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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Wednesday March 13th, 2019 Sleep: 8 hours. Mood: good, happy to be back to trading. First trade of the day was in ACB. it was an ORBU but i waited for a full break of the wick before entering. sold 75% at 2R and got out the rest at b/e. looks like Carlos also took that trade but got a better entry, i'm guessing he saw that 1min candle at 9:34 and then got in when it bought up over the MAs and made a new 1min high. I was only right on half my trades last week so i'm comfortable making as sure as i can the trade is going to work before getting in so long as i can still get a 2:1 R/R. GOOD: good entry, good R/R RFI: probably should have just got out completely but there's no way to know before hand MOOD: good. CONSISTENT: yes, followed the trade as planned. Next trade was again in ACB. it engulfed and then sold below VWAP and then made a new 5min low so i was comfortable with this going lower. Once i was in the trade i realized i wasn't really at a good enough R/R and it engulfed above the VWAP and made a new 5min high against so i got out. i thought it was going to pop back to my stop loss so i got out with a .6R. this trade ended up working and not hitting my stop but at the time it was looking like it was likely going to stop me out. i realized after this trade that this is sympathy trading with CRON. GOOD: i'm comfortable with this small loss even though i was right on the trade. RFI: don't deviate from the plan. accept your stop loss or don't take the trade. MOOD: fine. CONSISTENT: not my best trade, 1.2 R/R and didn't follow the plan. also no setup. going with not consistent on this one. A couple of minutes after i got out of the last short in ACB. it sold off on serious volume. i waited for a pullback and got in risking a new 5min high to the open price. I could have waited for a better entry at the VWAP but it would have only been better by 5 cents or so which is significant but i'm not going to get on myself about getting perfect entries. it was wavering for a bit with no one in clear control. i set a range order and left it so i wouldn't overthink it and it came down to my profit target. i got all out because it was not very bearish so i thought if it did hit my profit target i should get all out. GOOD: good entry, good R/R RFI: could have had a better entry and a little bit better target (LOTD instead) MOOD: happy the trade worked CONSISTENT: yes. What i did good today: kept my emotions in check and made sure i was in the trades with the trend. What i did bad today: my second trade could have been better. even though i made sure it was trending down, it's typically a bad idea to get right in at a new 5min break. in my opinion at least, it seems like i can almost always get a better entry if i'm patient. What can i do better tomorrow: patience on entries. Other comments for tomorrow: keep working on making sure you're trading with the trend.
  2. 1 point
    March 12th P&L After Commissions: $53 Trades: 5 Took 5 trades today. Had 2 winners with 3 losers but finished up $53 after commissions. I had two winners who moved about $1 each but the profit taking wasn't the best on them. I could have let more shares ride for a longer time period. I was too antsy with profit taking on both trades. $MOMO Long - Took MOMO long on a VWAP break when it came back to retest VWAP. This was a bad trade. There wasn't any confirmation that the stock would hold VWAP I just assumed and wanted it to. It was not a great long and I got stopped out quickly. I took it again a second time a few minutes later when it broke through VWAP. A much better entry would have been a few candles later. I took my first profit after a 25 cent again and the second profit taking was supposed to be a $30 cent gain but I had a bad fill. I then started taking profits every minute or so. I need to let the trade ride out instead of being so aggressive with profit taking. There was no reason to take profits where I did. I also should have let the trade ride until it made a new 5 minute low. I exited near $37, just because it was a whole number. Decent entry, but profit taking can be a lot better. $MOMO Short - First attempt was when it broke between the moving averages and seemed to hold the 9ema for one candle. It popped up and I had to exit the trade. I entered a second time when the price action looked like it was going to drop back down. It looked like it couldn't hold $37.70 so I took it short there. I sold half my shares before it crossed the 50SMA and sold 25 more shares at $37 and the rest near VWAP. Again could have been a little better with the profit taking but happy with this trade.
  3. 1 point
    3/12/2019 Didn't make the same mistake today like I did on $ELAN yesterday. $ROKU - Went short 100 shares looking for the ORBD. Got a move down and covered. Traded the P/L as usual. Could've squeezed more out of it, but didn't want to be greedy. This move was 1% of my equity. Signal: Close below VWAP and 9MA 5-minute. $MOMO- Price action at open squeezed up and closed above VWAP/9MA 5-minute. I took a similar trade long on $ELAN yesterday and got stopped out on a fade. I went short 100 shares this time taking it as the bulls couldn't hold the price up. I covered everything at the 20MA 5-minute (blue line) thinking the price action would bounce from there. Made the right call. $MOMO gave a nasty reversal opportunity later. Good entries at the 9MA 5-minute. $SFIX - I had the same mindset here like I did on $MOMO. Bulls couldn't hold the price action up so I shorted. I almost shorted at 9:40, but didn't feel like it was the right time. I wanted to see the close above/below the 9MA 5-minute first. If I shorted, I would've gotten caught in a nasty squeeze. After the price action didn't close below the 9MA 5-minute, I waited. When I did short, 75 shares with a stop above the previous candle. Figured if it would go, it would be now. Got a big drop, but covered too soon as always. Was looking for 35.50, but I thought that if the price action closed below VWAP, it could go to 35 or near the 20MA 5-minute (blue line). Went a lot lower. $DKS - Had it on my watchlist, but stop watching it after the trash action that it had. The price action straighten up later and offered a solid clean breakdown after close below the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute. Result:
  4. 1 point
    Tuesday 3/12/2019 My nerves were better today, but still not great. I had a wellbeing score of 5/10. My allowable two trades were with AAPL and MOMO. My AAPL checklist: I broke my 9:31:45 EST time rule again by a full 30 sec. But I again I didn’t feel this was a 1min ORB. I really felt like it was an early 2min ORB setup. I may want to rethink that rule. AAPL had a very bullish 2min candle being created. This is what it looked like when I took the trade: The tech level used for the setup and the power was unusual. The price bounced strongly at a level at $179.93 three times, though I do not see anything on the chart to signify its presents. But somewhere there was a big seller(s) at that price. So I call this a weak “curtsy” Once it broke that level I took the trade. I was better with the partials than yesterday, but still not great. My second trade was with MOMO. I really liked the bearish 5min candle and and went short the moment it broke VWAP. But I got a really bad fill (instantly lost 0.5%) and risk/reward was now below 2 to 1. I have been bad about staying in trades after this happen, so I tried to be better about it and I immediately exited the trade at B/E. What I did good today: I liked my AAPL trade. I improved on my partials. Kept to my 1 + 1 trade/day rule. How did I challenge myself today? Was able to exit a trade as soon as I saw the bad fill. This has been difficult for me and emotionally it felt worse than a stop out. What I did bad today: Taking trades too early. I need to analyze the recent trades and see if the time limit rule needs to be more enforced What can I do better next tomorrow: Need more patience.
  5. 1 point
    Week 10 Recap Not my best week of trading by a long shot. My biggest trouble this week was getting in too early and guessing the trend before the confirmation. By doing this i was wrong 83% of the time this week and it showed in my 3 days of hitting max loss. Goals for next week are two fold; the first is to wait for a confirmation and trend change on the 5min chart and the second is to be strict in my stop loss. i'm bummed i can't trade until Wednesday.  Weekly stats o 2.7 R/R (Goal: above 2.0) [Record: 2.7] o 30/48 63% (Goal: above 80%) [Record: 93%] o -$106.37 (Goal: $250) [Record: $49.03] o 50% trades with the trend (Goal: 100%) [Record: 50%] o 2/12 17% Early Entries (Goal: 0%) [Record: 17%] o 2/12 17% Letting Losers Run (Goal: 0%) [Record: 17%] o 4/12 33% No Setup (Goal: 0%) [Record: 33%]  Highlights o Average of 2.7 R/R for the week. o Nice trade in HZNP on Thursday  Ongoing things to work on o Getting in to trades too early. Not waiting for confirmation and not taking setups. o Win percentage was 17% this week. Worst I’ve seen it. o Picking the wrong direction half the time and then I’m only winning 33% of those that are in the trend
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