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Robert M NYC

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Robert M NYC last won the day on October 15 2021

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3 Neutral

About Robert M NYC

  • Rank
    Robert M NYC
  • Birthday 06/27/1981
  • Location New York, NY, USA

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  1. Hi Honeyman. Thanks for sharing this. My only concern is that the "money zone" is actually calculated by using the market profile. You are using the Volume by price indicator here, which will have a different "zone" and levels as a result. The market profile does not account for volume and is simply showing at what price the stock was traded at any given time. I guess you know this and use this method for the purpose described above, it will still work and will give you a bias for the next days session. I would love to hear more how you use it and how helpful these levels are.
  2. Robert M NYC

    NYC Meetup with Thor


    Count me in!
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