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About NigsyP

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  1. Hey guys The video doesn't appear to have uploaded, there's just the PDF file available? Would really like to watch. Cheers. https://bearbulltraders.com/course/strategy-tuesday/lesson/breakouts-2/topic/break-of-high-of-day-strategy/
  2. Hi Everyone, my name's Nigel and I'm based in the UK. I live up in the Lake District (Cumbria) where I've worked as a mountain guide/outdoor instructor for a number of years. Great job, but incredibly seasonal and almost impossible to make a good living, as work dries up in October and doesn't return until April. More of a hobby job. I was also in the military for 6 years (Air Force), have lived in Spain and Denmark during my life and currently work for a parcel delivery company! I came across Andrew's books last year and once I read them decided that Day Trading was something for me. I've always had an interest in the markets, so not a massive life changing decision. And better than delivering parcels for 10 hours per day 🙂 Being UK based it's been tricky to figure a system out that takes in the time difference (I'm 5 hours ahead of the market) and allows me to learn, practice and eventually go live with Day Trading, while I still work my day job, something I need to do, financially. My plan is to get in the sim by the end of February. I can't trade live in the SIM because I have to work still to pay the bills, but DAS Trader records the market right? Hope I've understood that correctly! Allows me to trade when I get home from my day job, or more likely, the following morning, early, before heading out for my job. When I'm ready to think about going live, I'll be changing my day job from full time to part time as I will still need an income and don't want to put pressure on my trading so that I have to earn a living from it straight away - not gonna happen. So, my plan is to trade Mon - Wed each week live and sim on Thurs/Friday with the recorded market. Does this seem viable? Once I'm consistently making profit 3 days per week, I will then make the decision to trade full time - hopefully February 2022. Sorry to waffle on a bit, looking forward to meeting everyone in the chat when I can.
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