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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I took time this weekend to make some adjustments for my trading after the Open, I didn't have written TradeBook or plans. I made playbooks for Parabolic Pullbacks and Mountain Passes, I also made a DaS layout that was just for observing my 6 stocks on watchlist. There is no montage to trade or anything else, just 6 1 minute charts. This will keep me from entering trades that don't meet the criteria of my ne TradeBooks. It worked very well today. I also recorded some affirmations this weekend that I have been meaning to do since Crede's last success webinar. The app I used is called I Am That I Am.
  2. 1 point
    Hey, thanks a lot for the reply! The #'s I posted were directly from my trade log --- entry was 21.95 short, stop loss set to 22.11, shares purchased were 2083 and stop loss was triggered at 22.12 ---- the risk was actually $333 versus $250 and my total loss stop amount was $354 based on the share size. The script is giving me too many shares for the risk $. Just seeing if my script is whack or if others are experiencing this as well, and just something we all live with.
  3. 1 point
    Hi Jeromy, Thank you for sharing your journey (so far), and your plan moving forward, getting back to basics. I love listening to piano, especially when I am driving during the day. I find it very soothing and inspiring, depending on the piece. The YouTube video of William playing is great, will put it on my preferred list. I totally agree you with you, watching Andrew in the "zone" during opening drive is amazing. The way he moves in and out of positions almost seamlessly without any visible emotions, is something to thrive for, and something we all can learn from. Although I believe, it requires a certain type of personality to do what he does and how he does it. But, as he always says, we all have to find the strategy that suits our personality. Personally, I am not very good, or fast enough for ORBs during the opening drive, try to wait out the first 5-10 minutes to see the chart form. Looking at the bigger picture, zooming out little bit more, gives me bigger confidence and chance for a better R:R. Below is one of my SPCE trades during the day. Do you have a favorite strategy, or set up? BTW, great trading station, plenty of screen space.. Have a great week, Karl
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