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  1. Great script! I've been looking for information on the user defined variables but can't seem to find any. Do you know if it's possible to define variables for price? Basically, instead of a b/e hotkey, i wanted to create one that allows to keep half/quarter of your winnings. For easy math, say you went short at $100 per share, the current price is at $90. You want to let it run buy want to protect at least half of your current winnings.. to do so, you need a stop order @ $95. If the DAS scripting allowed for parentheses, you could just do StopPrice=AvgCost+((AvgCost-Bid)*.5) which would equal StopPrice=$95; $100+(($100-$90)*.5)=$95 If I could define 2 variables I could do: DefVar1=AvgCost-Bid; DefVar2=DefVar1*.5; StopPrice=AvgCost+DefVar2; However, I can't seem to get the variable definitions to work, any thoughts? Thanks.
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