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  1. Hello all! I previously was day trading with BBT (lifetime member), but unfortunately it was not as profitable for me, and I had to return to fulltime work. I have saved up and am ready to try it again! The broker I was with CMEG does not operate in Canada anymore.... does anyone have a good broker with small minimum for margin ($5000) ? sorry if this has been answered before...thanks everyone!
  2. hey TJ if you could confirm that i am included that would be great. Thanks!
  3. Thank you Kyle! I changed the montage to add 0.01 to short but nothing so far. I also changed my hot button to what you recommended: ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=Bid-0.05;Share=BP*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;HANDINST=ANY;SSHARE=0 ;SELL=Send; StopPrice=last*1.01; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+ ACT:BUY; but then i get this msg: Send_Rej Shrt 14 SQ 64.06 --SMAT--12:26:18--Short marketable limit order disabled due to SSR! order send pending! but my order wont show up on "Orders" not sure what else I could try.
  4. Hello, I have a hotkey script which is as follows: ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=Bid-0.05;Share=BP*0.25 ;TIF=DAY+;HANDINST=ANY;SSHARE=0 ;SELL=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=last*1.01;Share=BP*0.25;TIF=DAY+;HANDINST=ANY;BUY=SEND This is for short selling. My issue is whenever there is an SSR on a stock and I choose to SHORT which only happens on upticks...it turns into a normal buy order. How can I change this to get it to buy on uptick but still be a short order?? Thanks!
  5. Hey guys I'm from Mississauga so if we could get a few more people, Im sure Andrew will show interest in coming over to the GTA!
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