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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi everyone! My name is Vince ( Bibonow in chatroom ), I'm 28 years old from Montreal Southshore. My first language is french by the way. Quick story: I had all kind of different jobs in my life from 20 to 27 years old such as : Bartender, Physical trainer, Poker player for a year, Forklift driver, Financial advisor, etc. All of 2017 to April 2018, I was a Financial Advisor for IA Financial Group. In every job I had always came the same feeling after couple of months working... : What the fuck am I doing here earning this CAD500$/Week working 40 hours, gaz, getting to job, road, I wont do that all my life thats for sure blah blah blah and one day, it was in February when SPY took a huge hit, people in the office were all talking about changing clients portfolio to somewhere else to dodge the damage and I did not have any knowledge about market AT ALL even tho I was a F#cking financial Advisor, to me I was Insurance seller ahahah. Well I thought okay so its like if you bought something High price and Sold it lower price right ?! And they were all like no no no. So at this point I had no knowledge what so ever and I reached to one of my good friend : Google Started to read, and one thing lead to another I found out this guy who I'm sure 95% of people in BBT knows, Ross Cameron from WT. So I watched SHIT TON of videos and started to read ALOT, I've read 4 books in 3 weeks wich are in order : 1) Stock Investing for Dummies, 2) Day Trading for Dummies, 3) A Beginner's guide to day Trading Online by Toni Turner, 4) How to Daytrade by Ross Cameron, 5) How to Daytrade by ANDREW AZIZ. I was hooked after Andrew's book I then elaborated a 4 Phases plan Phase I : Find an evening shift job so I can trade the Open 9h30 to 11h30 Phase II: Trade in a Simulator for at least 2 x 3 Months and save as much money as I want for future Trading Capital Phase III: When ready, Deposit $ And start trading with small share size to get emotions down and stress and you know Phase IV : Is when I will be consistently profitable and leave my job to Travel. At this time I had a Job I did not like anymore and with my girlfriend it was kind of hard due to 1h distance and always arguing for little things over and over again + having different goals in life not being at the same stage, she was more mature and ready to settle in a house, kids, etc. SO, on March 6th 2018, my 28th Birthday, I left my job, broke with my girlfriend (broke her hearth too..), who I'm still in love with (don't tell her please)and had a pretty rough week I must admit.... Took me 6 days to complete Phase I, on March 12th was my first day at my new job as a Forklift Driver on an EVENING SHIFT and I started the Simulator on March 19th. I only missed ONE morning of trading since. Long story short, On March 19th, I started my Journey as a Day Trader on the simulator and went for 1 month in chatroom to get used to it all and the last 2 months by myself to have a harder time and learn more. As everyone here who started to daytrade in simulator, emotions are always there, at first I felt REALLY Lost and found myself looking at a screen full of what the hell is that and this and where do I start. You do one trade and win, Im the best I'll make a living tomorrow out of it, the next trade you lose and feel like a complete failure... The first month served as getting used to platform and terminology and you know doing shitty trades experiencing how to calculate share sizes, stoploss, entry, exit, scaling out, hotkeys, manoeuver with charts, etc. 2nd month I started journaling trades DATE, TIME, TICKER, SCREENSHOT, PATTERN, TREND, LONG/SHORT, SHARE SIZE, PRICE ENTRY, ENTRY TECHNICAL, RISK, REWARD, R:R RATIO, WIN/LOSS, PROFIT, THINGS TO CORRECT, 3rd month is now over and I learned alot. Juin 15th, Buy Lifetime Pro Membership BBT and 2nd 3Months of DAS, @ around 2PM get fired the same night at the end of my shift 11PM, Yeh.... ***************************MY PLAN********************* For my 2nd 3 Months of simulator: - Trade only stocks on Andrew's watchlist - Journal EVERY SINGLE TRADE I MAKE with the only exceptions of Hotkeys Mistakes - Make a weekly recap video of my week. What was my Win$/Loss$ Ratio, Win Rate%, Lessons learned, Minimum Share Float stocks need to have, Price Range$, etc - I will create a plan this weekend with Risk% per trade, Max Daily Loss, The Patterns I will trade, etc that I will post here. - I will probably streaming on Twitch every morning probably in french I think with people watching I will be kinda forced to follow the rules I made - I would also really like to make friends with some of you and discuss DayTrading together and share our path I attached a screenshot of my journal for those interested SIDE CHALLENGE I am currently on a 100 day Challenge (Currently on day #13) START : Juin 4th ENDS : September 11th ( I will go longer for sure) 1) NOFAP Hard Mode It means No Ejaculation AT ALL with the only exception of wet dreams since I can't control that 2) No Nail Biting 3) I'm 6 feet tall and 153 Pounds in pretty good shape. Goal is to get to 185 pounds! It is honestly almost impossible but they say set higher goals so I do. (Already at 161 lbs after pooping 3 times this morning thanks to black coffee) Feel free to comment, give opinions and tips ideas or anything. AND, If you live near Montreal PLEASE enter in contact with me SEE YOU GUYS IN CHATROOM MONDAY MORNING #WeeVap #VeeVap #VWAP
  2. 1 point
    Aiman is correct. Here is an answer I provided to another member:
  3. 1 point
    I'm still learning as well, I'll tell you what I believe is true, hopefully someone corrects me if I'm mistaken A daily chart is very important to find support and resistances, I believe you know what support and resistance is. If you use Andrews DAS setting you already have some levels for support and resistance which is yesterdays low and high and two days ago low and high. Then you can set to more levels which are pre market high and low. Now let's go to the daily chart, first supports and resistances you can take are the moving averages on daily charts especially if they're close to the current price action because the stock is highly reaching it and you can make that level you target for short or long. Secondly, let's say the stock is moving between 7-9$, and you need to find supports and resistances in that area or maybe above it or below it, you'll go through the daily chart searching for the period the stock was trading between that range or above it or a bit below it, find a level at which the stock bounced from, and mark it as a support or resistance to use it as your target later maybe. Traders also look at daily charts to know if the stock was a former runner, if the stock was a former runner, it means it has the possibility to run again if it gets the volume or news! It's also good to know if the stock in all times high or not, and if the stock is trending up or down for the past few days weeks or a period of time.
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