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  1. Thanks Konrad, appreciate the insight! The "100 chrome tabs" comment made me 😂.
  2. Greetings BBT, I have a PC that I built back in 2016. i7, GTX 1080 and 32GB RAM. Even though she's got some years, she still functions really well. Currently, DAS seems to be running just fine. However, I do have a question on how I can maximize performance. Along with DAS, I run Firefox, Chrome, ThinkorSwim, and Discord. Would running these other programs potentially impact the quote speed or trade execution of DAS. Would it impact my charts and how fast the candles update. I don't see any issues (only been doing this for a week or so), but I am wondering if that's because I just don't know "what I don't know". The alternative would be to run DAS on my laptop. Just picked up a brand new HP Spectre x360 with 16GB RAM. I can have DAS be the only thing running on the laptop and keep all the other programs on the PC. Would really appreciate some thoughts and opinions!
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