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Christa Lien

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  1. I would love to have a webinar that dives a little deeper on Margin. How the rates are calculated and what the normal total purchasing buying power used by newer traders vs well seasoned traders. I feel comfortable trading with "some" margin but don't want to get myself in trouble either. Even though IB offers 1:4 ratio I would like to know if others use a smaller ratio.
  2. I would love to have a webinar that dives a little deeper on Margin. How the rates are calculated and what the normal total purchasing buying power used by newer traders vs well seasoned traders. I feel comfortable trading with "some" margin but don't want to get myself in trouble either. Even though IB offers 1:4 ratio I would like to know if others use a smaller ratio.
  3. Hi All, My name is Christa and I live in Southern California. I recently was laid-off from my job that I thought I would retire in. Covid-19 has definitely put a damper on things but I didn't let that stop me from bettering myself. Day-trading is something I have wanted to do for the past 4 years but always seemed to take a backseat with everything else going on in my life. With work, 2 kids, a husband and earning my real estate license it just ended up taking the back seat. Now that I have more time on my hands Day-Trading is possible for me. The first thing I did was buy Adrew's book and it was exactly what i had been looking for. Things that I could not grasp before just started to "click"! I actually did not know Bear Bull Traders existed until I read his book, but I am so glad that I did. I am a go-getter and willing to put in the work and time, but I just could never find anything that was as straightforward as Andrew's teachings. I can't tell you enough how much I brag to my husband of how I love every single class that I have taken so far. The material, layout, and presentations are fantastic. I have learned more in the past week than I have learned in the past 4 years. I currently have my DAS simulator set up to my preferences and will start working on hotkeys later this week. I have been practicing ORB's and ABCD patterns in the mornings while following all of you in the chatroom. I love that the chatroom is not used as an 'alert' platform but more as a teaching one. This is invaluable to me because it forces me to learn and find out what works for me. With that said, I am looking for a mentor to help guide me. Having someone there to help clarify questions and breakdown trades would be awesome. I am not quite sure how I get assigned a mentor but any info on this would be great. Thank you to everyone here and I look forward to continuing my education!
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