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Korey R. Snead

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Everything posted by Korey R. Snead

  1. TradeZella Shared Playbook —————Higher Range Plays—————— R6 Reversal: https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/e380eaae Trending R4 Breakout (opens under R3): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/d7c655c9 R4 Breakout (opens above R4): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/60b3846b R4 Extreme Reversal (opens inside of R3): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/37ddf6ad S3 to R3 Traverse: https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/cb5c6e55 S4 Breakout (opens below S4 against the trend): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/cbdba9ca —————Lower Range Plays—————— S6 Reversal: https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/4c469c01 Trending S4 Breakout (opens above S3): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/640402fa S4 Breakout (opens below S4): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/fa620c11 S4 Extreme Reversal (opens above S4): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/2acd9b26 R3 to S3 Traverse: https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/faa9a807 R4 Breakout (opens above R4 against the trend): https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/acf1634c —————Not a Play—————— Not a Pivot Play: https://app.tradezella.com/shared_playbook/3e2bbdc6
  2. I can't seem to get this to work, does it require any variables or a certain version of DAS?
  3. These hotkeys no longer appear to work on the newer versions of DAS, are there any updates to make these dynamic risk hotkeys work again?
  4. What is the difference between the 'SSR Short' script and the normal 'Short' scrip? I used a 'bid+0.10' for my SSR key, should this work?
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