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  1. where is the text file mentioned in the PDF i only see the PDF itself?
  2. Is there a way to have this compatible with sub 1 dollar stocks? Whenever I use this on penny stocks shorting, it automatically enters me even if it is not at my entry price, I notice its on sub 1 dollar stocks. So maybe the entry doesnt work for mutliple decimal place entries? example tried to short at .153 today on vtgn, i set my entry and it fills me at .159 before ever hitting my entry
  3. Hello Has this script been released? I am looking for this one and will pay for it. I short stocks and I keep R fixed and add in the money + move my stop, 3 to 4 times. It would be amazing if i could execute with the hot key instead of doing the calculations in excel then manually entering. Thank you!
  4. Hello All, I was wondering if there is a key for the short side. Where i can incoroprate adds. For example Short side...Stop loss 10 dollars, Entry 9.50, Add at 9.25 move stop to 9.75, . Is there a key that allows one to do this for example multiple times? I usually move my stop down keeping R the same and my stop 3/4/5 times.
  5. @Abdul @Julien Maisan @Abdul Sultani Hello Gentleman, did anyone get this working? I trade similar and scale into my positions, it is horribly inefficient for me to enter my position then have to use excel to figure out my adds and new stops lol I usually add 4 or 5 time to my short position (primarily short bias). Would appreciate all and any help, and will pay to get this script.
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