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Equalized risk+ a profit target / range hotkey

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Hi Guys, I'm trying to use the hotkey that sets an Equalized risk+ a profit target / range based on R,  :  CXL ALLSYMB;StopPrice=Price-0;DefShare=BP*0.925;Price=Ask-Price+0.00;SShare=40/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=200;Price=Ask-StopPrice*3+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+

when I change the R from 1 to 3 StopPrice*3+Ask;    it some how don't show the stop loss and the target on the chart and on the orders as well, any idea why is that ?

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@Pete B Hi Peter, Thanks for the resond, I don't know what you mean, the hotkey advanced script is enabled,

the hotkey works perfectly only with 1R, when I change the R in the script to 2 or 3 ( StopPrice*3+Ask)

it does not work any more in temrm of showing the stop loss and the profit target on the chart and on the orders

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you enabled the possibility to use advanced script syntax but your syntax is the old syntax not the advanced syntax as explained here. i bet you get plenty of syntax errors in your log file.

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@Pete B Hey Peter, yes your right, I do get errors, I think I understand what you mean now, this specific hotkey script has an old syntax, and I should use yours instead: 

TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGEMKT LowPrice:$mystop HighPrice:$target ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+;

am I right ?

Edited by Elie

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Preferably yes, because the old syntax is confusing while the new syntax is easier to understand with the custom variables. watch out for the quotes, they get copied wrong very often so make sure you rewrite them in your DAS

Edited by peterB

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