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Gopi Mani

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  1. Thanks Justin. @Justin This clarifies everything.
  2. Thanks Justin. @Justin I gave a try again by manual entry and hotkey as well. But could not figure out where I am making the mistake. Can you please help me with this? I bought SPY 100 Shares @ 306.94 during pre-market and placed the Stop Market order using the hot key ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost-0.1;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send. Which then placed the Stop Market Order at SM:306.84 (0.1 less than the avg cost). Even though the ask price went below the SM:306.8, order was not executed. I am not sure where i am making the mistake. @Gopi Mani Cheers, Gopi
  3. Hi Justin, I still have issues with all the stop order types. Please see the screenshot below. I placed the stop market order @ 12.83. My order is accepted but not triggered even after the price went below 12.83. Cheers, Gopi
  4. Hi Justin, I am currently placing orders manually and can only place market orders using Demo account. Do you have difficulty in placing limit orders and stop orders manually using Montage in SIM? Hope the simulator should have full access to all features. It looks like the network delay to the NASDAQ server from Australia is between 200 to 350ms. In one of the DAStrader youtube video, they have mentioned that the delay should be less than 200ms. Gopi.
  5. Hi Guys, I am currently trying DAStrader Pro Demo – Free Trial and experiencing issues in placing stop orders. I am not sure that this feature is disabled in Demo account. Do you guys have any idea? Also I would like to know the best network delay for Demo account and real account? Network delay using my demo account is approx 250ms. May I know what your network delay from Australia is? My internet download speed is 95Mbps. To check this settings, please double click the symbol located at the bottom right corner of the DAS trader window and check the network delay column to the right in the pop up window. Cheers, Gopi
  6. Hello everyone, I am Gopinath, joined couple of days back and based in Brisbane. Cheers, Gopi
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