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  1. Hi Julio, I'm also in the DMV area. I don't know anything about options but I've started trading just stocks for about 3 months now. I'm sure we can learn something from each other. So let's catch up sometimes. 
    The two good books I've read recently that helped me a lot during the losing state is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas and Principles by Ray Dalio, and a whole bunch of inspirational youtube videos. 

    Good luck! 


    1. Julio Hernandez

      Julio Hernandez

      Hey Keenen - Thanks for reaching out. I'm looking to completely switch over to trading stocks only. Yea for sure - let's catch up soon. I live in Maryland near College Park which is only about 5-10 minutes from DC. Hopefully we can catch up soon.

      That's awesome - I will surely check those out. Looking to start out small/learn how to trade the right way. Do you have a trading partner?

  2. Agreed. I'm new to the game too. Anyone in this club is still actively trading?
  3. Hey there Ranajit! Absolutely. Likewise. Whenever you're in Nova, hit me up. I'm glad you're learning a lot here. Tomorrow would be my first day in the chat room, i don't know what to expect yet but man i'm excited. I'm sorry you've lost your job. But from experience, this might be the best thing happened to you.
  4. Hello World! It's an absolute pleasure to join a like-minded community. I have been that kid playing alone in the sandbox throughout HS and college, even though drama free but I have to say that its a down side on my performance. I found BBT community through Andrew's book (How to day trade for a living). The first official day trading book I've ever read in my 2 months day trading profession. I have very little experience in day trading and the market in general but do have other characteristics for becoming a successful trader. I hope to gain some guidance here and will make my own contribution where possible. I am Keene. I'm from Fairfax, Virginia. Like most of us here, I had a few other careers before. I'm current co-owning a small local cleaning business, and before that I was laid off from my sr. network engineer job. My career path is somewhat unorthodox. I like the unknown. Freedom to travel is my priority now, a trading career seems to fit best into this life style. I currently live in Peru but wish to go to as many countries as possible. I'm also a vegan, so when Andrew mentioned that he doesn't consume animal products, I pulled out my card and signed up for BBT. Again, please to meet everyone here. Have a great day!
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