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  1. Hi everyone, the alias is Troady, my real name is Luis Arteaga, Cuban from origin, an American citizen now after having been Dutch citizen also for 18 years. Graduated from ITU Utrecht (The Netherlands) in 1987 in PC hardware and software although have been driving semi-trucks for the last 30 years going to remote places in more than 60 countries and 4 continents. Very glad to have been many places and learned several languages, still fluent in English, Spanish and Dutch and manage my way with French and German. Now at 63 years old, things are and look different. Living in Naples, FL since 2004 managing a small trucking company from where i currently make my living, hope to change that soon with day trading. Have been busy with Forex and Crypto in the past, but nothing to write about, i was looking anyway for a way to trade and did find Andrew`s book "Day trading for a living" and got hookup, can`t find anything more honest, sincere and easy to understand that this book, after that i make contact with Abiel, one of the moderators of the Spanish community and become a proud member of BBT since today, 6/21/22. Will be bothering some of you, asking question and getting you guys busy for a while until getting strong results with my day trading. Good luck to you all.
  2. Hola todos, mi alias es Troady, nombre real es Luis Arteaga, Cubano de origen, Norteamericano de nacionalidad despues de haber sido Holandes tambien por 18 años. Resido actualmente en Naples, Florida desde el 2004, donde me rompo la cabeza a diario dirigiendo una compañia de transportes que poseo con varios camiones de carretera. Soy graduado del Intituto tecnologico de Utrecht en hardware y software de computadores (clase del 87), aunque mi pasion hasta hace poco era manejar camiones y ir a lugares remotos, gracias a eso conozco varios continentes, cerca de 60 paises y hablo varios idiomas. He hecho algunos pinitos en Forex y Crypto, aunque sin resultados a destacar, llevo siguiendo stocks y Wall Street por algun tiempo y hace poco choque con el libro de Andrew Aziz "Day trading for a living" y me impresiono lo sincero, franco y explicativo del libro. Decidi contactar a alguien de la comunidad en Español y despues de hablar con Abiel, decidi unirme a la comunidad de traders. Aqui estamos, espero que por mucho tiempo y espero hacer buenas amistades dentro de la comunidad.
  3. Any meetup for this July 4 in Florida ?

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