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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Tuesday June 14th, 2019 Sleep: 7.5 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. first trade of the day was a 5min ORBU in TME. i didn't want to chase it so i put in a limit buy at 14.79 which ended up getting filled. once i was in the trade i did not like the price action at all, too jumpy and when it went over $14.90 it sold off faster than i could even see it move so i got out with a small loss. I could have got out with a small win but i was afraid it was going to really sell off. GOOD: used a limit order not to chase my entry. RFI: could have got out at b/e or a small win. MOOD: happy i didn't chase. CONSISTENT: yes, good reading of the price action, this was a full stop had i stayed in the trade. Next trade was a long in AMD. i chased the entry and when it didn't break the HOTD, it bounced back to the 200 MA and i got out for a full loss. glad i got out because it sank. GOOD: got out at stop loss RFI: bad trade, chased before it broke the HOTD. MOOD: ok CONSISTENT: yes, traded the plan. once it sold off past the LOTD i waited for a pullback and got in short. i was confident in this trade but i was stubborn about getting out and got auto-stopped out. disappointed in my stubbornness to abandon the trade. also, i got in too early. GOOD: good setup. RFI: too stubborn to cut my losses MOOD: disappointed CONSISTENT: no, did not follow the plan. That's three losers in a row and max loss for me so that's my journal for the day. i ended up trying that same short again in AMD, got stopped out. then i went long too soon and got stopped out and then long one last time that was a winner. still lost on the day. What i did good today: good entry on TME. good idea on AMD it was just too strong. good job limiting losses in the first two trade. What i did bad today: not taking strong enough setups. being stubborn on getting out of my AMD trade. What can i do better tomorrow: take better setups. Other comments for tomorrow: i've decided to re-instate my daily max loss on my SIM account. i removed it so i could practice trades and not worry about P&L but what i need right now is to practice as realistic as possible and part of that is having a daily max loss.
  2. 2 points
    May 14, 2019 - $AMD (1 Stop, 1 Target) Well it has been a while since I posted within a sample set. I took longer than normal to design this sample set as I wanted to focus on a couple of key items I been having issues with. This sample set I working on executing my trade plan properly without adjusting it in the middle. I post the parameters later tonight as I am running short on time before I need to head back to work. Below are my first two trades of the new sample set. 1st Trade - I entered too early and could not remember if I had inputted my stop loss correctly for my hotkey, so I exited and reset my stop to the technical level and looked for the proper entry. 2nd Trade - I entered at what I think is a good spot. I took the first partial when the momentum stopped, my second partial (which was actually an all-out) was near the PCL. I could have sworn that I hit my partial cover button, but I guess not. Also the trade log shows almost a 8 sec delay in the last two fills. I am going to have to check the account after the close today to see if it was just a delayed fill or if I hit the cover all button later. Sample Set Results S P 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  3. 2 points
    Tuesday 5/14/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning. My nerves were OK. Took two live trades both with AAPL. It looked from the premarket that I probably would not trade right at the open again, which helped my nerves. I usually have some plan for AAPL before the bell, but today I had no idea what would happen so I just waited and to see. Soon after open AAPL looked weak with a bearish 1min candle. When it broke the $186 mark I shorted. My S/O was at the 186.13 daily level and my target at the 185.7 level. The R/R is right at 2 but this is a very tight S/O so there will be some slippage so the R/R <2. But, I really liked the potential of a green to red play, so I was fine with the reward to risk ratio. It did reach a first partial but quickly reversed. I do have a rule not to S/O at B/E after the 1st partial if just beyond the entry was a strong level. But in this trade there wasn’t. So I S/O at B/E for a small profit. The whole trade was 5 seconds long. What AAPL looked like when I took the trade: 1min Chart 5min Chart The second trade with AAPL occurred when a really bullish hammer was created with the 2min candle. It was a really nice setup. Bullish hammer, engulfing the first 1min candle and broke through 3 levels at once (VWAP, 200MA-5min, 186.52 PM level). The setup had a good R/R = 3, with 200MA-1min as the target and the 186.50 as the stop loss level. It even had a strong 1st target which was the HOTD and the 50MA. I couldn’t ask for a better setup. But of course that doesn’t mean it’s a winner. The price did reach my 1st target where I took a partial but then floundered for a while then dropped. Since the level was so strong below the B/E, I waited for the price to break the level to S/O instead of B/E (the AAPL rule I use). So the trade did become a small loser. So my profits were flat for the day. But that’s OK, that means I got to trade for free today. What AAPL looked like when I took the trade: 1min Chart 5min Chart My score card for today: What I did good today: Best score on any trade since I have been tracking them (~6 weeks). Funny that it was a losing trade. In general I traded well today. How did I challenge myself today? Took a trade (1st trade) that was not any specific setup I use. Also the trade was only 5 seconds long, but I still managed the trade well. What I did bad today: I forget to go through my preflight checklist until a few minutes before the open. During the checklist I found an issue with may layout. It was nothing major, but shows you that it needs to be done every day and as early as possible. What can I do better tomorrow: Perform preflight checklist early.
  4. 1 point
    may 13th, ended the day with 50 tickers, 2800shares. slight overtrading though the higher number over tickers is mostly due to partialling out. i sometimes trade the premarket, but only if there is a high volume and price action has good movement, today uber was like that. premarket also had shares for short. first trade i made was a short, i got in at 39,55. not happy with this entry. i actually wanted to get in at 39,88 but i hesitated a bit and the ask dropped down from that. then i actually tried to put a limit order but never got filled again. the priced dropped quite a lot from that. i know i should not jump in then but the tape really showed no sign of strenght so i just got in with 100 shares. i still got about 40cents out if it which was ok. i wondered if i should let my last partial ride the wave and get out of breakeven at worst but i didnt , i should have. second trade another short on uber, went short on a pullback to the 9ma but it broke that and stopped out on above the 20ma, still green after this trade. then i shorted it again because it failed to hold a break above the vwap. not a very good entry, the spread was bigger at that moment. something to be more carefull of in premarket. my stop was at vwap which was not great. at drop i just partialed out 25% and this time i thought i let it reach my breakeven point, it hit my breakeven and for some reason price got higher suddenly and i got out with a loss, pity because it did drop down a lot not long after. this loss happened because i had a bad entry i think. when the market opened there were no shares for short available anymore so i didnt look at it anymore. at market open i traded aapl, first i shorted it 3 times... first time was entry at vwap, it went down though not really weak, my last partial was at breakeven, maybe that wasnt a good choice as it turned out to be justa bounce of vwap, i shorted it again though what i should have done is wait for a pullback as i let myself stop out of this. since it bounced again of vwap i thought ok now its gonna go lower.. i shorted again and got small profit but it didnt want to break lower so i got out again. then it went above the vwap but i didnt get in immediatly, i started to think that im stuck in a chop again. it formed an abcd so it did get in again, long this time, it went up but again didnt really make a continuous move. mu... well, that was a hotkey mistake, i shorted the stock with small share size and then i wanted to add some but in stead i got out of my position.. small loss but mu did make a nice move so that sucked. not sure why i didnt just get in again. i think i felt like i was starting to overtrade again. but seeing the stock move in my direction without me...it made me want to trade more.. so i did i was watching roku, i had my eye on a short position around 84,40 but was scared to get in, i think i have lost more on roku then any other stock so far. well it did drop and then i got in below vwap, letting me stop out above vwap, i got stopped out but looking at the tape and level2 it looked like it was gonna go lower, so i got short again above vwap this time, i was gonna stop out above the moving average which was a just above. i partialed out too much too soon i think, this time i didnt feel like letting my last partial come to my breakeven point again but offcourse thats when the stock makes a nice move afterwards... then i was looking a aapl too, i really moved with the spy, whatever the spy did apple did so kinda for fun i wanted to try if i could use that info, i made 3 trades on it, 3 times green but never a big move, last partial i always took breakeven, small sharesize so not much profit, i should have tried this with sim perhaps but at the time i didnt think of that. offcourse jus a few min later as i actually told myself now stop for the day aapl did make a nicer move. how i feel about my trades this time... mm, i want to focus on better entrys so i can have tighter stop and increasing chance for profit. my first trade of the day i felt bad for hesitating when i told myself now is the moment to get in yet i did not. hesitation and patience, one i have too much and the other i lack. .. i used quite small sharesizes today, this has the advantage of any loss is small too but when you partial out,.. the last parts has an almost insignificant P/L . this shouldnt matter offcourse since the process is more important but i still have a tendency to look at P/L during trades and it messes with my decisions. p/l was 120 but i think half of that will be gone to comission fees.
  5. 1 point
    Monday 5/13/2019 I had a well-being score of 5.5/10 this morning. My nerves were not good. Took two live trades with AAPL and AMD. I could tell from premarket that I would be trading at the open again, so nerves were not good. I tried meditating longer this morning and it helped some. The plan I had for AAPL is if it drops and bounces off the 186.31 level then I will go long when it breaks a dollar or half dollar level. When it did bounce the price action was crazy. It was flipping back and forth through the $187 level, it felt like with each tick. I finally went long when the price calmed down and the candle looked like a OK hammer and the volume was amazing. My level that it broke was the 185.50 or the PM low. Since it was only 20 seconds after open and I knew by the price action I would get a big slide on my S/O fill so I took half shares. What AAPL looked like when I took the trade: 1min Chart 5min Chart I took the first partial at VWAP, the second at a PM level and the third at the 50MA. The moment it dropped below the VWAP I exited. Yes, I did get more than $1 from AAPL today but since it was half shares I felt like trading more. Which is good since I took an interesting trade with AMD. Soon after I saw AMD setting up for a 5min ORB. I liked that it looked like an ABCD, the 5min candle was bullish and the current candle engulfed the premarket candle. I went long on the 3rd bounce off of VWAP. I got a bad fill, but that is common on AMD so I already set my share size accordingly. The issue with the bad fill is my R/R is now 1.6. But, that is OK, I learned a quite a bit on the trade and I need a lot more practice on the 5min ORB. After I entered the price tried to break the 50MA multiple times and started to retrace. I do have a guideline that if the price hits resistance on 3 separate 1min candles I should exit the trade that it might reverse. But since both the VWAP and 50MA both had 3 rejections I thought I would stay in the trade. Then the 50MA had a 4th rejection. I should have exited the trade right there at B/E. Instead I let the price go to my planned S/O where I did just that. I hind sight waiting for the 5min candle break on the new candle would have prevented me from taking the trade and taking the loss. Some things to think about. My score card for today: AAPL AMD 93% 85% The AAPL trade was a good setup and well managed. The AMD trade was a good setup but I did drop the ball a bit on the management. I delayed on the entry by a couple of tenths of seconds causing a bad fill. And I should have exited when I had four rejections to break the 50MA. What I did good today: I really like that I had a 50% win rate but was green for the day. Looking back, I had fun trading today. How did I challenge myself today? Took a 5min ORB What I did bad today: Poor trade management on AMD, though I am glad I took the trade. What can I do better tomorrow: Need to perform back testing on the 5min ORB (I currently only back test my strategies on the 2min ORB). I need to learn more about it.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Converted a typical closet into a trade station. I added a 'peel n stick' wood wall paneling and installed a 3 pot-light lamp above with dimmer switch.
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