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Brandon K

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Everything posted by Brandon K

  1. Made some good trades and some bad ones. Over traded as well. I think I'm beginning to get long biased on trades now. Trying to be neutral and be able to see both sides. I took $QCOM to the long/short side and came out overall positive. However, burned myself twice trying to catch the bottom of the pullback at the open. $CGC was a screw up. $INTC just didn't work out. $UNH faked me out. $ROKU was a good'n, but didn't let it reach it's potential. Still in a good place. I'm ready for the next few days where I'm smackin' these winners and cutting my losers off in time. $QCOM 4/17/2019 $UNH 4/17/2019 $INTC 4/17/2019 $CGC 4/17/2019 $ROKU 4/17/2019
  2. You managed your losses well. I was SUPER long biased on QCOM and actually got a great move out of it after the first 5 minutes on a pullback. Then, I kept trying to catch a move to the upside again and got burned twice. A bias will definitely have you overthinking and second guessing yourself. Also, you'd throw strategies out to then overtrade.
  3. Interesting first trade on $ROKU Mark. While you went short, I was going long and riding the squeeze along with everyone else that covered. Then, when you were going long the second time, I was selling shares and should've been holding like you. Great discipline on your entries and stop out points.
  4. I got smacked today. Had a few misreads at market open that I went big on. Had long bias today so everything felt like a long since they were strong in the pre-market. Even though $ROKU closed under VWAP, I really thought that move was gonna happen to the upside. However, that squeeze and drop back down was probably a short indicator. Had an initial pop then caught a fade. I should have noticed that at the 9/20MA 1-minute because I would have taken this short in previous trades. Got 3 good long plays afterwards to make up some of that bad loss. Also, missread $RNN thinking the close above the 20MA 5-minute would cause a squeeze. Just didn't work out and shouldn't have went long under the 9MA 5-minute and the 9MA 1-minute. That was an obvious one since I did the exact opposite on $FB. Went long above the 9MA 5-minute and 1-minute. $RNN was a great short, though. I do want to mention that even with that horrible loss, it didn't stop me from still making some good trades afterwards. I just looked at $ROKU like.. damn.. I misread the hell out of that. Kept trading although I wanted to punch $CGC in the throat. $ROKU 4/16/2019 $CGC 4/16/2019 $RNN 4/16/2019 $FB 4/16/2019
  5. Ah... I'm getting in the mojo. 5th day positive realized, but still having some negative p/l days. (Near break even mostly) Not many commissions but once I bump share sizing up I think some of that will balance out. Didn't make any mistakes today, although I missed a few moves I watched but decided to not take. Got in too early on $MU twice, but finally caught the move to make up for losses. Still working on my short bias, but I'm getting closer to a neutral state each day. Also, still working on my moving average trades. On $MU, I feel like my first attempt was good because I was trying to catch the move. My third attempt is an obvious view on what I was attempting to catch the first 2 times. Worked out perfectly. I chickened out on $WFC the second time and missed a good move. Great trading day I'd say. These wins outweighing my losses is helping my confidence knowing that what I'm doing is working. I'm off to study these charts more. $MU 4/15/2019 $WFC 4/15/2019
  6. Still working on removing my short biased. Ended the week with 4 positive realized days in a row. I'm happy about that. Great way to end the week as I go into the weekend studying these set ups. I traded SUPER well today. I don't think I made a single mistake today. I was early on a trade, cut it off then hit it again for the move. Another trade I got in long and it fell. Just didn't work out although I could've gone either way on that trade. The good thing is me seeing trades both ways. I cut some trades off too early before the moves happened. Gotta work on that big time. $CVX 4/12/2019 $PBR 4/12/2019 $CGC 4/12/2019 $WFC 4/12/2019
  7. After losing out many times after my last post, I stopped my journal. I felt embarrassed making the same mistakes over and over. Also, felt like I wasn't getting anywhere and only trading just because. Trading was not feeling fun and began to get frustrating so I had to take a step back. Nothing I was doing had a strategy to it. I traded patterns, but didn't have a consistent strategy to stick to. I'm still figuring that out, but also working on my mental. My patience is HUGE and is helping me not take everything I see without really really really talking to myself before hitting the keys. In the background, I've changed some things that so far seem to be working. I realized a lot of my trades had similar blunders and involved early entries. Some of them also were because of being short biased and trading opposite of the trend. I'm seeing things differently and a lot more clear on both the short/long side. My short bias is beginning to fade as I hammer down on the strategies I've been using. I'm using tradingsim to retrace my mistakes and it's helping me back test my strategy and find out what works/doesn't. I'm seeing myself develop as a moving average trader. I see these moves easily on both the long/short side and I feel comfortable taking these. The crazy part is, I feel comfortable taking these trades even when I lose because I know the trade works. As of writing, the previous 3 days I've been green realized. Gonna keep banging it out and eventually increase my sizing. Working on finding good places to stop out if the trades don't work out. Below are a few trades I've done that have worked and didn't. Some of my entries are still too early, but will work on finding a common ground in the tradingsim when I back test some more. $ICPT 4/11/2019 $WTW 4/11/2019 $X 4/11/2019 $ROKU 4/10/2019 $HUYA 4/10/2019 $DAL 4/10/2019 $CERN 4/09/2019 $ROKU 4/09/2019 $X 4/09/2019 $ZGNX 4/09/2019 $ROKU 4/04/2019 $VFF 4/11/2019
  8. Okay, just set up a new trial account. I'm not liking this new charting compared to trading view. Having a hard time with the scaling. Seems that the older charting had more features as I swap back between the two. Hmm EDIT! I just figured out how to set the scale of the charts. On the old chart engine, you could right click the y-axis and change a bunch of settings. (to simulate it close to das) It makes it so you don't have several candles taking up the trading window. On the new chart engine, you have to left click and hold on the y-axis to shrink or expand the candle sizes. Had to figure that one out.
  9. SNAP! The VWAP bug was a big one for me. I might go ahead and pull the trigger on it again today. I will sign up for the trial and see how it goes! Thank you for the update.
  10. Mike, you seem to have a lot of patience. I've been looking for ways to change my personality to add that in my trading. I'm rock solid on not trading the first 5-minutes and low floats, but struggling to resist on not trading at all.
  11. 3/21/2019 Got chopped and racked up commissions for days. Made about 10 hot key mistakes. Took a lot of trades on $CAG. More than I should have. Trash stock reward of the day goes to $CAG. $CAG - Went short 300 shares after the price action consolidated after a drop. Didn't think that bull run would hold. I covered a minute later feeling like it wouldn't go. Got back in short 200 shares then added 75 more on the way down. Covered half at VWAP. Covered the rest on the pullback. Got back in short 200 shares looking for a fade down through VWAP. I felt some bearish pressure on the 5-minute with a lower high lower low, but the price action closed above VWAP. Stopped out after the price action squeezed. $CAG - Went short again 200 shares again thinking that move was finally coming. Got in under the 9MA 1-minute, but didn't feel the short love. Stopped out again. $CAG - GOT THE CLOSE BELOW VWAP/9MA 5-MINUTE. THIS WAS IT. Nope... Trash. Went short 50 shares (hotkey'd 50 instead of 200) looking for that push down. Set my stop at 25.43, but didn't feel it. Cut the trade off early before the squeeze. $CAG played games. Then of course, the move happened. $MU - Super strong today. Caught a 9MA bounce on the 5-minute. Went long 300 shares and sold 50% in 3 steps. Sold everything afterwards. I think my sell points were maybe too close, but then again, you don't know what's gonna happen. I'd maybe let my first partial go a bit further since there wasn't a sign of a sell off. But, I sold it because it was filling the bearish gap on the 5-minute. $MU - Annnd stupidity struck. Or was it stupidity? I went back short on $MU looking for a reject of the 9MA 5-minute. I went short 75 shares (hotkey'd 75 instead of 300), added 300 more and looked for the move down. Should have waited for more confirmation since the price action closed bullish above the 9MA 5-minute. Got squeezed up and stopped out. Got back in short 50 shares (hotkey'd 50 shares instead of 300) and added 300 more looking for the move down. I covered half at the 50MA 1-minute, then took everything off at break even. Then the move happened so missed that opportunity. Came back with one more trade. Went long 400 shares after the price action closed above the 9MA 5-minute thinking we'd get a move back towards HOD. Stopped out at break even. Sold half on accident then sold all. Lot of hot key mistakes today. Result:
  12. 3/20/2019 Before I post my simulator trades, I need to mention a few things for me to come back and read. Or, anyone else stopping in that may get that AHA moment. I decided to increase my hotkey sizing to include 200,300,400 shares on the short side. I did keep the 50,75,100 short hot keys and also for long trades too. As I've been trading and learning more about myself, I know I am a short biased trader. I see shorts easier than longs and I tend to think more trades are shorts when they are more probable to be longs. That said, today I took several long trades and missed a sell opportunity a few times. Also, missed a few times to cover on a few short trades. Even though some of my trades are negative today, I think the balance I need for my own trading needs to be an increase in equity, increase share sizing and increase in scaling out. I say that because the past few weeks, I've seen great progress in my entries/exits, but I'm still having negative days or close to break even after commissions. It's just tough to grow a small account when you're constantly getting eaten by commissions. I hate to keep bringing that up in my mind, but commissions are a huge factor when they account for over 10% of a daily profit goal of 1% on a $3500 account. For example: If I make 1% on a $3500 account, that is $35. In most cases, I tend to trade 10 tickets. Some times less, but I'm sure my average is around 10ish. One trade in/out whether it works or not is $6 with CMEG (I think that's the name) and $9 with SureTrader. For just an entry, you're already looking at 10% of your $35 profit goal gone. (Assuming you have a winner) That bugs my brain when I'm trading and I try to push more out of a trade and end up missing out on profits. That leads to me stopping out early before moves and cutting profits too soon. This doesn't even include scaling out which adds more to the madness. I tend to be very good at stopping out on time, but sometimes I take trades that aren't there. I do stop out well on those. This could be a combination of already bad trades I've taken or missing out on profits from previous trades. It's a compounding effect. BUT, when I do get good entries, I've noticed that I am awful at exiting. Reason for that is I try to push trades longer than what the market is willing to give because my share sizing is lower. So, if I'm taking 50/75 shares, I try to push more out of that trade without scaling out. Case in point, last week I was positive realized all but Friday, but my p/l was negative due to commissions. I can feel when I'm uneasy while trading. I want to note that I feel comfortable taking big share sizes when the move works out or if my entry was good. I feel comfortable with big share sizing because I know I can scale out as I go. I get uneasy or frustrated when I know a trade was bad or my entries sucked. I don't get upset when I take a trade with big share sizing that just didn't work out that time. I'm perfectly okay internally with that. So, the changes I plan on making are below. Of course, this is me trading in the simulator, but I think I have a solid foundation on my entries. I just need to go bigger and start scaling out more to take better profits. Increase share sizing to at least $5,000. Take more precise trades Scale out on trades at key levels like MAs/VWAP I'm still not comfortable averaging down on pullbacks so I won't be doing that. I also want to add that I seem to take this simulator more seriously when I'm taking bigger share sizes. What I mean by that is share sizes that are relative to what I plan on trading live, but also share sizing that I feel is worth my time. I think I've traded small sizes enough to know where I excel at on my entries and also my exits. Which makes sense on why you trade small to take the thought of sizing out of the equation when training. All in all, I have to face the fact that I suck at trading a $3500 account. I don't have the patience to only take 1 or 2 trades a day. I do have the patience to wait the first 5-minutes for trades and not trade low floats. I've only done it once in months. I am able to keep SOME of my fomo in check, but not all of it. I have the urge to have to trade something and when I do, I need to capitalize on those moves when I do. I'm gonna keep my stops small and let my winners run by scaling out. I won't feel the pressure of letting my profits go back to my entry when I've already cashed out on the move. $GIS - After getting a close above the 9MA and near VWAP. I looked for a squeeze. Thing is, price action was down for the day. Took it long 200 shares at the 9MA 1-minute. Sold half at the break of HOD. Sold the rest on the drop. Could have held that to break-even or a close below the 9MA 1minute. I was thinking it might fade since the price action was down on the day. Or, could have thought about the previous two 5-minute candles were strong. Came back with an impulse short looking for a fade down through VWAP (which came later) and stopped out when the price action reversed. Took another short 200 shares after the price action closed below VWAP and the 9MA 5-minute. Covered half at the break of the 50MA 5-minute. Went to cover the rest and accidentally added more. Covered all then. Took one more short trade 200 shares looking for the VWAP 5-minute reject after closing below VWAP/9MA 5-minute. Stopped out. Could've waited for more confirmation when the candle opened. $TME - Went short 200 shares at the open looking for a push back down to low of day for the ORBD. Got in on the pullback, but the price action wasn't bearish. Went short 200 again, looking for a reject of the 9MA 5-minute. Price action closed above VWAP, but under the 9. I took it short and stopped out. Could have waited for more confirmation here. $NVRO - Traded this one a lot. Went short 200 shares for the fade through VWAP. Covered half at VWAP and the last 100 on a pullback. I wanted 59.80s but I wasn't patient enough. Could have held the last 100 shares until that move down since it was so close to break even. $NVRO - After getting a doji between VWAP/9MA 5-minute, I went long 200 shares looking for a pop. I got out too soon before the move happened. Based on how I was trading today, I would have probably sold half on that pop above VWAP and kept the rest at break even. $NVRO - I got back in looking for a short 200 shares since the price action didn't hold above VWAP. I'm thinking it would fade this time and hit the 20MA 5-minute. Stopped out before the price action squeezed. $NVRO - Took another shot at a long play, Went long 200 shares looking for a move towards high of day. Got the pop, but I walked away from my computer for a few minutes an came back to a wash, lol. Sold for a loss. Got back in 250 shares for a short (hit 50 on mistake and then added 200). Got a move down to the 20MA 5-minute and then the price action reversed. Sold for a small loss. Could've covered some at that moving average. $AMD - Had a good clean break down. I saw the price action at 1030, but decided to not take it. Good set up. Result:
  13. 3/19/2019 Gah.. had a blow up today specifically on $STNE. First trade was good, but didn't work out. The second one was the right idea but took too big of size. The last one was too much risk on a bad trade entirely. Got humbled again. $MU - Price action was strong, looked for a break down through VWAP. I knew it was an ABCD pattern, but that close to VWAP I thought we'd get a move down. Took 100 shares short and stopped out for a small loss. $DERM - Took one trade and got bold. Went short 100 shares and added another 100 looking for a move down to low of day. Price action held the 11.91 level and squeezed on my add. Stopped out for a loss. $WHD - This one gapped down in the premarket and squeezed at open. Closed above VWAP/20MA, but I went short 100 shares looking for that move down. Didn't work out, but a move happened later in the day. $STNE - Trash trades of the day. Went short 50 shares (to manage risk) at the 9MA 1-minute looking for a move down to low of day. I think this was a great entry. Didn't hold and stopped out for a loss. $STNE - Got back in this time looking for a long. I saw that the price action on the day overall was bullish. I went long 100 shares looking for the move up. My risk was too much and I stopped out early before getting the move. Then, I came back looking for a short. Again, 100 shares which was too much. I was trying to make up losses and got caught slipping again. Stopped out for a loss on a bad trade. The first two trades I think were good moves, but my last trade was trash. Result:
  14. 3/18/2019 Made some good trades. Thinking I need to drop back at the open and start trading later in the day. I've visited this before, but didn't stick with it. I seem to make decent trades at the open and then in between the open and maybe 10, I make bad trades then come back and make good trades later. $BA - Went short 50 shares after getting a close below the 9MA/20MA 5-minute, but above VWAP. Looked for the fade and got stopped out before the price action squeezed. $DERM - Tried a long play on $DERM first for 100 shares. Saw an ABCD pattern, but stopped out before a fade happen. Flipped over to the short side 75 shares looking for a move down to the 20MA 5-minute. Covered on the pullback on the 1-minute for a small gain. $FB - Was looking for a reject from VWAP/9MA. A bad trade similar to my previous trade on $ROKU on 3/15/2019. I'm thinking this strategy doesn't work that far away from the 9MA and a previous 3 bullish 5-minute candles. I took it short 100 shares and stopped out before the squeeze happened. I'd probably take this one again. $FB was super clean at open. $ROKU - Went short 75 shares on $ROKU looking for the move down through VWAP. Signal was the price action consolidation around VWAP and couldn't keep momentum upwards on the 5-minute. Found an opportunity at the 9MA 1-minute. Definitely covered too early. The close below VWAP/9MA 5-minute could've been a signal to hold longer for a sell off. This could've been a one and done trade. $FIS - Looked for a reject on the 5-minute at previous day close / 9MA 5-minute. Shorted 100 shares at the previous day close and got a small move down. Covered not thinking it would last.The 9MA 5-minute reject came later. $FIS - Also super clean at open. Result:
  15. 3/15/2019 Ahhhh, can't get out of this terrible exit rut. Felt like I traded very well for a Friday. Limited my number of stocks to watch to 5 stocks. I did add $ROKU later and took a bad trade. Took 1 bad trade that was pre-mature and FOMO. $DOCU - First off, spread was trash! After the open, went short looking for a 50MA 5-minute play (green line). Went 75 shares, got a move down and then a squeeze happen. Covered for a loss. I'd gladly accept that loss again. Got back in for another trade but to the long side. My entry wasn't the best but I went 100 shares on this. My signal was the clsoe above the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute. Got the pop up and then a drop. The drop didn't bother me so much as the spread did. I sold too early and the spread caused a break even trade. Got back on for one more short. Shorted 75 shares looking for the move down and got stopped out. $GDS - Went short 100 shares with a stop above the previous 2 candles looking for a move down through VWAP. My signal was the previous 5-minute indecision candle. Bulls couldn't hold it so I shorted. Got a move down to VWAP and could a bit later thinking the move would continue. Would've been a good trade for scaling out. Got back in for another move down with 100 shares. Stopped out at break even. Missed my cover point at the 20MA 5-minute. Got back in short again 100 shares and didn't cover again again. Terrible exits. $ROKU - This was a bad trade. Went short 75 shares looking for a 9MA 5-minute reject. Just a bad trade all around. No signal for a short here. $FB - Went short 100 shares on $FB looking for the VWAP/20MA 5-minute reject. Previous 4 1-minute candles were bearish. Stopped out for a loss. Result:
  16. 3/14/2019 Still having issues with scaling out and letting winners run. The day would've been different although I feel like I traded well. Revenge traded $FB Considering adding two scale out hotkeys. 50% and 75% $ROKU - The market got me with this one.. Went short 75 shares at VWAP 5-minute looking for the push down. Set my stop above my entry candle,but probably should've been around the previous candle high. Stopped out before the price action faded down to the 50MA 5-minute (green line). Disappointing trade performance. $ROKU - Other opportunities showed up. I fired on the hot key at the arrow looking for the 9MA 5-minute reject. I almost pulled it earlier, but waited for consolidation. Once the previous 5-minute candle closed below both the 50/9MA 5-minute, I figured it was the perfect set up. Unfortunately, my $ROKU montage was not in focus so my order didn't go through. $FB - At the same time as $ROKU, took a trade on $FB. Went short 75 shares looking for the move down. Got the close below the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute, but I figured the move would happen. Should've waited 1 more minute and would've gotten the perfect entry the first time. Stopped out at the 20MA 1-minute. Got back in short 100 shares the second time thinking that would happen. Got the move down and covered half then all in two steps. Took another trade on $FB. Even though the price action closed below VWAP, I thought it might reject the 9MA 5-minute and reject. Went short 100 shares on the small pullback to the 9MA 1-minute and got squeezed up the next minute. Stopped out. Glad I got out because the squeeze was brutal. Got back in for another short looking for the move back down after previous bearish candles. My signal was on the 1-minute and got an entry under the 9MA 1-minute. Shroted 75 shares, but stopped out. After getting the close below the 9MA 5-minute but above VWAP, I shorted again 75 shares and stopped out. I left $FB alone after that. Definitely revenge traded although I thought that move down through VWAP would happen. It did, but later in the trading day. y $CLDR - Another trade I feel that I didn't handle well. I went short 100 shares with a stop at high of day. I felt the previous 5-minute candle stick showed that bulls were losing momentum. On my entry, the price action dropped. I felt like the price action would bounce off the support under VWAP. I didn't give the price action enough room to close under VWAP. Once the close happened, the price action made the move. Disappointed in this one too. $DG - My last disappointment of the day, lol. $DG made a heck of a move in the first 15 minutes. I waited for a pullback to the 9MA 5-minute. Got that move and I went short 100 shares with a stop above 111. Entry was 110.82. Price action held the 20MA 1-minute and fell. Then, $DG started consolidating on the 1-minute. I covered after a few minutes thinking a squeeze would happen around low of day. Price action fell off a cliff. This one trade probably would have made 5% of my account. BIggest disappointment of the day. Result:
  17. 3/13/2019 Another good day. Made some good trades. Didn't take profits on a trade and turned into a loser. Cut winners off before allowing them to run. Cut a trade off I didn't have to and missed big profits $PDD - Was looking for the ORBD at open. I wanted to short here after the first 5-minutes and close below the 9MA 5-minute. Perfect set up. I went short 100 shares, but didn't get filled. Price action left me. : ( $PDD - I closed the failed order and waited for a pullback, went short 75 shares near the 9MA 1-minute feeling some consolidation and no strong move up. Price action pushed down and then squeezed the next minute. Stopped out at the 20MA 1-minute. Got back in for short 75 shares again after the price action closed below the 9MA 5-minute and didn't break the 20MA 1-minute. Waited a few minutes and got a small move down, but felt like the price action was stalling. Covered my position. Price action fell off a cliff from there. Missed a big one. I think my entries were solid, but definitely bummed on missing the big move. Covered too early, but didn't want to get caught in a squeeze either. $ROKU - First trade, was looking for the move down to the 20MA 5-minute and got it. My signal as the roll over on the 5-minute and the price action closing under the 9MA 1-minute. Went short 75 shares with a stop above the previous candle. Covered everything at the 20MA 5-minute. Perfect trade. $ROKU - Price action came back down on $ROKU and close under the 9MA 5-minute. Before that, got some chop in the price action, but I waited for that close below the 9MA 5-minute to give me a good stop loss point. I went 75 shares again and covered near low of day. Could've squeezed more out of that move, but didn't want to get greedy. $ROKU - Took another trade on $ROKU this time looking for a 9MA 5-minute fade. Shorted 75 shares, got a move down and didn't covered. Stopped out for a loss. Waited for another opportunity. Waited for a close below VWAP, but then got a late entry. Shorted 100 shares and looked for the move down near low of day. Covered everything once I got a decent move. After looking at the bigger picture of $ROKU throughout the trading day, scaling out would have reaped huge rewards. $CRON - Had some good opportunities. Nice close below VWAP/9MA 5-minute for a big drop. $MOMO - Had some opportunities for 9MA 5-minute plays too. Result:
  18. 3/12/2019 Didn't make the same mistake today like I did on $ELAN yesterday. $ROKU - Went short 100 shares looking for the ORBD. Got a move down and covered. Traded the P/L as usual. Could've squeezed more out of it, but didn't want to be greedy. This move was 1% of my equity. Signal: Close below VWAP and 9MA 5-minute. $MOMO- Price action at open squeezed up and closed above VWAP/9MA 5-minute. I took a similar trade long on $ELAN yesterday and got stopped out on a fade. I went short 100 shares this time taking it as the bulls couldn't hold the price up. I covered everything at the 20MA 5-minute (blue line) thinking the price action would bounce from there. Made the right call. $MOMO gave a nasty reversal opportunity later. Good entries at the 9MA 5-minute. $SFIX - I had the same mindset here like I did on $MOMO. Bulls couldn't hold the price action up so I shorted. I almost shorted at 9:40, but didn't feel like it was the right time. I wanted to see the close above/below the 9MA 5-minute first. If I shorted, I would've gotten caught in a nasty squeeze. After the price action didn't close below the 9MA 5-minute, I waited. When I did short, 75 shares with a stop above the previous candle. Figured if it would go, it would be now. Got a big drop, but covered too soon as always. Was looking for 35.50, but I thought that if the price action closed below VWAP, it could go to 35 or near the 20MA 5-minute (blue line). Went a lot lower. $DKS - Had it on my watchlist, but stop watching it after the trash action that it had. The price action straighten up later and offered a solid clean breakdown after close below the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute. Result:
  19. 3/11/2019 Reset account to $3500 Seems like I always trade well when I reset an already losing account, lol. $ELAN - Price action squeezed at open and closed slightly above 9MA/VWAP 5-minute. I read it as bulls couldn't hold it higher but kept it above VWAP. I saw it as a pullback and went long 75 shares. Bad choice since I contradicted my first thought. Stopped out at VWAP. Second trade, tried to short again 75 shares after getting a close below VWAP/9MA 5-minute but stopped out before a squeeze. Target was the 50MA 5-minute (green line). $LLY - Waited for an entry. Went short after the price action closed below the 20MA 5-minute. Seems like I caught it at the perfect time. Covered near the new 5-minute low. Price action squeezed up. $CRON - Missed the ORBD. Good entry after the close below VWAP. Result:
  20. 3/8/2019 Today was bad... traded like trash. Traded chop Second guessed myself and ended on the wrong side of trade At this point, I think I've blown up this account. Will look things over and reset Monday to around $3500 of equity. $BIG - Chopped around and I should have left this one alone. I stopped looking at it initially when the price action made big range bullish/bearish candles. After thinking the price action would catch a fade, I went short 75 shares looking for the move. Instantly got squeezed up to VWAP and took a loss. $ROKU - Another set of bad trades. I thought on my first trade that $ROKU would go to the short side since it closed below the 20MA 5-minute. Shorted 75 shares and stopped out. Bad trade. Second trade, wanted to go long and accidentally went short 75 shares. Covered that position immediately. Third trade, after messing up the previous trade, I went long 100 shares looking for a pop towards high of day. The hammer on the 5-minute and close above VWAP was my signal. My mental was messed up at this point and once the price action pulled back, I sold my shares for a loss. A move did happen after my exit. $SQ - Was looking for a short on $SQ. I saw resistance on the 1-minute. Shorted 100 shares. Price action never closed below the 9MA 1-minute until my entry, though. However, the price action did close below the 9MA 5-minute. Price action squeezed up after my entry and I covered for a loss near new high of 5-minute candle. Looking back on it, I shorted on the "C" of an ABCD pattern. I was okay with this one even though the price action closed above VWAP before my entry. Several reasons to not take this trade, but not a bad one. $HUYA - Was looking for a short and reject of the 9MA 5-minute. The previous 5-minute gave was very bullish so I expected the pullback. Got in 75 shares at the 9MA 1-minute looking for the move down. Price action didn't hold and I covered at VWAP for a small loss. Result:
  21. 3/7/2019 $KR - Got fooled twice by this so I left it alone. First trade, went short 100 shares after the price action closed below the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute. Got a late entry on the 1-minute. Next minute, price action squeezed hard. Stopped out at VWAP. Got back in for another short, but didn't get filled since SSR was turned on. Got back in for another short 100 shares and late entry. Got stopped out again. I was too early on the morning, but left it alone after the move I was looking for happened. $MU - Missed the ORBD. Waited for an entry and saw an opportunity at VWAP for a long. My signal was the close above the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute. Went long 100 shares and sold a few minutes after the pop. $ROKU - This one was a heart break. I was watching to see if the price action would reject the 9MA 5-minute. After the price action blew through it, I waited to see what would happen at the 20MA 5-minute (blue line). I said, if the price action closes between the 9MA and 20MA 5-minute, I'm shorting. After getting the close, I shorted 100 shares with a stop above the 20MA 5-minute. Got the move down and covered everything after a few minutes. Didn't think the move would last long. Price action continued to sell off and then pulled back to the 9MA 5-minute before selling off again. Missed that set up. $BURL - I watched this cash cow for awhile. Missed several opportunites at 150. Pulled the trigger for a short for 75 shares then 50 shares, but didn't have the buying power for the order to go through. Took another stab at it after closing my other trades, but didn't get filled due to SSR. Result:
  22. 3/6/2019 $DLTR - Price action closed below VWAP and the 9MA 5-minute. Was looking for a move back down the previous day close. Went short 75 shares at the 9MA 1-minute. Didn't get the move immediately, but stopped out at the 9MA. Got a small move down before the price action squeezed. on the 1-minute, price action made lower highs lower lows. Probably noise, though. Came back with another trade on $DLTR looking for a move down through VWAP. Went short 75 shares after the pullback on the 1-minute and covered everything at the bottom of the gap. Price action didn't hold and squeezed. Glad I covered $ANF - Price action appeared bullish during the first 5. Waited for a pullback to the 9MA 1-minute and went long 200. I went long 200 shares because of the distance from the entry at the 9MA 1-minute stop out point. Sold half near the top and sold everything on the next candle. Took $ANF to the short side 75 shares after the price action rolled over. Wanted the 50MA 1-minute around 24.70. Price action got near that area and I covered everything on the way up back up through VWAP. Price action formed an upside down hammer and closed above VWAP. I was talking about this trade and said this would be the time to go long since the price action couldn't break VWAP. I'm beginning to see long trade easier now instead of being completely short biased. $MU - Missed a ORBD and VWAP/9MA reject on the 5-minute. $SE - Nice reject of the 9MA 5-minute and close under VWAP for a fade. Result:
  23. 3/5/2019 Today went well on my entries, but I didn't take profits when I should have. I got caught up in looking for that home run trade and I thought I had one. Took profits for a lot less than the potential. $WB - Went short 100 shares on $WB after getting a good close below VWAP entry. My signal was the close below VWAP on both the 5/1-minute and the consolidation at the 9MA 1-minute. After getting a push down, I was looking for the 65 area. I think my target was too far away. I ended up covering for a small gain after the price action retraced. Still a good trade, but my blew the exit bad. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I shouldn't have expected the price action to fill that gap with that long wick in the previous candle. This one trade on $WB would've made my week, though so gotta keep that in mind when trading p/l. Didn't feel like I did, but felt greed at the same time. $TGT - Took two trades and got pretty ambitious on the second. I'm beginning to feel those times to go heavy and times to not. This was a time to go heavy. First trade, I shorted in a pullback looking for the roll over back to low of day. Shorted 75 shares and stopped out before the squeeze. I think this trade would've went either way since the price action consolidated between the 9/20MA 1-minute without closing above/below either. Glad I felt the time to close the trade after the 9MA 1-minute began to uptrend. $TGT - Went short again after getting a close below VWAP/9MA 5=minute. Went short 75 shares looking for that roll over. Stop was above VWAP. I added 75 shares after the price action could move up. Bears lost control of the price action and I got out at VWAP before the price action squeezed. Result:
  24. 3/4/2019 Didn't trade 100% today. Got smacked a few times at market open. Made one trade long that I normally would have shorted. Read the signal wrong. Need to start following my first thought. Took a few trades too early. Stopped out on some trades too early and others on time. Overtraded a bit. Sizing was good. $EA - Price action gapped up and faded in pre-market. Afgter the first 5-minutes, waited for an entry and watched whether the price action would close above the 50MA 5-minute. I saw the 50MA and previous day close as support. But, on the 1-minute, it set up nicely for a short. I went long 100 shares looking for a pop with 3 previous bullish candles on the 1-minutes as confirmation. Stopped out for a bigger lost than I wanted. Stop was below the previous 3 candles, but I held till previous day close. Normally, I would have taken this trade to the long side with an entry at the 9MA 1-minute. Would have been a nice break down. Next time, will follow the trend. Second trade on $EA was the opposite of my first. I went short 75 shares looking for a move down to the 95.50s level, but got squeezed up on a reversal. Read the price action wrong again. Third trade, went short 100 shares after getting a close below VWAP and the 9MA 5-minute. Didn't get the move I was looking for right away and covered for a small loss. $NTNX - Missed the ORBD. Waited for a pullback and went short 75 shares looking for a reverse ABCD pattern. Entry was too early and stopped out at VWAP. Came back with a proper short at the 9MA 1-minute and covered at the break of a new 5-minute low. There's a possibility I would have taken the trade a lot earlier had I waited for confirmation. $NTNX - Took one more trade. My signal was the close above the 9MA 5-minute. Many were already in this trade, but I went long 100 shares with a stop below 33. Moved my stop near break even after getting positive moves up. Sold everything at the 20MA 5-minute. $SQ - Missed the ORBD. Waited for a pullback and went short 75 shares at the 9MA 1-minute. Added 75 more and looked for a move down. Set a hard stop at 77 as a stop out point. Stopped out for a loss. $SQ - After getting a close above VWAP, but under the 9MA 5-minute, I looked for a fade. Went short 75 shares looking for a break below 76.93. Could have covered at that point, but ended up covering at break even. Got back in for another short after getting a close below both VWAP/9MA 5-minute. Covered near break even after the price action felt like it wasn't gonna go. Few minutes later the sell off happened. For reference on these two trades, my original stop loss was around 77.50, but I moved it after getting some play in the positive direction. Result:
  25. 3/1/2019 $NTNX - Price action gapped down in pre-market and sold off hard at open. After the first 5-minutes, good entry showed at minute 6, but was not ideal for a 9MA entry. I waited for a better entry and went short 75 shares. I eventually covered after about 5-minutes before the price action pulled back. Came back with a long play 100 shares on $NTNX to the upside looking for VWAP on the 5-minute. Might have set that target too far off, but the price action didn't break the 20MA 1-minute. I probably should have sold everything there, but I sold when the price action rolled over. $NTNX - Took one more trade on $NTNX which was my last trade of the day. After the price action closed under VWAP/9MA 5-minute twice, I went short 75 shares looking for low of day. I almost covered a few minutes before my exit when the price action chopped. I could have held longer, but I think I traded it the right way. If I had more shares, this would have been a partial cover point and maybe the next drop being the final cover point. $SQ - Price action sold off hard at open, Waited for an entry at the 9MA 1-minute and shorted 75 shares. I was trading this alongside $NTNX. My ultimate target was around 77.50 which was the 9MA 1-Day. I missed the cover point and covered for a small loss at the break of the 9MA 1-minute. Came back with another short attempt on $SQ after the price action closed below VWAP and the 9MA 5-minute. My original stop was above the previous 5-minute candle. Should've kept that target but I stopped out after the price action challenged VWAP again. Price action rolled over afterwards. Another missed opportunity. $GPS - Watched this one for awhile. Previous price actions showed a trend on the 9MA 5-minute. After seeing the close under VWAP and then the 9MA 5-minute, I took it short 75 shares. Got instantly squeezed up and covered for a loss at VWAP. I think the signal was there, but got caught in a trap. Result:
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