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Mike Kerr

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Mike Kerr last won the day on September 16 2023

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About Mike Kerr

  • Birthday 12/26/1982
  • Location Yorba Linda, CA, USA

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  1. Here’s the link to the excel sheet the scripts above are based on. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TJy7jRHhdMYGyyfKbbYd3M7j6bqxgeoy
  2. My setup still works with double clicking the chart. I double click where I want my stop to be and then click the button on the stream deck. So I have right hand on my mouse and left hand on my stream deck. There is a pricy travel option. I originally went with the Asus Zendesk Duo. It gives you a touch screen above the keyboard which I put my montage and buttons on. https://www.asus.com/us/Laptops/For-Home/ZenBook/ZenBook-Pro-Duo-UX581/ It was a novel idea at the time for travel but the problem I found was that the keys not being tactile I have to look away from my chart to press them. And if I hovered my finger over the location and watched my chart then I would sometimes press too soon because of the sensitivity of the touch screen. And on top of that sometimes the wrong hotkey. So I ended up splurging on the stream desk. It’s about the size of a large mouse so I know I can travel with it. Just need at least a tray table to set it on.
  3. The way I’m doing it is that I have a stream deck where I have programmed my live buttons and my replay buttons. I use a different color set so I don’t accidentally use the replay buttons during normal trading hours. But they are the same orders over the same buttons so I don’t have to learn different muscle memory for replay vs market hours. I have seen Kyle create different hotkey files and that’s also a way you can manage. Just don’t forget at night to switch back before market open.
  4. Of course! As a Software Engineer myself, I believe strongly in documentation. Even if no one uses it, it’s an extended memory box I can refer to once I’ve forgotten how to repeat the solution. 😅
  5. So I have to give credit to @KyleK29 for helping me a few mornings just before the open to get these working. Thank you so much Kyle for helping me along. At the time of writing this I'm using Das Trader Pro version I'm a dad with 3 little kids. I'm still in paper trading phase and I don't feel like I get enough practice during the opening before I have to get the kids ready for school. So the replay mode is key for me to be able to continue my practice after hours. These scripts are a mod on the scripts provided in this post I am mainly using the % scripts but I also made this work for $40 R entry. Explanation Original 20% Long Script (Stop only works during open market) StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.002;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=400;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.3 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+; The part that needed to change was at the end where DefShare=400 So we replaced this... DefShare=400;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.3 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+; With this... DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; SELL=Send; DefShare=10; And presto! Stop orders now work in replay mode. Here's the Short version DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; BUY=Send; DefShare=10; Here are the scripts I'm using KEEP IN MIND THESE ONLY WORK IN REPLAY MODE!! DO NOT USE THESE FOR LIVE TRADING!! I ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN BUT KYLE WARNED ME! 😅 LONG 20% StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.002;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; SELL=Send; DefShare=10; 50% StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.005;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; SELL=Send; DefShare=10; 100% StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.001;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; SELL=Send; DefShare=10; $40 StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=40/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; SELL=Send; DefShare=10; SHORT 20% StopPrice=Price+0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.002;Price=Price-Bid+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; BUY=Send; DefShare=10; 50% StopPrice=Price+0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.005;Price=Price-Bid+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; BUY=Send; DefShare=10; 100% StopPrice=Price+0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Share=DefShare*0.25*Price*0.001;Price=Price-Bid+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; BUY=Send; DefShare=10; $40 StopPrice=Price+0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Price-Bid+0.01;SShare=40/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=Bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=Share; Route=Stop; StopType=Market; Share=DefShare; TIF=DAY; BUY=Send; I hope this helps someone! Please let me know if you have any question, tips or suggestions!
  6. I'd love to join the Zoom, did this ever take off?
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