bad. Since I usually take partials too early I was holding back trying to teach myself to be patient. That is fine, but I am not sure if I didn’t notice or just wasn’t thinking, but the price has move $1.50 in just over 1 minute. That is a lot for FB and it is extended. I really need to take a partial. I didn’t. The only way I can explain this, is to hold myself from taking a partial I needed to do something else so I added more shares on the 2min ORB break. I did this just below a level and I should have known even if FB moves up more it will not be soon. It will need a consolidation period first so there was no hurry to add shares at that moment. Again the real reason is by adding I won’t take a partial. Then this is the real killer to the trade. I seldom add shares to my trades, so I guess the trade management is not thought out well. VWAP is now no longer a correct S/O since it is too far. B/E or bottom of the previous candle would have been the correct S/O. Again I didn’t think and let it go all the way to VWAP. And to add insult to my trading I added shares at the bounce of VWAP, which wouldn’t have been too bad, except FB doesn’t bounce off of VWAP in these situations. I should have known it will power through as it usually does. I did exit at the originally planned S/O level. Which should have never stayed as my S/O level. After FB broke through VWAP I waited for the break of the daily level. R/R was not good, but this I remembered about FB and it usually has some momentum when it breaks VWAP at this time of the day. So I shorted. The price did make it to my first partial but then quickly reversed. Since my B/E was just below a daily level that the price seem to show some respect for I moved my S/O there. I was then quickly stopped out for a slight loss. My score card for today: What I did good today: Stuck to my two trade max How did I challenge myself today? Flipped a position. What I did bad today: Did not use my knowledge of FB. Added shares before I had a plan. What can I do better tomorrow: Adding shares prohibited until rules and procedures are implemented.
  12. 1 point
    June 10, 2019 - $AMD (Partial) I was a little worried about the choppiness of $AMD at the open and I was a little over cautious today due to my performance last week. I had to remind myself that each trade is independent of the last trade. I entered a little late, which caused me to worry that I was chasing the stock. I should have evaluated the stock completely before exiting the trade. The indicators were on my side. I didn't have much time this weekend to work the analysis on the last sample set as I had some family commitments, but this week I will post the analysis as well as the adjustments I did for the next sample set as my entry point has changed a little. Sample Set Results, P P 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  13. 1 point
    10.Jun.19 - DASTrader - Best Trader I had a plan to improve my share size this week and try to find ways to improve gains. My watchlist was $AMD, $BYND, $MSFT and Lowfloat/Lowprice $PRVB, $MNKD. At the end of the day, I was green, but I didn't like the way I traded today. I was very nervous and was hoping for price to go my way looking for a setup. Trade 1&2: I took $MNKD and $AMD Premarket. I took them both Long hoping for the price to reach Premarket High. Both didn't work out. I was in $MNKD for long time hoping for it to give me the fallen angel setup to target $2. Finally I got out after almost 2 hours from the Open taking a loss. As my BP was locked in $MNKD, I could trade very limited and also didn't have time to check out on other stocks for e.g $PRVB (which traded very well today). Trades 3 & 4: Took $AMD long after bounce off from 200MA 1min. Stop 6c. Entry $33.62. Price moved quickly to $33.89 (25c @ 4:1 RR) I partialed once, then added on the pullback, but got stopped out. Instead of 4RR exit I got BE exit, because of the way I managed the trade. I should have taken more partial or get out after the 4RR. The setup always offers another Entry. I added, I never add to my position, it never works. Took another Long $AMD above 200MA on 1 min again (as the candles had long lower wicks indicating buyers in control), but got stopped out again. I was ok with Trade 4, though i got stopped out. Trades 5&6: $AMD reached $34 level (even$) and created a shooting star on 5min. There was also huge wall on Ask at the price of $34. I went short with $34.01 as Stop. Got stopped out, slippage another 5c. I fliped my position and got 2:1 RR Shooting star setup hasn't worked for me most of the times. May be a B-setup, Take lesser shares. Trades 7,8 &9: $BYND, I had 3 Long Trades at the open. Watched the price bounce off of MAs and took it long, waited the pullback and exited. Trade 8 scaled. Trade 9 was ABCD pattern on 2mins towards the HOD. $BYND was crazy strong today. From my entry $155 it moved up to $185 in 10mins. On hindsight, I could have held longer, but I am happy to get out and get in again on these volatile stocks. Entry - $155, MFE price - $185. 15RR (with 2$Stoploss). Fallen Angel setup. I took 3 separate trades within this range. Trades 10,11 &12: $BYND, Also took 3 more trades (1 Loss and 2 Winner - Long on 2 hammer setup on 2min). Good: Despite overtrading in Live and SIM, trade management was good most of the times. When they are bad, they turn out worse. Ended the day Green. Improvement: Too many trades (12) today. I would like to finish one and done, if not maxium 4-5 trades. Almost a Hulkday and felt I was going to give back all my profits till now. if the setup doesn't work GETOUT, don't hope. Don't add to the position, it doesn't seem to work for me Shooting stars are not working for me most of the times, hammer double bottom has very good success rate. Too many partials are not working. All or Nothing is working quite fine .
  14. 1 point
    07.Jun.19 - DASTrader - Best Trader After finding no favorable setup on my watchlist, I started checking other stocks and found $FB. Trade 1: $FB - Green, I traded this to Long, Price popped up, pulled back but bounced off the 9MA 3 times, I went long on the 4th candle. Price dropped to VWAP and I added. Partialled at 2:1 and 3:1. Very happy with this trade, though I didn't do it Live. Due to the high priced stock, I couldn't take large position. Entry - 170.9, Stop - 50c, Exit - 1.5RR (171.6), 3RR (172.63), 4RR(173). Was worried about price forming Double top at $171.6 and reversing, but $FB was strong. It was a good trade. MFE price - 174 (5RR). Almost perfect trade. Trade 3: Red. Took another Reversal on $FB that failed. Took short below MA cross that din't work. It's not my favorite setup. Trade 2: Red. I had $ZM on watchlist too. It was just below $20M float, Traded like a lowfloat. I never trade LF, but took this one, because the price action was nice, HH on 15min. Big MISTAKE. After moving up, the price dumped suddenly I gave it a 1$ stop that kicked in. Got stopped out. Nice setup, Wrong stock. Trade 4: $AMD Green. 30min before the close $AMD had a perfect shooting star setup on 5min. Took it short and profited at 2:1 (no partials). Good: Focusing only on consistency and trading only setups. Didn't take LF stocks to make great gains, but trading only midcaps and focusing on being consistent. Didn't over trade, just 4 Trades. Improvement: I lost my 2R profit of FB on $ZM against 1R loss. This is bad. I gotta reduce the share size, if the stop is large. I don't trade near the close, but $AMD setup was perfect and it worked out. Gotta rethink the strategy for taking MA cross reversals. Need to make large gains next week.
  15. 1 point
    06.Jun.19 - DASTrader - BT I did my Live trade today. After that switched to my Best trader account. Jumped into CIEN after seeing the 5min candle breakout. ABCD pattern forming on 2 min. I saw 2 candles with lower wick (sort of bouncing off MA) and then price moving up. So I took it long. Bad spread and slippage, I was alrady down when I entered. Price turned against me. I felt nervous about the price action, but I didn't exit. The next candle pulled up and formed the 3C setup. So I remained. Took some early partial to book some profit. Final one at 2:1thru Range order. Good: Hardly any. May be I was able to recognize the setup even under pressure of losing money and price going against me. Improvement: I immediately jumped into this trade. Need to wait for the setup, instead of riding on momentum. Almost Perfect Trade. Entry - 43.55, Stop - 75c, Exit - 1RR, MFE price - 2RR Trade 2: i took a small trade on $AMD after noticing the 15min 3C setup. Usually it doesn't work because of huge Risk (bigger 15min candle) and Price don't move that much after Open, action moves to Reversal. $AMD was strong, so I took a micro size in it. Price moved up, but I bailed out.
  16. 1 point
    06.Jun.19 - Live Trade I slept only 4 hours today, so was a bit tired at the open. I had $CLDR, $AMD, $UBER & $ROKU on watchlist. $CLDR gaped down and just above ATL, I thought it would break and go down further. $ROKU was on ATH. At the Open, took AMD Long after the 3C setup on 1min. I closed out my position as i got my RR and had to leave. $AMD popped close to $32, very strong thru the day. Entry - $31.25, Stop - 15c, Profit - 1.5RR and 3RR Good: Took small size (per my last month's observation), traded only the valid setup. Improvement - I made a hotkey mistake by partialing twice, instead of once. I am thinking about trying out ''All or Nothing Exits'' on Live trades, I have been doing that in SIM and it is working well.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    04.Jun.19 - DASTrader Challenge - BT $BOX, $AMD, $UBER, $VTR on the watchlist, I was also looking at Lowfloats like $SOLY and $PTI. $BOX and $VTR had gapped down, while the Market gapped up. I Traded $BOX today. 3 candle setup on the 2 mins, Entry on the 3rd breakout candle, stop below the low of 2nd candle, Range order to get 2:1. I can trade only the first 45 mins after the market open, then I have to take care of my kid and I can trade only in the afternoon. So I always use Range order, in a way, this has helped me a lot, because I am not sitting and watching the price action nervously. Sometimes I get stopped out (I remember my $CSCO trade) but in long term, this will help. It has helped me today, I got my 2:1. It was a one and done day. Entry - $15.85 Stop - 25c Target- $16.3 Exit - $16.3 Good: I didn't take another trade, learnt my lesson from yesterday. Improvement: I saw the 2nd 2min candle opening above VWAP, it was an indication for Long, I just din't jumpin, but waited for a solid confirmation. the only drawback with Range order is, I use moving Stoploss (like VWAP) a lot, so once price moves in my direction my original stop is not valid, but Range order can't map tech levels into it.
  19. 1 point
    03.Jun.19 - DASTrader Challenge - BT First day of the challenge. I had $FB, $CRON, $LK and $AMD on the watchlist. $AMD popped up premarket due to some news about Samsung mobiles using AMD chips. Was watching $AMD and $FB at the open. 1st Trade: $AMD bounced off from VWAP and Itook Long position, I partialed quickly as the price I felt was too extended premarket and lot of buyers may be taking profits at the open. 2nd Trade: $AMD 2min offered a 3 candle setup and I went Long, one partial at HOD and got stoped out. 3rd Trade: While I was in $AMD trade I was also noticed ORB setup on $FB, I didn't take it, as I can manage only one trade at a time. After I was done with the AMD trades I took 15min ORB on $FB, no partial just exited at 1.5:1 RR. Trade 4,5&6: In the afternoon, I took $FB reversal below 50MA on the 1 min, got stoped out. Went short again $FB after it bounced off 50MA on 1 min (inside), I had 1R profit, I didn't take it and got stopped out. There was support on 50MA from 2min and the price wouldn't drop though $SPY dropped. I waited for the price to drop below 50MA (2min) and took short again. This time it worked with good RR. Trade 6: $AMD was so bearish thru out the day, it did offer a small reversal and I took it. 15min offered a double bottom with hammer at support level, I went long and partialed at 2;1. Good: I traded only setups, was able to manage the large positions in multiple trades. Improvement: my reversal trades on $FB were really poor, I shouldn't have gone with full size, I almost gave 50% of profit back. I am not very good at MA cross reversals, and I haven't practised them. I need to reduce my sharesize. I should have stopped after my first 3 trades. No need to overtrade and lose to the market. Partials are just Ok.
  20. 1 point
    June-2019 - DASTrader Challenge - BT I have enrolled into the DAStrader challenge. This lasts for a month 3-Jun till 28-Jun. My main purpose of enrolling are I want to try out my actual Live Trading Strategies and Rules and identify the gaps. I don't have too many rules at this stage and so it can also help me develop some new ones. I am going full size for this challenge and see how my nerves are (though this is SIM, I will try to treat it as 'Live' as much as possible). Since I am under PDT rule currently and have only 3 trades per week, I can take more trades thru this challenge. In short this is a pilot for my actual Live, which may happen soon. Of course, if I win this there are benefits My Main strategies are: ORB (esp 3 candle setup) Harmonious charts (esp at ATL or ATH) Double bottom with hammer at support. Other strategies I use with reduced share size. RobertH the Great reversal MA bounce (esp 50 and 200MA on higher timeframes) Candle reversals - Hammer, Shooting Star, Inverted hammer, Hanging man My Rules are: Only one trade at a time. Stick to my StopLoss: Don’t trade within 2 mins: Max 4-5 Trades per day, but mostly 3 trades. If I hit my target then I reduce my share size to 1/10. Risk per trade $250, max loss per day $1000. I am taking fullsize, so I will use upto 75% of my BP (100K) for a trade, this is atleast 10 times more than my current Live trade (200 shares Real vs 2000 shares in the Challenge)
  21. 1 point
    After much experimentation (still ongoing!), I've settled on one main 32" monitor for scans, internet, and admin, with three 27" monitors above for charts and level 2. The hotkey pad orientation is also still evolving. A view can also add to one's composure during the trading day Andrew's book was the first piece of trading literature I read and helped me tremendously in getting through the difficult, and often painful, learning curve this pursuit requires. Besides focusing on the clear and simple strategies that many in this community share, I've benefited most from watching Andrew and the other moderators show up each day with a consistent, balanced, long-term approach to trading. Simply being reminded each day by example of how to avoid FOMO, take profits, cut losses early, and come back again tomorrow has done for my growth more than hundreds of hours of studying charts, patterns, indicators, techniques, etc.
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