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  1. Hello, i've got a strange problem with this hotkey: Cover % of Your Position Placing a New Stop Loss at Break Even Note: The text in red is the percentage of your position being covered. The script user can change it to any amount they like. In this example it is set to 50%. Also, understand that the stop is a market order and price slippage may occur. CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=ASK+0.05;Price=Round2;Share=Pos*.5;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost;Share=Pos+share;TIF=GTC;BUY=SEND When i take my first partial lets say 50%, the stop goes to break even but it ads 50% to the amount it will cover so i shorted 100 shares, i take 1 partial > the stop hits my break even and now im suddenly long 50 shares. It does that only on my first partial. the second partial it will take 50% of the shares off.. so i go from 100 > 150 > 75> 37 and so on. the long version of this hotkey works perfectly fine for me. ive been struggling with this for a while now, hopefully someone knows the solution. thnx!
  2. great tool, thanks! does anyone know what the random no are? do i need to reset them or just leave it? thnx
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