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  1. I do know part of the criteria is that the move is extended from the 9 and the 5. I also think there needs to be a new low on the 2 min chart for an entry (from a long extension to a short position/scalp).
  2. I believe he uses the Up and Down extended scanners. Hes in the process of doing a success webinar on it - at least that what he mentioned today in chat.
  3. The solution was to click with both fingers - one on each side of the touch pad. I'm working off a laptop.
  4. Great video. I'm having trouble getting the initial Dialog box to appear. You right click and the menu pops up>you then select 'configure'. When I single right click I get a tiny box with the date and a high and low, etc... When I double right click, I get a "Study Configuration' pop up box. It allows me to move 'Studies' into the "Studies Configuration' area. Is there another way to open that Dialog box? I'm currently in Demo mode in SIM.
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