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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    3-24-20 AIS 0805, 7 hours, 7/10 PAT: ONE Stock once I find it. PB#3 Live only. MGM PB#2 Bounce off VWAP and broke a 11.05 L2 level failed to below VWAP -1R GILD Rev. ABCD Failed to C -1R PB#3 To early of a trend of the 9ema on the 5min failed at VWAP -1.4R PB#3 took it at the return to the EMAs on the 5min and failed below VWAP with an explosive move taking me below my Stop -1.8R MGM PB#3 trending the 9ema took a nibble in sim and when it came down to .40 took it live (and accidentally took 1/3 share size) and got out of sim right after. was able to grab two small partials before the dump and all out. +0.4R PB#7 Marked Chart +3.6R Cons: Over-traded the morning Taking trades outside of my playbook. Pros: Feeling more confidant in my PB#3 and PB#7 trades PB Trade: MGM PB#7 Rs: -0.2R
  3. 1 point
    March 24 - Not a bad day. Took a while to find a setup today and it took a couple stabs at it before it worked out. First trade I got stopped out on after testing the stop 2 times. When it failed to continue to sell off and I verified that I was analyzing the stock independently from the first trade, I jumped back in at the same level. This time it worked out, but I did a terrible job of managing the trade once I was in it. It had everything to do with the fact that I was trading my P&L at that moment instead of just trading my plan. Still came out on top, but it could have been a much better trade. Out of the two trades the one I lost money on was my best trade of the day.
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