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About This Club

Singaporeans daytrading the US opens at 1030pm SGT !!! It'd be good that we can stick closer and support each other in our quest to escape the 9-5 grind, working 2 hours a day for income and the remainder of our day for our multiple passion projects. It's going to be an amazing journey. Let's meetup and get to know each other!

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hi Tommy, new to BBT. Are you still actively day trading in Singapore, and was your low latency issue with DAS Pro resolved? Would love to learn from you! Dan
  3. Hey troopers! Wondering if anyone's still alive here. Would love to get a telegram/W.A. group going/join one if there's already one floating around. I strongly believe in the possibility of this journey, but having accountability and camaraderie would definitely help through the tough periods. Best Regards, Drako +6598347921 (Drop me a message!)
  4. Dear all: This is Tommy Iam new in BBT group. I saw Videos instruction about DAS Pro. They recommend to work under 200 ms of Network Delay But my das pro over 200 sometime 300. do you guys have any solution for that ? I will appreciate if you could reply , Thank you
  5. Yup would be nice to have a discord/telegram group for Singaporeans traders to communicate.
  6. Hi adrian, am new to the show and was wondering if the group is still active on discord? Cheers
  7. hey guys, set up a discord group for singapore traders we can use during trading sessions daily https://discord.gg/M5zX27z
  8. Welcome Stonksss to the discord group! Anyone else has any idea how to operate the discord group would be very welcome ! see you guys tonight
  9. hey guys, Been inactive on the forums since I've joined in 2017. I think it's a good idea to start a Singapore-based discord group so we can trade together and talk through our trades on a daily basis and learn from each other. I found that it difficult to type on the chatroom while trading since I'm a scalper most of the time. I've set up a discord room, join us fellow traders https://discord.gg/M5zX27z
  10. Is there any singapore discord group while trading hour ? If there is , could you join me in ? If there isn't ,I want to start a discord group while communicate trading ? anyone interested ?
  11. I live in Japan now tho but I wonder if there are still many active members in singapore
  12. Hi there, are there regular meetups in Singapore? I joined BBT last April but have been working in KL on an offshore oil and gas contract, since june so been sticking to Swing trading and other longer term stuff. Having just turned 50 I've Finally had enough of the chaos and stress of the Offshore marine contracting game and going to go full time trading will be back in Singapore mid January. I like working from home, but being part of an active community and regular face to face meets to discuss and share ideas, wins and losses, strategies, things i did well, things i totally screwed up etc really helps keep the spirits and motivation up. I fly drones, ride bikes and like to head out to the hills to climb mountains when i can. Most weekday mornings I will be riding my bike down at East Coast for Kopi O and breakfast then flying drones for a while either at the barrage or angsana green. if anyone wants to join in for a casual ride and breakfast chit chat and even have a go at drone racing give me a shout.
  13. Hi All, I think it would be good to suggest some topics where we can discuss and organize info for future use. Let me know if you have any topics you would like to raise here. Thanks !

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