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  1. Holding control key and clicking in the window frame of several DAS Trader windows will select them for grouping: After you select the windows, you right click inside an selected window, the Frame Window Configure appears and then you type a group name in Group Configure, and click Add Now you have all charts grouped in the same window. You can rename tabs as you wish. You can group other windows such as montage, market viewer, etc.
  2. So I have seen a lot of hotkey setups on here which are very cool. I plan on using one that you can set your risk and it sets 3 range orders, but it requires entering the trade via hotkey and then triggers the range orders. I was wondering how to create a hotkey that creates 4 range orders with the stop of all set as the area i click on the chart and gets loaded into price. I've tried 2 different ways but every time only one order gets sent.. I'll post both ways and if someone could help that would be great. Thanks PS. These are to cover short. Attempt 1: ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Range;LowPrice=AvgCost-0.25 ;HighPrice=price ;Share=Pos*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send; ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Range;LowPrice=AvgCost-0.45 ;HighPrice=price ;Share=Pos*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Range;LowPrice=AvgCost-0.65 ;HighPrice=price ;Share=Pos*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Range;LowPrice=AvgCost-0.75 ;HighPrice=price ;Share=Pos*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send Attempt 2: ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Range;LowPrice=AvgCost-0.25 ;HighPrice=price ;Share=Pos*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:AvgCost-0.45 HighPrice:Price ACT:BUY QTY:POS*0.25 TIF:DAY+; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:AvgCost-0.65 HighPrice:Price ACT:BUY QTY:POS*0.25 TIF:DAY+; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:AvgCost-0.75 HighPrice:Price ACT:BUY QTY:POS*0.25 TIF:DAY+;
  3. I just started using the DAS CMD API last week and am having some difficulties with it. The sample project that they sent doesn't even seem to work correctly. Specifically, I am trying to subscribe to the level 1 information for a given symbol and it never fires the callback handler. Right after I call socket.eventPool.Subscribe(...) I get a message in the output window stating "The event pool does not contain an entry for Lv1". After that, any calls to socket.SubscribeLevelOne(...) result in nothing happening. Personally, I think it's ridiculous that they want to charge for API access and can't even provide customers with a working sample. 😞
  4. Is it possible to get an export from DAS of the pre-market open / post-market close / high of the day including all pre&post market data / low of the day including all pre&post market data? It's easy to get that info for market open hours but I've been looking for a week and I cannot find how to do it for all data (from 4am-8pm). The only thing I can come up with for post-market close is the "Last" field after 8pm EST. Does anyone know? Thanks. Biff I didn't mean to post this twice, I meant to add tags
  5. Hi all, Looks like me and another BBT member are in the top 8 for this week! I don't know who else is participating, but I have had a rough week trading: DAS Trader crashing almost every hour multiple times in the morning session, Risk control pop up windows are CRAZY LARGE and block the entire screen and were VERY distracting (finally just turned them off since it made me take losses and I was locked out all day Tuesday when I could have made big $$$!), and the normal struggles when competing, but I am feeling really good now and totally ready to win this thing. Looking at other traders results on this list, it looks like some of them are breaking the rules a bit so I am unsure if they actually enforce them. Either way, I plan to stick within the confines of the rules to practice my discipline. Cheers to a successful week 1 and congrats to BEST422 who is also with BBT! -Erik
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